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I saw Smant shitting on a guy just because he thought Hoothoot was a lazy name. He told him to “take off his nostalgia goggles” and then just started going through all the stock Gen 1 insults>Seele is just a seal (even though Spheal is just a spherical seal, but no one hates it for that) >Muk and Arbok are just their animal names backwards (even though Rotom is just Motor backwards, but no one hates it for that) >Voltorb is just a Pokeball (even though it’s a mimic, so it’s supposed to look like an overworld item, which is a Pokeball; meanwhile, mimics in DQ or Souls games don’t get this kind of hate) >Magnemite is just a magnet (even though it’s not; it’s a magnetic floating robot, and the Klingklang line is objectively lazier than Magnezone line and I WILL die on that hill) But, this all started from a guy hating on a Gen 2 mon. Gen TWO. As far as I’m aware, people treat Gen 1 and 2 as one in the same. Genwunners tend to like Gen 2 Pokemon, since the design philosophies of Gens 1 and 2 are fairly similar, and yet even Gen fucking 2 isn’t old enough to escape the genwunner accusation if you’re critical of its mons. Why? Why do people have this irrational hatred for Gen 1, with such blatant double-standards against it compared to other gens, to where it seems like they’re JUMPING at the opportunity to shit on it and anyone that likes it if anyone dares to hate on a Gen 2-9 Pokemon?
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>i saw Smant stopped reading there, kill yourself immediately
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>>55178025 >Muk and Arbok are just their animal names backwards >Muk is based on an animal named Kum Anonymous
>>55178025 because they're a little faggot groomed kid that will never experience the pokemania of gen 1 and they hate life because of it
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>>55178025 Who the fuck is smant
>>55178025 >I saw Smant shitting on a guy just because he thought Hoothoot was a lazy name Hoothoot is gen 2.
>He told him to “take off his nostalgia goggles” and then just started going through all the stock Gen 1 insults You really should, because without those goggles Gen 1 is a steaming pile of terrible game design.
>Name complaints Not valid, what is are the following:
>Buggy as shit, can literally glitch the game to beat it in minutes >Type chart doesn't work as intended >Badge boost glitch, meaning they don't work as intended >1-in-256 glitch, moves don't work as intended >Awful movepools >Bug type is literally useless >All the ghost types are also poison, meaning that even if the type chart worked properly they'd be useless against psychics >Great ball is better than the ultra ball, meaning the ultra ball is useless >Status conditions are broken as hell >Speed being the crit stat means that faster mons crit more often, which is retarded since most of the fast mons also learn slash >Special as one stat means that any special attacker is also an excellent special defender (this was fixed in gen 2) >Fucking CHARIZARD CAN'T LEARN FLY UNTIL YELLOW Anonymous
>>55178068 >because they're a little faggot groomed kid that will never experience the pokemania of gen 1 and they hate life because of it I experienced pokemania during gen 1 and I think those games are awful and pointless today because both FRLG and LGPE exist and are just better games with none of the dogshit mechanics and awful bugs of gen 1.
It's actually underhated.
All this fanbase does is bitch
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>>55178134 Just enjoy your favorites and move along
>>55178084 >>55178086 >>55178112 Looks like the groomed tranny kid just woke up
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>>55178025 >Rotom is just Motor backwards I just noticed
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>>55178025 What do you expect from Sinnohzooms? They're used to being pandered to despite their generation being objectively the worst, what can they do but lash out at the only generation that receives more attention? How DARE Game Freak reference Kanto! Where's Shirona-San?!
Voltorb is an extremely lazy mimic design. Good mimics are more than just eyes slapped on a design. Foongus did it much better. And don't get me started on Electrode.
>>55178201 Foongus is a terrible mimic. If you saw this, you wouldn’t see a Pokeball. You would see half of a Pokeball, balanced on a little white stem; it shouldn’t fool anybody. The fact that Voltorb is near-identical to how a Pokeball looks is what allows it to trick people so well.
>>55178217 Yeah too bad Voltorb is like 10 times bigger than a normal Pokeball so it tricks people really well!
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>>55178217 Foongus is a cutie and sure it put lots of effort into it's mimicry
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>>55178222 It’s an overworld item Pokeball, not a Pokeball Pokeball. Hence why it doesn’t have the button, because overworld items don’t have it either, and overworld items are nearly as big as the player, so it makes sense from a mimic perspective.
>>55178217 I was speaking in terms of actually designing appealing monsters
Still, the average victim will be viewing a Foongus from above and nearby vegetation will easily hide the stem. It can also adjust its cap to block the visibility of the stem. It also has the advantage of ACTUALLY BEING ROUGHLY THE CORRECT SIZE to the thing it's mimicking.
>>55178241 I swear some people can't imagination
>>55178248 Yeah, like whoever designed the Voltorb line
>>55178251 obviously it shrinks Anon
>>55178253 and people who think it's a good design should obviously see a shrink
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>>55178253 Deleted post cause I think it came off rude and secondly this little guy is great
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>>55178260 wat dat? Can I eat it
>>55178156 I'm older than you, lived through Pokemania, my first game was Blue on a gray brick gameboy, I had a legitimately obtained event mew, go fuck yourself you contrarian zoomer fuck. Gen 1 is a shit game and has been eclipsed by the remakes.
>>55178025 >2 retarded ecelebs have a childish genwar bitchfight >then suddenly assume everyone has the same opinion How fucking stupid are you OP
God I hate zoomers so much its unreal, stop spending all your fucking time on Youtube
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>>55178314 You live in La-La Land tranny. Your first console was Wii U.
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>>55178325 Some would say poketuber/eyelets have so much damage to the community