>>54878645>vs GreenShittiest of them all. It's iconic because it's the original final boss of the franchise, yes, but it's far from the level of the others.
> vs GiratinaWill never be as good as sinnohfags pretend it is. Distorsion World is cool indeed, but that's pretty much it, Giratina doesn't even feel special compared to later moments because it's just a rehash of Rayquaza except this time it's sinister. Cool, but not that much
>vs NEpic conclusion of a narrative about the villain leader actually being your rival and parallel, the inheritor of a legendary trainer chosen by a legendary pokemon, just like you.
This is when Pokemon really started to write for real.
> vs DeoxysNarratively less interesting than the one I just mentioned, but the presentation and feeling of a threat is way, way greater. They literally took a dumb rumour from the school recess about going to space in RSE and made it real, making you climb a lore-heavy version of the Sky Pillar with an epic organ music, to catch Rayquaza, now revered as a literal god, and megaevolve it to ride it INTO FUCKING SPACE to destroy a meteor that would destroy the world. And then Deoxys makes a surprise apperance, it's out of this world.
>vs AIHands down the rawest moment in this franchise. Conclusion of the plot of the bro you made at the beginning, prof being the actual secret villain, the twist of its death and replacement by an AI that is actually a better person and is instead possessed by the prof programming, the use of mysterious impossible monsters never seen before with typings you wouldn't even imagine, the descend into its crystal-invaded laboratory while the group bonds and work together to reach the deepest part of this twisted paradise, when you have to trust your pokemon companion will save you from its feral brother who previously defeated and expulsed him...
DLC part 2 has no way to top this
>vs RedOut of the list because I'm too nostalgic for this scene, sorry.