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127KiB, 1000x1265, MV5BMTQzMjkwNTQ2OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNTQ4MTQ4MTE@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg
Quoted By: >>55089701 >>55089723 >>55090619 >>55090658 >>55090693 >>55090738 >>55090751 >>55090964 >>55091017 >>55091305 >>55091742 >>55091762 >>55092322 >>55092395 >>55093864 >>55093885 >>55093955 >>55093960 >>55095097 >>55095574 >>55095913 >>55097855 >>55099688 >>55099721 >>55100144 >>55102575 >>55103702 >>55106134 >>55107020 >>55107760 >>55108172 >>55108230 >>55108562
>imagine my pokemon team interacting with each other based on their personality and the little blurb (likes to thrash around, etc)
>Imagine interactions i have with NPC trainers so that its more like a mini anime episode where i teach them a valuable lesson, or learn one
>imagine every fight as a face paces anime battle
>in DP i would buy moomoo milk and travel by bike around sinnoh, "delivering" milk to random NPC houses
>Imagine interactions i have with NPC trainers so that its more like a mini anime episode where i teach them a valuable lesson, or learn one
>imagine every fight as a face paces anime battle
>in DP i would buy moomoo milk and travel by bike around sinnoh, "delivering" milk to random NPC houses