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No.54888603 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>passionate VGC player at college
>one day me and my roommate decided to play a batsu game based in current VGC ruleset in sca/vio
>the punishment will be 1 shot of vodka everytime a Pokemon fainted,two shot if the fainting one is a legendary/mythical
>one hour passes and he's literally obliterating my poor sorry ass to a whopping 6-2
>needlessly to say i was pretty drunk at that moment
>another half an hour passes and my roommate starts to get drunk too,as i managed to get back on track,10 for him and 8 wins for me
>we suddenly start smashing random moves due to an externally alcoholic influence and laugh a bunch
>after so much laughter there's a moment in which we both went silent looking at each other in the eye's
>my roommate suddenly drops his switch and grab me by my shoulder, swiftly followed by his tongue doing the 360° in my mouth
>i knew i was fucking up but at that moment i completely forgot that my roommate is a twink, and so i went in as well
>we both wake up the next morning as if nothing happend,cuddled together
>i kindly wave goodbye to him as i make my way to the external park surrounding the facility

What do i do /vp/, as of now there's two problems. I'm not a faggot,and my family is super duper christian level. I don't want them to find out as I'm 100% sure they will kick me out of the house and never want to speak with me ever again.
As for me,i will NEVER play this stupid shit game again as I don't want to fall in the same trap,by another trap again.