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We have been discussing for a long if those weird pokemon powered by fiery flames/equiped with electric engines were the real deal or that was just an idea, but truth and ideals overlap and they actually represent past/future words set in a present parallel from ours, their themes and history are contradictory, their old/modern now simply doesn't make sense from our point of view. Look:>Bach in year of the lord 2010-2012, Pokémon White world >wants to know what will be of his child Thyme, so builds a machine connected to the future, which needs energy from a Pokémon from Pokémon Black's world, in a timeline where Unova's themes are more advanced >Sada a decade later, Pokémon Scarlet world >wants to bring the glory of the past to the present, so builds a machine that captures Pokémon from other world, a timeline where Paldea is straight up prehistoric >Thyme in year of the lord 2010-2012, Pokémon Black world >wants to replicate his father's, Bach's, achievement, but building a machine to reach the past, which needs energy from a Pokémon from Pokémon White's world, in a timeline where Unova's themes are more traditional >Turo a decade later, Pokémon Violet world >wants to bring the advancements of the future to the present, so builds a machine that captures Pokémon from other world, a timeline where Paldea is straight up futuristic Like crystals split light into any of the possible colors, Terapagos splits reality into all possible worlds, such as the blazing true old world (White) where Zekrom defeats Reshiram , the shocking ideal new world (Black) where Reshiram defeats Zekrom, the prehistoric present (Scarlet) where Koraidon comes from or the futuristic now (Violet) inhabited by Miraidon. These worlds, all truthful, all unreal, all paradoxical, split infinitely and just like Terapagos can make pokémon tap into any possible elemental power there is, it can make any reality shift into another, no matter how fantastical it may seem.
>>55064149 >Unova's time machine requires a normal pokemon from the paradoxical counterpart of the region, Paldea's time machine pulls out paradox super pokemon from the paradoxical super fucked up versions of the region >Reshiram world's is shifted into the past by a generation and Koraidon's world is shifted into the past by countless generations, Zekrom world's is shifted into the future by a generation and Miraidon's world is shifted into the future by countless generations >Reshiram and Zekrom are paradoxes barely separated from Kyurem, Koraidon and Miraidon are paradoxes extremely distant from Cyclizar >Reshiram has a fire torch that emulates moldbreaker and Koraidon has a pulse that boosts its power and flames, Zekrom has an electric engine that emulates moldbreaker, Miraidon has an engine that boosts its power and electricity Paldea really is Unova up to eleven.
Not surprised, they are the gens with the best story by far. Anonymous
>>55064889 BW remakes soon btw. Tick tock, sinnohfags.
cope, they make games for 10 year olds, they're not going to make the plot of a future game rely on what might as well be ancient history to them
>>55064981 They made Legends Arceus based on a 16 year old game, anon.
>>55065469 >>55064959 And they are obviously making BW shitty traditional remakes like DP's ones then an actual new good game based on a similar premise in the same region like Legends
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>>55066048 >>55064959 I wish we just skipped the remakes and got BW3/Legends Kyurem/whatever already
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A bump for OP, thank me later
Multiversal Link Club Confrimed.
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>>55068019 Unova is a paradox region confirmed
whatever that means Anonymous
>>55064149 Did they genuinely have that pic of the White Treehollow and Black City in the DLC? They couldn't be making the next game more obvious if they tried. I'm just still shocked they're skipping Johto, it's not a smart business decision. Unless they're saving Johto for the 30th anniversary in 2026
>>55068094 nobody gives a fuck about johto
and those that do are just gonna keep playing GSC or HGSS depending on their age
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>>55068277 It's not about giving a fuck. It's literally their business model to keep every region fresh in fans minds so that they keep buying plushies, toys and random shit from each region. They literally need to since this is their business model.
>>55068094 Oh trust me it can be more obvious.
>>55068094 >>55068651 Way WAY more obvious. Ever since we know they were going for old dragon and future dragon (future one being electric too, even) I knew it was Unova's time for a comeback, and GF isn't being subtle.
I patiently await the ancient form Paradox Genesect.
>>55068670 That kid was probably like 4 when Nate appeared in that movie, I wonder how famous those are.
>>55068729 You are getting Paradox White Zekrom and Paradox Black Reshiram and you will like it.
Unova just did a past/future theme better than SV because there were actual hints of it beyond version exclusive Paradoxes.>Reshiram being more organic whereas Zekrom looks more biomechanical >Route 4, Opelucid, and Black City/White Forest being different depending on what version you were playing >Drayden being an old man and Iris being a young girl full of potential >Team Plasma being knights with a castle in BW1 compared to being terrorists led by a scientist and having a flying ice laser battleship in BW2 It's probably the region with the most noticeable differences based on which version you play compared to Paldea maybe changing the color of the school you go to and that's it.
>>55068877 Making the dual versions as different as possible was Unova's thing since the beginning, probably because it was when they decided to drop the third game thing, they had to make both versions unique enough in their own games and not just something that screams "cool so now this will mix what happened in both games here for the third version" like when Sinnoh redid Emerald's plot
Okay someone give a rundown I didn't finish the DLC
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>>55068939 >>55068877 That's also why they made an story where both legendaries are relevant on their own. In Emerald and Platinum they just double the legendaries from the previous game until the real deal shows up, in SM and Ultra the other legendary has an extremely minor role that could be done by your game mascot already, in SwSh kinda the same because you end up picking one of the wolves when you buy a version and the other only works as leftovers for Hop, the story wouldn't change if there was only one royal wolf who defeated the darkest day, and the other games just make it so the legendary you don't pick is literally never seen.
They didn't want to make Grey mixing Black and White and that was weird back then, so they make it so both black and white pokemon are key to the story no matter what game you play.
>>55068860 Why not all three?
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>>55068670 How the fuck can you send out your pokemon in that room
>>55069865 Same reason we didn't get Mega Rayquaza
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>>55070705 Fuck I meant Primal Rayquaza sorry I was sleepy
>>55069032 Something something turtles all the way down
>>55068752 Wait, is there concrete proof or even an estimate of how much time has passed since B2W2 & SV?
