>>55165852Compare it to Ting-Lu, and it's obvious.
Ting-Lu has amazing HP, great defense, and mediocre spdef that's boosted to greatness by its ability. Making it great-amazing on both defensive sides.
Wo-Chien has mediocre HP, mediocre defense that's boosted to greatness by its ability, and great defense.
Ting-Lu has completely dumped spatk and speed because it doesn't need them, giving it more points to put into bulk and in giving it a high enough attack stat to not be a sitting duck.
Wo-Chien has mediocre speed and "balanced" offenses and ends up not being particularly threatening on either side.
Ting-Lu has Fissure, meaning that its presence can't be ignored in doubles. In singles, it can set up hazards force opponents out of battle with Whirlwind.
Wo-Chien just kinda sits there in doubles while its partner gets targeted down. It provides very little in the way of support in singles.
Ting-Lu does not have a quad-weakness.
Wo-Chien has a quad-weakness to U-Turn, the arguable best move in singles. And has 6 additional weaknesses on top of that, 5 of which are extremely common.