>>54962459I think Gen 3's anime got pretty good in the BF arc but yeah AG was just nightmarishly formulaic with nothing to show for it.
>>54962479Nah piss off, the best thing I can say about Gen 4's anime is Hunter J. Sinnoh's anime is home to some of the absolute dumbest writing I've seen in the entire anime with the single worst way to write off a legacy character in the fucking ping pong episode. It suffers from AG's awful formulaic filler episodes on top of objectively bad animation (this doesn't get remedied till XY so it's not as big a mark) and fucking Tobias.
Ash is at his most uninteresting, Brock might as well not be there, they retread the Butterfree plotline 1:1 when writing out Dustox, they give Ash a Gible who I think battles a total of 3 times, Ash basically has half a team with how Buizel and Chimchar eat all the screentime, and lots of other dumb shit that annoyed me about it.
I'm convinced people only like that anime because they started with it, it has all the flaws of Gen 3 and 5 but doesn't even have the dignity of having a satisfying ending because they were too stupid to use the number of existing characters Ash could have faced like Palmer, who he lost to earlier in the series, and instead threw a massive middle finger at everyone following Ash's adventure so far. People shit on IKU Z losing to Alain but at least Alain, boring though he may be, had some time to grow. I'm being completely genuine when I say there is not a single thing DP does better than AG, BF or BW and XY utterly invalidates in on all fronts.
.............and they're all collectively worse than SM,