>>55072117 Other than gen 3 and 4 that were made so the new games take place parallel to the remakes of said gens every game seem to take place in the same year as it was released irl
>BW2 released two years after BW and takes place 2 years after BW >BW2 and XY were released with only a year of difference and they supposedly take place around the same time >SM released 20 years after RB and Mimikyu's Pikachu disguise and Porygon's origin descriptions mention 20 years passing too >SwSh is confirmed to happen after SM, and SV is confirmed to happen after SwSh, just like the order of their gens Grimsley's concept art from SM even says his last apparition (which was BW2 ending) was 2 years ago, it's something like
>RB and RS = 1996~1997 >GS and DP = 1999~2000 >BW = 2009~2010 >BW2 and XY = 2012~2013 >SM = 2015~2016 >SwSh = probably 2019~2020 >SV = probably 2022~2023 How old is that boy? 15? 16? He was probably a preschooler when we filmed that movie
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>>55068651 why the fuck does whoever this is have a framed picture of gothitelle's mid section?
that's fucking sus as fuck
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>>55068877 You forgot Interlink but I cant blame you, the very center of Unova are two intertwined black and white branches of trees that twist around each other
Connecting both BW2 also lets you shift reality and bring a part of the past and future (White Tree and Black Tower) into one or the other
>>55069032 The professor says the machine pulls pokemon from other timeline into our own, that timeline just happens to be like a prehistoric world or a future world depending on the game so the paradox pokemon are from the present but it's a "thematicaly" ancient/futuristic present like in Unova there's another time machine that connects to the future or the past depending on the version but that future or past is the present of the opposite game
>>55074896 >>55069032 And this post
>>55071559 The turtle thing is a saying for infinite regress, refering to the idea of the world turtle sustaining the world but being atop another turtle which is also atop another turtle which is also... you get what I mean
In the Indigo Disk postgame you and Sada and Turo from another world are misplaced into a different space-time where you give them upgraded Heath's notes from Briar that help them develop the time machine, something the professor of your world should have experienced at one point too. The idea is that the professor of that world gets help from us, but our professor got it from another version of us, who knew about their own professor who got help from yet another us and... the same thing as the turtle.
Also explains Heath's note in that "dream" he had in Area Zero, it had his handwritting because it was his handwritting, it was passed to him by another version of himself who probably got it from another version of himself and that goes to infinity. Terapagos /Terastal is the responsible for these misplacements in the timeline.
>>55064149 GF are such shitty writers, I can't believe you time travel autists actually won in the end. They really played the entire time travel thing straight with absolutely no nuance or mystery to it whatsoever, multiple blatant plot holes left wide open for people to find and point out, only for them to finally affirm that yes they do have zero clue why people are expecting more.
>>55069032 After you deal with Keira's BS and get a turtle out of it, you get the book from Blair and head straight to Kitakami's Crystal Lake with the Terapagos in your party. They will pull Arven's Parent from the past and you two have a talk before exchanging books. There's an entry in the A0 Underground that states that the book you gave them helps them complete the time machine; which caused Paradox Pokemon to pop Around Area Zero (both now and during Heath's Expedition).
>>55075527 Anon that's the thing, both sides are wrong. Paradox pokemon fit into the imaginary colective but are 100% real, not imaginary, and they are prehistoric and futuristic but come from other timelines, not past/future.
Scream Tail isn't a pokemon that lived in Sada's world a millions years ago, it's from the same era as Sada, but in a prehistoric world.
>>55075562 >during Heath's expedition Stop forcing your headcanon, the time machine was never used in anything related to Heath's expedition.
>>55075647 some of the paradox pokemon got stranded there as part of the test, hence his encounter with them.
>>55064959 >Tick tock, sinnohfags. why even include that, is this supposed to be some sort of own? If anything you should see sinnoh remakes as a warning that black/white might also get botched. It would make B/W better now, because there's no shit remake that's worse than the original.
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>>55075660 >more headcanon The encounter with the professor at the end shows you the crystals can shift individuals into other realities by themselves. The machine machine never had anything to do with Heath's expedition and there was no "test" ever mentioned in the game
>>55077242 >>55064149 So what you are saying is
Unova confirmed, baby Anonymous
>>55078113 My dear, deranged spastic, Unova was confirmed the jiffy they revealed ORAS (a game made explicitly to gouge hoennnigs as it wasn't getting made until they started up squeaking for a remake). The problem is Johto has been confirmed prior, due to Game Freak not remaking two Gens on one system and by the fact LGPE, a revisit to kanto, placed where FRLG appeared on its release in relation to its peers (RS - FRLG - DP, ORAS - LGPE - BDSP) means they're going to revisit Johto(ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo) before remaking BW in Gen 10 for the next system, per their internal release roadmap. You'd think after 4 separate examples on 4 different systeems, you'd pick this shit up by now.
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>>55078154 to this day i think ORAS ate Z, and that all the scrapped ayylmao plotlines that XY was originally going to have got reused in (U)SuMo.
>>55078154 So what you're saying is... we're getting Legends Celebi, and then Gen 10 will have a Unova remaster.
also don't forget>past paradox = sun >future paradox = electric terrain
>>55078154 >but anon... Muh patterns! What about them?! Anonymous
>>55064149 >These worlds, all truthful, all unreal, all paradoxical, split infinitely and just like Terapagos can make pokémon tap into any possible elemental power there is, it can make any reality shift into another, no matter how fantastical it may seem. >the mythical Archeus has 4 ethers: Light, Reflectiveness, Life, and Chemical. >Terapagos is a mirror for reflected worlds >Necrozma is a prism that captures light >Eternatus emits poisonous particles that create changes in physical form >Zygarde is a teeming collection of life Anonymous
>>55078289 >Archeus >Arceus Anonymous
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>>55064149 >>55064889 >zekrom and reshirom are paradoxes split off the original dragon/kyurem the way miraidon and koraidon are paradoxes of cyclizar Anonymous
>>55078154 >per their internal release roadmap What's the documentation on this? The Switch has changed up their release schedule quite a bit, notably starting each generation with a borderline experimental engine test game followed by the proper title, as well as farming out remakes to a third party instead of doing them internally. If they repeat this for the Switch's successor, we might get a Johto-related title for the first game of that new system, but I'll make the argument that it's entirely possible some sort of TPC market research or requirements to have specific Pokemon to keep the trademark up might be more important. I'd also like to note the sheer number of Unova Pokemon means they have to use them more often, despite them being less popular than the similarly populous Kanto Pokemon, which could mean that any Unova-related title could be fast-tracked. Now, it's entirely possible that the two DLCs were meant to cover concepts related to the Pokemon games set in the Japanese regions and Unova, which means that they might not re-visit it. At this point, there's too many factors and we have to take into account Ohmori being absolute fucking garbage at keeping the same schedules Masuda kept despite releasing games anyway. There's a reason Legends got delayed, it needed that extra time. This is on top of comments from TPC implying that they might be changing the release cycle. Personally I'd switch to a type of release format like a Terraria or a No Man's Sky where they just support a single game for a while which would fit GF's studio structure best, but that can lead to Live Service bullshit that TPC would definitely push for so I dunno, frankly.
