>>54915625>>54917080>>54917386>>54918585Common misconception. Bunny libido isn't much different from human libido. They get their fertility symbolism as a result of being in heat year round (like human beings), having short gestation periods, and having a ton of children at a time (about 12 babies in a month). But human stamina is overall greater than bunny stamina, especially in regards to sex. If you really wanted to, you could out fuck a bunny pretty easily. But in actuality, you could probably out fuck any animal. I assume Pokemon as well. Humans have incredible stamina and a really low refraction period. Meaning we can do something strenuous for a long time and bounce back almost immediately by comparison to most anything else because of our history as exhaustion predators (we followed shit around until it died). Also, and this is important, we're one of like 3 animals on this planet that have evolved for pleasurable sex (chimps and dolphins are the other ones). All females can feel good during sex and it benefits them to do so, because it drives them to actually breed. But most males aren't as equipped for making it feel good as we are and the act with them is always incredibly fast (horses last like 45 seconds for instance) because non social animals have no reason to spend a long time on sex. But social animals spend forever fucking. Basically, male humans have the best shaped dicks for long term pleasure, the best stamina for sex, and we're in constant heat. We're accidental sex gods compared to other species. This is why farmers who fuck mares find them more or less addicted to human dick and why there are stories about farmers who've accidentally fried sow brains by fucking them. We aren't meant to fuck other things, and other things can't quite handle the level of pleasure we can output for as long and as often as we do.
In conclusion, I think in terms of sex, we'd probably dominate the shit out of any Pokemon. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.