>>54946634>AnticipationRaises evasion by one stage upon sensing an opposing Pokémon's super effective move
>DampPrevents self-destructing moves and abilities. Can't be burned
>Early BirdReduces sleeping turns. The first move used upon waking up will have +1 priority
>ForewarnUpon entering battle, exposes all of the moves the opposing Pokémon has
>Heavy MetalDoubles the Pokémon's weight. Raises Def by 20% and lowers Spe by 20%
>Light MetalHalves the Pokémon's weight. Raises Spe by 20% and lowers Def by 20%
>MinusRaises SpA and SpD by 50% if its ally is an Electric-type and 100% if it has Plus
>PlusRaises SpA and SpD by 50% if its ally is an Electric-type and 100% if it has Minus
>StallRaises Def and SpD by 50% in exchange for always moving last