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>>55064149 >other worlds >stellar type >astral type in other languages >literally stars >other worlds >tera as in latin for earth >galapagos isles, where one species of finch evolved into many specific shapes due to each isolated island's unique conditions, like it's own little parallel world. Anonymous
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>>55078289 >>55078302 don't forget the alchemy stuff too lockstin
>>55071009 Anonymous
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>>55078289 is google stupid?
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>>55078263 It's literally in op pic
>>55078256 No, we're getting something like Let's Go 2 johto, a re-visit to touch base. There will be no more "Legend" imprints, that was reserved for Sinnoh, because it was nothing but "Land of Myths and Legends" almost every fucking legend had a myth or legend tied to it and they didn't want to go to the arse of remaking it. Never know, maybe because Unova's a straight line, they'll adapt it akin to how they made Galar in Gen 8 an just do the port themselves in Gen 10. All that's certain is there will be a BW remake out for christmas likely around 2028.
>>55078333 Takato Utsunomiya outright said it over the last few months in a roundtable comic expo type interview.
The facts of the matter is Nintendo and Game Freak had long come to an agreement for yearly releases (or near as) and new Gens every three years since it first took off and Nintendo started badgering for Pokémon 2 only to be bluffed with Blue and Special Pikachu Edition. At this stage, TPC expects a new game to promote each year, Nintendo expect a new game to sell every year and Game Freak expect to start a new project each year, to keep the entire production line of selling Pokémon to kids rolling. When covid killed EVERY major game release that wasn't already about to get released, Game Freak were able to keep to their timeframe, never missing a beat or skipping a step. they need to be continuously planning their next move, because if they stop the whole thing's fucked. This was never a TPC thing. It was going on from the outset.
>>55080426 Let's Go was Kanto's reimagination. Legends was Sinnoh's reimagination. We aren't getting more Let's Go nor Legends ever, we are getting a new way to re-explore a region.
>>55075592 so the “paradox pokemon aren’t all they seem and arent actually from our past and future” camp was at least correct?
>>55080815 Yeah but the paradox pokemon are real and not imaginary was kinda correct too.
>>55080842 depends how far you’re willing to go with alternate timelines since anything can be real that point if there are infinite universes to look through
>>55080787 Legends was Game Freak's DP remake (same MC, same plot, re-used characters redesigned). we're still due a Johto re-remake, because you fucking retarded manchildrenen forget there's 7 year old kids out there who do not know what the fuck a Johto's supposed to be, even if they know it has pokémon like Cyndaqil. and as long as time keeps passing and they keep birthing nw kids tto grow up into the brand, they're going to continue to revisit their older shit, TO SELL IT TO THE BRAND NEW KIDS WHO'VE GROWN UP AND THIS IS ALL BRAND FUCKING NEW TO THEM.
Can you retards think like a behemoth money-printing franchise already, stop thinking with your retarded delusional sense of entitlement? Game Freak don't give a fuck you want your childhood remake now. You're getting it in Gen 10, enjoy two burner years until 2026 starts that off (never know, they may do "Let's Go 2 Johto" with "Let's Go Back 2 Kanto" DLC)
A new Let's Go is NEVER happening. It was a literally hurried rushed let's cash in on the Go mania and re-introduce people with a baby mode game with K-K-KANTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO so that people bought Switches and then bought the Pokemon games there. It's function has already been fulfilled. There's no need for another one.
>>55081012 >same plot Genuinely, did you play the game?
>>55064149 Johto is next, Unova will get remakes and/or a Legends game during gen 10. Why would they remake BW before HGSS? HGSS is older and it is a gen 4 game, it would not make any sense.
>>55081075 Yeah, Volo wanted to cow god to change the world to suit his butthurt tastes, while cyrus wanted to remake the world to his butthurt tastes. They changed up the homework so it wasn't a flat copy, but at the same point it wasn't wildly fucking new, strange or out-of-left-field. Can you faggots stop nitpicking? Because Game Freak sure as fuck didn't and still went on to remake Gen 4 in a fashion.
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>>55080937 Yeah I'd say that's the idea. The journal entries about paradox pokemon aren't even an 1:1 to the ones we capture, the sub-legendary paradox of each game particulary is a trio split from an imaginary pokemon from the book, a pokemon that by Heath's own admission, was imagined.
With Terapagos anything you imagine can be real due to the endless potential of the multiverse.
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>>55064959 >Tick tock, sinnohfags. Anonymous
>>55081012 >>55081462 >same MC, same plot, re-used characters redesigned LITERALLY everything here is wrong. The MCs are officially different people, with different names and even different voices in media, the plot is way different despite the vague similarities and the characters are also completely different even if their designs are based on previous ones (hell, the one based on Cyrus is one of your biggest allies and the one based on Cynthia is the villain)
A guy wanting to change the world with a piece of god in Sinnoh is literally the only thing the plots share.
>>55081548 No anon, they're not. Just as DP was "the MC and Dawn or Lucas as the professor's assistant, Legends shows off the MC avatars and says "it's an either or choice for the other". Meaning the MC chosen came from the future - where they'd stopped Cyrus and this was a fucking retread of DP because Game Freak wanted to expand how they made their games, not completely re-organise how they did it.
How the fuck is it almost 2 years since launch and cunts like you STILL can't understand the set-up, when literal fucking children can understand the inference?
>>55081462 >>55081012 >Rowan is your ally and the professor >Kamado is kinda neutral and goes from ally to enemy depending on the situation >Cyrus is the leader of an evil organization that wants to remake the world that you have to destroy >Cyrene is second commander of a good organization bringing civilization to the wilds and you literally work with her >Cynthia is a Champion who happens to cross path with you and help you a little sometimes >Volo is a merchant from a chinese company who actually plans his encounters with you to keep you on check and use you because he wants to remake the world >the Frontier Brains are just people you randomly meet once and you can fight again in a facility-only battle >their ancestors are completely different people that go from hobos to guardens of sacred animals of ancient clans worshipers of god >without modern day counterparts, Adaman and Irida are neutral, later friends leaders of their own organizations that help you when you are vanished from your base despite their differences in religion that have been making their groups fight for generations >Laventon doesn't have a counterpart either, he takes the role of Rowan while Rowan's ancestor has another one >Cogita doesn't have a role counterpart either Legends is clearly meant to be the GF way to revisit Sinnoh rather than a normal remake but you are braindead if you think it's the same plot with same characters
>>55082169 Sorry, but "mental has a sad about the world and lashes out" applies to both Volo and Cyrus. It's not a 1:1 port of it like BDSP was to DP. But it's not out the arsehole of invention either. But with so much else re-used, guess the similarities to the eluded you. You weren't old enough to fully understand its plot 17 years ago, thus can't see the parallels today.
