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No.54934234 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Existence is currently reduced to a complete error abortion ruled by pure evil and trannyshit faggotry. EVERYTHING resembles and reflects this. Emotions are more usually than not a deception and a temporary bullshit, as is temporary, fickle and dull, worthless and empty, pointless and lifeless, depressing and soulless, everything that inhabits this chaotic, dying, defected state of things.

Lore wise this is also reflected in this series by so many factors.
Arceus being a typeless abomination that created everything by destroying the previous owners and state of things and PARASITING off all their powers to create the current multiverse, literally putting absolutely 0 out of its own if not a dull base for the shittiest type of them all

Even xits dragon brothers are completely apart from it, in fact they sustain the entirety of the multiverse: they have elements
they have powers
they have creational powers
they are masculine, strong, monstruous bros

The fact the masculine dragon bros that sustain literally EVERYTHING, the very same fabric of the multiverse, of everuthing that moves, of all the filthy goblinic PARASITES that completely infect and invade our existence, are force closed in a cage 24/7 by minuscule shitpixies put by arceus there to force them to sustain xits retarded AIDS in-existence of slavery where no possible goodness can exist as long as the retarded llama manages to survive off masculine dragons, that extent also beyond palkia dialga and giratina because the trannyfaggot is a leech supreme, the good of leeches.
