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No.54914514 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>god awful performance issues
>littered with bugs
>suffers a really really bad memory leak issue which becomes noticeable after about 2-3 hours of play
>whole game is a barren wasteland, gives you no incentive to explore it
>riding on the legendary is clunky as fuck when the game before it (Legends) had a much smoother and near perfect ride feature
>literally no post game content, not even a battle tower
>legendaries are locked behind real-world timed events that require you to team up with at least 3 other players using optimal strategies to have a chance at winning
>DLC adds nothing of value and only further hurts the frame rate

Not defending SwSh, but how the fuck did we somehow go even further down hill from Gen 8? SwSh was garbage but in comparison to this shit it looks competent. How does GF keep fumbling this badly?