>>55082169 And Cogita is Cynthia's ancestor - that's why she lives to the north east of Mt Coronet in the CELESTIC retreat (couldn't have hung a larger big flashing light on this shit and still keks think the fujobait is critical beyond being the antagonist that fades away in the future, leaving Cogita and the town that evenually formed and took its name from her Tribe).
>>55081030 People still want it
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>>55068094 >I'm just still shocked they're skipping Johto Except for Let's Go, which were only made to capitalize on the Go popularity, the remakes have been done in order or release. After Unova comes Kalos.
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>>55082360 >GF >Giving a shit about what people want LOL
>>55082112 >no anon, they're not, consider my headcanon, approved by children btw Sorry anon but nobody cares about your simpleton mind. The protagonists are officially called Rei and Araki.
>no, only the NPCs are called..! Nope, pre-release uses Rei and Araki (Teru and Sho) as names as well. Every single people of official media, without a single exception, uses these names. Ingo is the only human character from Pokémon Legends Arceus that comes from another game, every other character is officially new.
But I guess your headcanon is more valuable than what all official sources told us, right?
>>55083393 >>still willfully misunderstanding official information This is why they don't want to try complex, weighty ideas. It WILL whiff with mot the fanbase, like most you simpleton fucks thought "it can't be the hinted-at time tavel, it MUST be an entirely complex, convlouted plot tht avoids time travel entirely111" only for Game Freak to show them up to be the paint=--eating retards every rational person on the board knew they were.
I'm sorry the literal re-tread plot of "Save Hisui/Sinnoh" failed to clue you in to the origins, much less Cyllene outright saying this was a protg 4 years removed from when he'd stopped Cyrus. I don't give a fuck about your zoomie headcanon as time travel filters anyone too young to have watched Back to the Future for 15 chrisrmases straight to teach and reinforce the mechanics of time manipulation. But the cutscene at the start is that set-up for Legends - which turns into another stable time loop as the events of Hisui go on to birth Sinnoh, which gives birth to Lucas to grow up and stop Cyrus and Volo at 11 and 15 respectively. It's not a new game, plot or topic, stop trying to pretend it is and a unique one to boot.
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>>55084009 >"still willfully misunderstanding official information" >says the guy who goes full schizo while crying and avoiding even an attempt at arguing why we should pay attention to his fanmade theory and not at what GF says
Sorry, bro. The protagonist of Pokémon Legends Arceus? Name's Rei (Teru) or Araki (Shou) unless you purposely change the name. I don't make the rules.
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>>55082232 >no stuff related to gyms, leagues or champions in Legends >no Barry equivalent in Legends >no lake guardians in danger in Legends >no isekai stuff in DP >nothing about stopping frenzied pokemon in DP >no thief trio in DP >not a single trace of anything resembling Diamond clan or Pearl clan in DP >no sub-legendaries being in the plot in DP >no pokedex being actually required and relevant to the story in DP >no betrayal and kicking out town/group in DP >no space-rift in DP >no Arceus having any real role in DP >Team Galactic role is pretty much fucking reversed >Cynthia and Volo's roles are kinda reversed too >Cyrus and his ancestor's roles are reversed as well >Giratina's role is... guess what? Reversed >the use of the red chain is also -you got it- reversed The plot has very, very basic similarities (pokedex, Hisui-Sinnoh, Team Galactic, a retard wanting god's power to remake the world, red chain) but the story is completely different. There are more fucking similarities between RS and DP than between DP and Legends
>irrelevant pokedex as excuse to leave boring town >goal is to clear gyms, then go to the league and become champion >gang is being annoyed in the region and they are bothering you tangentially >bad guy gets into old place to take something that will grant him power over legendary >said controllable legendary can reshape the world and that's why they want it >goes out of control in some old place and you stop it, turns out items were useless >nobody cares about the aftermath just fuck off and go to the league, only that matters Anonymous
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>>55081462 This is like arguing GSC is an RBGY remake because you defeat team rocket.
Basic thematic similarities and shared items/concepts in a sequel/prequel do not make something a remake, and pointing it out is not nitpicking.
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>>55075793 it's a falseflag
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>>55078154 >Patterns >Working with Black and White >The gen that break the third game pattern with B2/W2 Lmao
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>>55081086 >gen 2 >has been remade >gen 5 >hasn't been remade Yeah bro why would they?
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The drawings and photos from the books don't match exactly with the real pokemon we found and there's a literal 100% fake pokemon in each one (the fusion of the paradox dogs and the paradox swords) so I think Heath faked the content, the book made the professor "imagination" run wild like they said in the crystal pond, and the time machine uses the infinite multiverse to find pokemon like those Heath imagined in some other timeline where the world is actually that ancient/futuristic looking. So Terapagos brings what you imagined to you but it's something that was real since the beginning, and it does so by taking pokemon from other times, but it's not from our world's times. So basically both time travel and imagination won and lost depending on how you see it
>>55081086 In gen 6 the most recent Hoenn game (Emerald) was more modern than the most recent Kanto game (FRLG), yet we got another Hoenn game before Kanto (ORAS).
Face it, SV and BW are literally sister games like Naranja/Uva and Blueberry are sister schools, we are getting more BW and you will like it.
Just here to say the Monochrome room is based
>>55086655 It's ugly as fuck, easily the worst after the gay one
>>55087692 Nah you’re wrong. Also which one is the gay one?
>>55075592 Where is this headcanon coming from?
>>55087714 It’s based on what the professor tells when you meet them in the crystal pool. The professor theorizes that they may be from an alternate timeline and not simply from the past. Imaginationfags are pretending (lol) this is win for them as if multiverse time travel is no longer time travel
>>55087714 bro it's literally in OP pic, Magneton wasn't a caveman magnet trio it's just the Magneton from an unga bunga world
>>55088446 Chill out, it's for girls. Monochrome is still great.
>>55088475 Your mom is for girls
>traditional (past) Johto remake >innovative (future) Unova remake
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>>55086655 Classic is easily the best
>>55066048 we'll probably get both again but i wish they'd just fucking ditch the shitty remake entirely
>>55090870 My only hope we don't get a shitty identical remake like BDSP is that they should make one for BW and another one for B2W2, it would be easier (and better) if they just emulated both games in the Switch and then released a not!remake like Legends (hopefully B3W3)
>>55091486 If we get B3W3 and it's good I'll forgive every flaw this series has ever had.
