people that don’t like kieran or feel sorry for him even a little are either autistic or don’t read. it’s very obvious why he acts that way and the game makes it clear. he doesn’t see it as a great injustice, or as everyone being mean to him. He sees all of the things that happen as a result of him being weak, his weakness is the source of his misery. all the little things that Carmine does to him in front of the MC, a stranger, are not only humiliating him but drilling into his head the idea that people that are on top, the strongest people, can do what they want and get what they want. he’s been putting up with that for probably his entire life and his sister doesn’t realize that he doesn’t like it. to start with it’s clear that Kieran’s not even shy at all, he just lacks confidence, and how can anyone be confident when you constantly have someone speaking for you? It wouldn’t surprise me at all if he’s completely ignoring her in DLC2. He doesn’t have to listen to her anymore because he’s the strongest now, so her opinions have no weight, and this is an idea he gets from her.