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X Playthrough

No.54924702 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
A casual playthrough of X version to see if the story mode of gatekeepers' middle school years region, Kalos, is as bad as they want you to think it is so they can enjoy it all by themselves.

Thread Four
>Starting thread >>54906125
>Thread 2 >>54911700
>Thread 3 >>54921465

Previously on Thread 3:
>obtained 5 items from talking to people in camphrier town
>got two rare pokemon center angles back to back >>54921510 , >>54921517
>overworld profile picture vs meeting in person >>54921606 , >>54921608
>discovered where miloticfag lives >>54921673 , >>54921682 , >>54921689
>caught a legendary >>54921715 , >>54921722 , >>54921728
>stared at the sun >>54921761
>took a photo with blur added >>54921806 , >>54921814
>had an extremely scary battle with snorlax >>54921873
>got called gay for not wanting to play on a 3 inch screen at 240p >>54921919
>almost wiped trying to catch an absol >>54921986 , >>54921988 , >>54922007
>caught HIPPOASSHlT:) >>54922092
>team flare >>54922138 , >>54922160 , >>54922195
>bulbasaur evolved >>54922179 , >>54922179
>glitched croagunk because emulator hates amphibians >>54922212
>40 minutes to catch a calm kangaskhan >>54922261 , >>54922378
>bike >>54922401
>finally new clothes >>54922413 , >>54922436 , >>54922442
>saved on a bench >>54922449

Starting with going to the Rock gem today.