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>>55091495 It's gonna be good if it's anything like Arceus
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>>55064149 Gamefreak is 100% gonna link the SV terastallization story with the original dragon when the eventual B2W2 sequel set in modern unova happens
Just look at terapagos and the hidden origins of it
>>55090077 hopefully traditional doesn't mean dogshit & barebones like BDSP
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>>55072779 do we have concrete proof that 10+ years has passed in SV since b2w2? It might just been like around 5-6 years
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>>55064959 After what happened with DP remakes I'm worried. Maybe it won't be as much of a trainwreck because I can't recall any particularly blaring bugs that could be abused as soon as you got the bike... Well actually, there was the bug with making a mon unable to fight and be invincible with Sky Drop...
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>>55092746 lmao HGSS is even a gen 4 game like DP, ILCA will have it easy
>>55075592 >both sides are wrong Here's the thing. Even if it was alternate timelines, which would only apply to the future paradoxes anyway because everything converges the further back you go in time, you're still time travelling to an alternate timeline.
It's not dimensions like sun and moon, it's all one universe branching out into alternate timelines.
As it stands now though the alternate timeline thing is just a mistranslation, because some retard translated jikanjiku as timeline when it's commonly translated as time frame or era, in other words the base game was correct while the DLC is giving the wrong impression.
>>55093769 Hey look the sole timefag who still tries after his time travel loop idea was shut down by the professors themselves
>>55093787 No one cares about your petty tribalism anon, whether you like it or not it's still time travel whether or not it's alternate timelines.
DB is an easier to track example because future trunks timeline is still universe 7 and they use a time machine to travel the timelines.
You'd think that a game series with deities for the separate concepts of space an time would produce people who understand the difference but I guess not.
>>55093852 >it's alternative timelines Yes, that's what this thread is about, learn to read retard kek
Alternate timelines, not different points in the same timeline
>>55093930 You realise alternate timelines wouldn't produce prehistoric and future pokemon right? They would still need to come from the past and future even if they're being stolen from other timelines because it would be a case of the professor taking it from another professor who got them from the correct places in time.
Even then to travel to alternate timelines you would need to time travel.
Do you understand the situation you're in? Your contrarianism wrapped back around to just saying its time travel.
>>55064959 I have a feeling they're doing BW3 with the indigo disc being off the coast of Unova, Drayton being Drayden's grandson, the music etc.
I think it'll be a full fledged game back in Unova again, just no new pokemon or anything.
>>55094120 They would probably add a few new Pokemon to the basic regional dex just like they did in Legends.
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>>55064149 They will explain everything in B3W3 like how they made Mega appear in Kalos and explain everything in ORAS
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>>55093964 >You realise [headcanon] I kinda get why people still reply to you, you are funny
>>55093964 No. That doesn't mean you go back in time or into the future. Simply compared to your world, their world starts slower or faster.
>>55094120 >>55095246 I hope it's not a game that takes place before BW because that would mean the dex is just BW pokedex plus the families getting new stuff, like in Legends (Sinnoh dex plus Petilil, genies, Rufflet...). If the game takes place after gen 5 events the dex should be BW2's one plus the additions.
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>>55095986 Bold of you to assume we are guaranteed to have a new BW game
>>55095525 That's alternate universes, we're talking about timelines here. An alternate timeline doesn't slow down or speed up.
>>55097716 It's the same. It seems like you still don't understand.
Some action takes place that leads to another timeline to have Walking Wake while we have Suicune. This means that there will also be other actions that make that ancient era last longer than your timeline. Just because you go through that timeline doesn't mean you go back to the past.
>>55097839 >It's the same No, no it isn't. Divergent timelines will always be in sync, they're not alternate universes. If the divergence point was choosing to walk left or right at a fork in the road ten minutes later will still be ten minutes later in either timeline regardless of what happens.
>Some action takes place that leads to another timeline to have Walking Wake while we have Suicune. Anon, they come from the past, the further back you go the more timelines converge anyway.
>This means that there will also be other actions that make that ancient era last longer than your timeline. That's not how that works at all.
>>55097839 NTA but prolonging a an era of time doesn't halt evolution. Walking Wake would still only exist in the past.
>>55097716 Alternate timelines mean alternate universes in those timelines, retard
>>55098012 It's the same fucking universe. It doesn't just suddenly become universe B, you're in universe A - timeline 2.
This isn't a difficult concept.
>>55098024 Its not a different timeline, more correctly a different dimension.
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>>55098024 >it's the same fucking universe ... except for the differences that make it a different, and thus alternative, version of the universe. RS and ORAS are parallel versions of the same region(-country-planet-universe) so they are parallel Hoenns(-countries-planets-universe), cuck.
I honestly don't know why I bother, everyone knows alternate universe and alternate timelines are terms that can often be used interchangeably, pretending otherwise isn't even ignorance, is just a dishonest playing dumb game from you
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>>55098059 Whoever made this chart has no idea what time and space is.
>RS and ORAS Yes, they are different universes. Not different timelines because then they would be the same universe.
>>55064149 B A S E D effort post. Unovachads why were we always part of the plan from before even Kanto existed?
>>55097954 >>55098024 I think you should read "Quantum mechanics near closed timelike lines" which was written in 1991 by David Deutsch. His name is mentioned many times in Marvel movies, and this is why the parallel universe theory is often mentioned in conjunction with going back in time. I'm sure a British physicist's words are more trustworthy than some of your schizopost.
In it, he stated that the moment you enter a second timeline, you create a second universe, parallel to the original one. The altered version of history plays out – while in the original things go on as they always did.
Based on the above statement, the two universes may not originate from the same universe, but once you go to a different timeline, you have created a different universe. And the premise of the game is that you are traveling through other timelines.
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>>55098282 BW was Masuda's love project, Paradox Reshiram and Paradox Zekrom will have the same abilities as Past Paradox and Future Paradox respectively btw.
>>55098287 >I think you should read "Quantum mechanics near closed timelike lines" which was written in 1991 by David Deutsch Ah yes, I'll definitely read a physics paper that was outdated by 1996. Also, are you really going to pull the "fame" fallacy as if intelligence is defined by how popular you are?
No wonder the concept of alternate timelines being inherently different to alternate universes confuses you.
>>55097991 >doesn't halt evolution. It doesn't.
>Walking Wake would still ONLY exist in the past. This is wrong. According to Darwin, evolution is the process of natural selection. If it is already adapted to its environment, there is a very high chance that very few new subspecies will be born. Here the hypothesis set out from the beginning is that the environment will not change much because the era has been extended.
Could there be a new species of Suicune? Yes, but it cannot be said with certainty that Walking Wake will ONLY exist in the past.
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>>55098340 Yes. I'm still waiting for you to prove your point here discordtroon.
