>Be me, playing Alakazam EX
>Opponent is using Electric with Miraidon, Raikou, Regielec, the works,
>Opening hand is shit, only get Bidoof
>Opponent goes full stop, sets up extremely quickly
>Get curb stomped early on, opponent uses Iron Hands to drop to one prize, clears out my mew and radiant
>He starts spamming the happy emote
>Suddenly get my hands on mimikyu
>Promptly snipe his Hands into 50%
>Guy retreats and goes into raikou, trying to draw
>I draw another mimikyu, play it
>Faggot tries to escape rope me
>Opponent finally gets wise and tries to kill me with Flaffy
>Opponent keeps drawing cards in desperate bid, even uses Forest Seal and and Arceus vstar
>MFW I realize he only ran one BO
>MFW when his only non rule box was a single Mareep/Flaffy
Anyway, dude got pissy and went AFK just to spite me. I realize my victory was more because my opponent was an idiot and maybe got unlucky with his final prize, but regardless, it was funny to run over a comp player with a shitty meme deck, especially with such a wide lead