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No.54989792 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I’ve posted about this before but long story short...

>One night, me and my weeb friends were discussing waifus and husbandos
>Been close friends since college (There’s 4 of us. 1 girl and 3 guys)
>Never revealed our powerlevels until then
>We take turns talking about our 2D crushes
>jokingly roasting each other’s tastes (All of them are shonenshitters so all their waifus and husbandos come from shows like Bleach, Mha, AoT etc...)
>It’s my turn
>Say my waifu is Bonnie from Pokemon
>they are genwunners so they don’t know who she is
>They google her
>First pic that comes up is Bonnie in swimsuit
>Awkward silence
>They all look at me funny (girl seems disgusted)
>they ask me if im a Lolicon
>can tell they are not joking anymore
>we start debating whether or not Bonnie looks like a “loli”
>We (or mostly they), then spend the rest of night talking about how anime likes promoting lolishit and how much they hate that

>Ever since that night they’ve become super passive aggressive towards me (ignoring my dms, talking as if I wasn’t there during group chats, making FBI jokes)

God I wish I wasn’t honest about my tastes back then.

Anyway, can we have a Bonnie thread from xyz please? Feeling a bit depressed right now..