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>>55098358 >. If it is already adapted to its environment Which it clearly wasn't. Also that's not how evolution works, random mutations can still occur
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>>55098358 >If it is already adapted to its environment, Anon, that's not the only factor. Pack mentality is a thing too as they fight for dominance of the pack.
>>55100496 It's called bump, newfag
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>>55075527 Time travel fags didn’t win. Delusions from schitzos aren’t canon.
>>55075592 They don’t even come from any “real” timeline they do seem to be coming from another world and one that we could visit in BW. Dream world.
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>>55081075 Nope it’s probably op trying to make up imaginary support for his delusional head canon.
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>>55093787 Anon you have no idea how desperate these timefags really are the sad thing is since there’s less smarter people there are more of them… or at least that’s how it feels.
>>55093964 Honestly both alternative timelines and timeline fags don’t realize the contradictions and convoluted mess their head canons cause.
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>>55098340 He used the mcu I think that automatically discredits his point kek
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>>55102006 Almost as if they're ttempting to show the entire thing is paradoxical and legitimately CANNOT be wrapped up in a neat little package with a bow.
But this all feeds back to the nature of paradoxes as a concept and the base game that introduced them to the series. But imaginationfags spent so long EXPECTING the answers to all this shit (like the devs hadn't already pointed to what was going on by the time they'd ended base game) leading to the stupid cunts crying they can't fit their retarded theory in and explain everything away.
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>>55101903 Been here 13 years. Seem bump, up, rise and several other similar words for ascension used to bump threads newfag. Lurk moar.
The professor spends the entire game referring to Paradox Pokemon as Pokemon from the distant Past/Future, never as Pokemon from alternate timelines/realities. There's literally nothing in the game that suggests there are alternate timelines, except for a single line of dialogue in the DLC which has been mistranslated from Japanese. The meeting described in the journal in the underdepths is also implied to be the meeting in the post-game cutscene. If there really were alternate timelines, either the journal entry would have no reason to exist or the player would not need to meet the professor at the pool since it serves no purpose to the narrative of the player's world. The only way alternate timelines make sense if you invent a bunch of headcanon to support the theory and assume there are other meetings taking places in other universes that we have no real proof of. The reason the professor gives you the Scarlet/Violet book is because the game is supposed to end on a paradox. Had he given you literally any other item or nothing at all, the game would be neatly tied up with pretty much no plotholes. But the point is that he gave you a specific item that is supposed to only exist in the past (otherwise Arven would be unable to find it and you would not be able to shut down the time machine). Just like how the base game ended with Arven remarking how Heath couldn't have possibly seen the Paradox Pokemon if the professor didn't invent the time machine until later. The game sort of addresses that paradox (by suggesting that Terapagos can temporarily transport people and Pokemon across space/time in areas with high terrastal energy). However just after it answers that paradox, it throws another blatant paradox right in your face. It's not supposed to make sense, and there isn't supposed to be an explanation for it.
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Man the timetranny is fucking mad he lost eh?
>>55102130 >either the journal entry would have no reason to exist or the player would not need to meet the professor at the pool since it serves no purpose to the narrative of the player's world. This part still stands. We meet with an alternate professor and trade the white book, OUR professor met with an alternate version of us and TOOK the white book for free.
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>>55102477 This. The professor we meet lost their cherished copy of the book and "went back home to enjoy a fine book", that alone can't align with the backstory of Arven from the base game.
You from your own timeline and a professor from their own timeline too meet in another timeline, exchange books and return, you never go to your own past and the professor never goes to their future.
Uuhhm so terapagos just has a power to attract anything via it's crystals? like if i want to see robot cobalion terapagos will use it's crystal to find it in another dimension/timeline where it actually exsist and bring it to mine?
>>55064889 >Coward >Bort Checks out
>>55102500 I don't think it does it on purpose but maybe? The expedition team did imagine a chimera of the paradox beasts/swords and later the three paradox beasts/swords appeared after all
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>>55102554 i feel like the crystals are like tiny wormholes connected to every dimensions and terapagos or the crystals itself can be used to grab things from different timelines
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>>55082246 Yes I'm sure the fact that Volo has nearly the same team as Cynthia and his battle music is a remix of her's is pure coincidence.
>>55102554 So why does the turtle not bring these two beautiful creatures here? It makes Heath look like a schizo
The entire point is that the meetings Terapagos induces result in impossible paradoxes. Heath woke up with a copy of his own manuscript that he had no recollection of writing. The player wakes up with a copy of the Scarlet/Violet book that should only exist in the past. There is no logical explanation for any of these things (either via alternate timelines, closed timeloops, imagination, etc.) because it's supposed to be a paradox. That's the entire theme of the game and it's baffling how people are still unable to grasp this.
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>Terapagos was just some lame ass turtle that can turn energy into crystals and after falling inside the crater it absorbed the 19th tera type crystals becoming terapagos The crystals existed way before terapagos
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>>55064889 >Reshiram >Opelucid city is shifted into the past >Fire >Koraidon >Set Sun >Zekrom >Opelucid city is shifted into the future >Electric >Miraidon >Set Electric Terrain Anonymous
>>55102600 Paradox doesn't mean "anything I can't explain myself"
>>55102586 >An imagined pokemon >Doesn't exist There's your answer dude
>>55102649 >if i want to see Heath schizo pokemon, terapagos will use it's crystal to find it in another dimension/timeline where it actually exsist and bring it to mine? Man, I thought it was supposed to do so.
>>55102666 imagined pokemon don't exists anon
>>55102635 A paradox means a self-contradictory statement. If it has an explanation then it's not a paradox. The entire reason they are called paradox pokemon is because their existence in our current time is a paradox. Otherwise they would have been called prehistoric/futuristic Pokemon instead.
>>55102674 Then this turtle's power is uncool
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>>55102793 i don't think you seem to understand how the turtle's power works anyway
>>55102586 because the creature fusions dont fit the dinosaur/robot aesthetic the professor was going for. and heath apparently saw something called “walking wake” but the raptor suicune was named after it. and raging bolt and gouging fire aren’t sourced from heath’s book either, they have no origin as far as the dex entries say. anything else is headcanon
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>>55102837 This is the explanation I was looking for
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>>55064959 Most Sinnoh fans are also Unova fans lmao this is so forced
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>>55094120 Indigo Disk WAS your BW3 equivalent. you're getting a faithful remake
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>>55095986 You could easily retcon it
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The crystals can shift pokemon and objects between timelines sada picked a great tusk from a timeline where it existed that's in the crystal pool you even meet an alternate sada from a timeline where arven is already born and the time machine wasn't built yet our sada already built the time machine before arven was born.. so yeah it's timeline shift not time travel or wish granting
>>55078266 Except it's more like your angry it's not following the pattern you want it to, being Hoenn > Sinnoh > Unova, rather than what it actually is which is Hoenn > Kanto > Sinnoh > Johto > Unova
>anything you imagine is, by coincidence, real in a parallel world in a different time frame I hate that fucking chink
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>>55078333 They need to make a Pokémon Showdown replacement as the go to hub for competitive stuff, this will ease the pressure on them substantially
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>>55102924 >deflecting Anon, generational order isn't a pattern, it's a reality. After 1 comes 2, after 2 comes 3, then comes 4 and then 5. You are the only one trying to fit a dumb pattern that goes against the absolute numeral order.
