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You can add feature to each gen

No.55158573 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Gen 1
Leech Life does 80 damage and has 10 PP
>Gen 2
The areas around Mahogany and Blackthorn are much more higher leveled to fix the level curve
>Gen 3
The ocean around Mossdeep, Sotopolis and Ever Grande has small islands with grass and pokemon like Weepinbell, Execute/Exeggutor, Yanma, Slowpoke, Abrok, Magmar, Aipom, Primeape, and Hoppip added to the Hoenn dex
>Gen 4
A game engine that's not slow shit
>Gen 5
BW 1 includes old pokemon before postgame with a regional dex of 265
>Gen 6
Balanced for the new exp share
>Gen 7
Skip cutscene button
>Gen 8 and 9
No dexxit