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No.55057444 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>they literally show a picture containing both the futuristic city and the giant tree
>back in b/w the guy talking to you about this,states clearly there's only one existing ,and in another timeline there's maybe the other

Explain this shit, imaginationiggers. How could the people at bba,know about BOTH ,if there's only one,even if the other is pure speculation/fantasy? So,then the question arises...wich timeline is based on the events of scat/vomit? How could sada or turo even know about this dual city and from wich timeline they are from each? Why in the jesus fucking christ i cannot even visit a tiny piece of unova if it's based in there,or why the fuck none of the shartnova characters did appear?And why the fuck gamefreak cannot make sense in their already shit-tier story telling. God fucking damn it /vp/,give me a clear answer before i fucking kms right here,right now. I just wanna know the truth, nothing of that speculation bullshit