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>>55102925 or you need to use your imagination to sift through otherwise an infinite amount of parallel universes because it’s highly unlikely you’ll find what you’re looking for by searching blindly
>>55080472 >as the development environment changes All he's saying here is that they're going through basically what every major Japanese developer already went through when transitioning to HD and larger scale worlds in 2006 on the PS3 and Xbox 360. They aren't doing it out of the goodness of their hearts or because they're listening, it's because they literally cannot sustain this release cadence since work won't be finished on time as their games are becoming larger scale, which requires more time and effort. This is just them adapting to HD and open worlds, and eventually 4k on Switch 2
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>>55081012 This. The delusional is unreal. Hopefully the Johto remakes are good though
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>>55081086 Only reason people think otherwise is because of Khu's hints
>>55102925 Didn't everyone think that this was an imaginary hypothesis because of Khu?
And why is it imaginary because the Chinese government has banned everything related to time machines?
>>55102984 >the Chinese government has banned everything related to time machines? This literally is misinformation
>>55086617 Yes and ORAS were not remakes of Emerald were they anon? They remade RS instead, so your theory is moot
>>55103002 Yeah. The problem that ScatVomit were made in 2022
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>>55102984 >And why is it imaginary because the Chinese government has banned everything related to time machines? The commie regime restrict time travel to bootstraps to solidify their rule.
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>>55102984 That's a lie from timetravelfags, the chinese script has the time machine lines intact.
>>55103005 How come they didn't make an Emerald remake before DP remake then? Just accept that logic is retarded, they go by gens, so after DP goes BW
>>55103032 >2010 ok, bro
>hong kong also
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>>55103045 Time travel isn't banned in china no matter what
>>55103040 They go by gens... Which is why they remade Kanto for a 2nd time?
>>55103073 Except they didn't, Let's Go isn't a Yellow remake and has never been refered as such officially, it's a reimagination of gen 1 story with new protagonists to leech off GO
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>>55103084 No, it's literally not, the chinese script has the same exact story as every other version, stop spreading missinfo, redditor.
>通过时光机\n来到这个时代后…… >时光机的研究成就了伟大的功绩,\n从古代转移宝可梦宣告成功。\r\n我们将其命名为故勒顿。\c\n没想到还同时收获了新的宝物!\n好事总是会接连发生啊。 >……看来我只能期待\n时光机快点被研发出来了。[VAR 0114(0027)] >我所在的零区研究所里\n有时光机。\r\n我就是用它把古代宝可梦叫来的。[VAR 0114(000B)] >时光机……\n也能用它到古代去吗?[VAR 0114(0008)] >连时光机什么的都冒出来了,\n一下子增加了很多科幻感。[VAR 0114(0008)] >我听了时光机的事后\n就一直在想……[VAR 0114(0008)] >我妈在研究时光机的过程中\n发现的宝可梦。[VAR 0114(0006)] >是研究时光机的过程中\n第一次从古代成功传送来的宝可梦。[VAR 0114(000B)] >把博士本人制造的\n[VAR FF00(0006)]时光机关闭[VAR FF00(0000)]。[VAR 0114(000C)] >时光机是什么? >时光机是博士本人和我\n二人合力开发的装置。[VAR 0114(000C)] >此时此刻时光机也在自动地\n从古代不断呼唤着宝可梦来。[VAR 0114(000C)] >利用太晶的力量\n制造的时光机。[VAR 0114(000C)] >想要关闭时光机,\n就需要使用搭载了\r\n博士ID的朱之书。[VAR 0114(000C)] >只要把朱之书放在台座上,\n就能关闭时光机。[VAR 0114(000C)] >即将紧急关闭时光机。 >紧急关闭被中断,\n已重启时光机。 >时光机正处于危险的状况,\n时光机正处于危险的状况。 >时光机的运行出现障碍。 >似乎只要有我在,\n时光机就不能关闭……\c\n看来我好像成了\n时光机修复系统的一部分。[VAR 0114(000C)] >只要身为时光机一部分的\n我还在这里,\r\n时光机就不会关闭。[VAR 0114(000C)] >所以,我想通过时光机……\c\n前往做梦都想去的古代世界。[VAR 0114(000C)] >这并不只是为了要\n关闭时光机。[VAR 0114(000C)] >你们关闭了时光机……\n还阻止了古代的宝可梦的失控。[VAR 0114(000A)] >为了能把时光机\n这个厉害的东西造出来,\r\n哪有什么工夫陪孩子啊。[VAR 0114(0006)] >咦?因为我妈造出了时光机,\n所以古代的宝可梦\r\n才会来到这里,对吧?[VAR 0114(0006)] >在造出时光机之前的书里\n提到了古代的宝可梦,\r\n这不合理吧……?[VAR 0114(0006)] 时光机 = time machine
>>55075562 So the games are one big time loop? I’m ok with this desu
>>55103187 No, it's turtles all way down, our timeline is influenced by a another timeline, and we influence yet another one. It can't be a loop because the professor we meet loses the book it cherished all their childhood, meaning Arven will never obtain it and it will never be used in the plot of the main game.
>>55103084 I know 4chan is full of bullshit sometimes but not this time.
I knew a little Chinese and took this image from someone on reddit and it literally translated like this:
利用太晶的力量 制造的时光机。
"use the energy from Terasal (太晶化) to create a time machine (时光机)".
This story is from the base game, not DLC, so I'm sure that rumor is false.
>>55103213 >our timeline is influenced by a another timeline, and we influence yet another one. This is so much confusing
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>>55103219 Also, Although I'm not really Chinese, I often watch Tiktok (Douyin) and see that most of their panda series have plots related to going back in time. I knew because I watch it every day.
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>>55102666 If the imagined pokemon existed then the only possible answer would be imagination. The point of them is not that they existed or that anyone believed they existed, their point is to imply that they saw the paradox trio and got so enthused by them that one of the explorers drew an OC donut steel fusion of them.
>>55103140 But what does any of what you just aid have to do with LGPE not being a 2nd Kanto remake? Which btfos your logic and entire argument
>>55103213 Just as the turtle in its stellar form, right?
