>>55115842>>55116232>waaaaaahhh chudI'm sick of you fat rich spoiled miserable flea-brained hypocrites spewing out your underserved selfish brat anger while you actively destroy people's lives through your "mostly peaceful protests," advocate for and then ignore human suffering through your woke politics that promotes rampant crime and homelessness, human trafficking, spousal abuse, and child sex slavery, while running your fat ugly mouths about owning the monopoly on "compassion."
You treat working-class people like shit as you laugh at them being fired for refusing to obey your fascist state mandates, and then call them too fat, lazy, and stupid to compete with ILLEGAL aliens for pennies on the dollar.
You selfish brats act like you're entitled to steal from people who actually work for a living because BAWWW CAPITALISM MUH RESISTANCE. Every one of your woke cities is a miserable smoldering third-world shithole because you career politicians and pathological liars are miserable smoldering shitholes who can never shut up about your woke first-world problems.
You dehumanize everyone who disagrees with you as BAWWW NAZI and then justify PUNCH NAZIS with WORDS ARE VIOLENCE BASH THE FASH, all the while you lick the asses of Islamo-fascists spray-painting swastikas on Jewish homes and businesses. Hamas would throw your stupid faggot ass off a building, and yes anyone who trivializes wife-beating and gang-rape just because she disagrees with your woke bullshit is a pussy-bitch faggot.
There is no more debating your kind. All you deserve is a punch in your smug bloated mouth and then a kick in the teeth when you start bitching "bawww insurrection I'm so civilized." Go fuck yourself, Antifa.
It's a shame your liberal idiot parents refused to beat your entitled ass and instead encouraged your sociopathic behavior by constantly giving in to your tantrums. Liberal schools didn't help either by rewarding your mediocrity with one participation trophy after another.