>>54868485Sounds like what you suffer from is a lack of purpose, something bigger than yourself you can devote your being to. This is a big reason MOST people are depressed these days. Men aren't meant for the modern life of mindless drone work, consume, sleep and repeat. Everyone has a God, whether they be religious or not. For me thats my family. What is it for you? Identify what it is and form a plan. Network with others like you; men are built to communicate, cooperate and compete. This is how I see life. It is marred by sadness, yes. I've seen my fair share of it recently. My parents were in a dreadful accident a year and a half ago that left my father with brain damage and mother paralyzed from the chest down. I can't tell you how many times they both said they wish they never survived. But you know, I've seen them muster the strength to go on regardless, strength that would make the heroes of the past nod their heads in respect.
Point is, find your God, and give yourself wholeheartedly to it.