>>55103247 >-but they made a second Kanto remake! >+They didn't, it's a different game and has never been refered to as a remake. >-but what does any of what you just said have to do with LGPE not being another Kanto remake? Are you stupid or something? FRLG is a remake, HGSS is a remake, ORAS is a remake, BDSP is a remake. LGPE, like LA, isn't a remake, it's a new game based on a previous one.
>>55103140 > Let's Go isn't a Yellow remake and has never been refered as such officially https://www.eurogamer.net/junichi-masuda-on-pokemon-lets-gos-difficulty-meltans-reveal-and-the-future Junichi Masuda: So you know this is obviously based on the Yellow version, so in addition to the Master Trainers in the postgame there's always the challenge of completing the Pokédex, and not just the in-game contents, but we'd like players to also challenge themselves with meeting up with friends and just trading Pokémon from both versions to complete that Pokédex.
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>>55103333 >no mention of it being a remake, just based on a previous game Thanks for proving me right, literally what I said here
>>55103313 Anonymous
>>55103313 "Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu![a] and Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee![b:lit] are 2018 remakes of the 1998 Game Boy role-playing video game Pokémon Yellow. They were developed by Game Freak and published by The Pokémon Company and Nintendo for the Nintendo Switch.[2] Announced in May 2018, Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! were released worldwide for the Nintendo Switch on 16 November 2018."
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon:_Let%27s_Go,_Pikachu!_and_Let%27s_Go,_Eevee !
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>>55103362 >a wikipedia article a random pokemon fan wrote Dumb, dumb retard
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>>55103406 Koraidon comes from Paldea in a timeline where everything is ancient. Miraidon comes from Paldea in a timeline where everything is futuristic.
It's the same as how Black and White take place at same time but in different timelines with one being more traditional and set in the past and the other being more modern and set in the future.
>dreamed pokemon from other worlds that slip into ours
>>55103313 “We’re thinking about adding new Pokémon. Considering that it is a remake of Pokémon Yellow, we plan to add new elements such as Pokémon we’ll see for the first time to go with the new looks and play style."
-The Pokémon Company CEO Tsunekazu Ishihara
https://www.siliconera.com/pokmon-ceo-says-2019-switch-rpg-will-something-longtime-fans-waited/ BTFO
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>>55103828 I stand correct, anon. Anonymous
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>>55103828 「新ポケモンは出そうと思っている。ポケモンピカチュウのリメイクと思われていると考えプレイスタイルや表現の面だけでなく初めて見るポケモンといった新たな要素を加えるつもり」
"We are planning to release new Pokémon. We think it will be a remake of Pokémon Pikachu, and we intend to add new elements, not only in terms of play style and expression, but also in terms of Pokémon that are new to the audience."
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>>55102677 Read again. Just becase you don't get it doesn't mean that's the paradox. And paradox world isn't even used anyway except in the pokedex, in-universe Jacq is the only one who calls those pokemon a paradox and from a science point of view, they are contradictory
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>>55102511 What the fuck does that even mean?
>>55101993 >>55103538 >>55102925 So Terapagos is responsible of the dream world that connects to parallel timelines?
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>>55102949 Only took them 15 years
>>55087817 And where is that headcanon coming from?
>>55087793 > The professor theorizes that they may be from an alternate timeline and not simply from the past Only in the localization, which was done by a different team than the original game. In the JP script they say the exact same thing as the AI professor, who consistently referred to the paradoxes as from the past/future. The exact line both professors use can be translated as alternate points in time or as alternate timelines depending on the context it is used in, and whoever was translating the dlc lacked the context that it was referring to the former.
How do these alternate timelines work in pokemon?
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>>55107462 You mean the same AI that confirms the world she is going to is the one in the book the professor dreamed of living as a child?
Man you time fags really are illiterate. Keep drinking that Cat Piss. The only time travel is the astral projection that leads to the encounter at the lake. Thanks to Terapagos.
>>55105966 More like can connect parallel worlds and Dream World together. Dream World is more of an astral plane.
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>>55107441 It's also on the pic, it's what characters say...
>>55074991 >Turo from another world are misplaced into a different space-time where you give them upgraded Heath's notes from Briar that help them develop the time machine. ... Okay I know this is going to sound like fanfiction, but it fits with the Turtles All The Way Down motif.
>Sada/Turo talk to you thanks to the power of the crystals. >You give them Briar's book. >Experiment goes wrong. >You explore Area Zero with Briar and document everything, Briar's book is made. >Sada/Turo talks to you using the power of the crystals, you give them the book. >Experiment goes wrong, but better. >You explore Area Zero, document everything, blah blah. >Sada/Turo talks to you using the power of the crystals, you give them the book. >(Repeats endlessly until Sada/Turo's objectives are realized?) Basically, this whole timeloop exists so that Sada/Turo can infinitely retry their experiment with the machine (even if they die for it) while gathering information from each attempt thanks to Briar's book (thanks to Terapagos' influence) so that they get better at it every time.
It's literally a training algorithm for an Artificial Intelligence with reinforcement.
>>55108810 >Repeats endlessly until Sada/Turo's objectives are realized? Wouldn't be turtles all the way down then. It's meant to be infinite regress, so there's no end to this, one timeline always influences another timeline which always influences another timeline which always influences anoher...
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>>55109095 The infinite regress is one-way only, the top in this case would be "Sada/Turo reach their objective" but there would be an infinite regress in the form of "how do they do that? they obtain the book from you. how do they obtain the book from you? by building the time machine and dying. how do they build the time machine? they obtain the book from you... (etc.)".
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>>55108070 >astral plane >Terapagos's power is the Stellar element Anonymous
>>55064149 These people need to talk to this Diglett fellow, He's been making Pokemon transportable through time lines for many years and knows how to tell if a Pokemon is genetically engineered.
>>55109941 Is this a PMD reference I'm not getting?
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>>55108035 What does that even mean? In what sense do you ask?
so what will they replace the Poke Transporter place with in a Black and White remake?
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>>55110733 /Kurt and you got it
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>>55111687 >Kanto transfer pokemon area wouldn't work because the game only had Kanto pokemon (plus Meltan and Melmetal) so it was replaced by shitty GO >Sinnoh transfer pokemon area was replaced by a legendary hunting zone I doubt they will remake BW AND BW2 (assuming they remake them and don't go straight for a sequel like Legends was a prequel to DPPt) so I guess Poke Transporter will be used to catch past legendaries like in BDSP.
The real question here is, what's gonna happen with Entralink? Visiting someone's else world and meeting with dreamed pokemon from other dimensions is already a feature in SV, but expanded far beyond how it was in BW.