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No.55248148 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Alright, what the hell is up with this thing?
It's not exactly a robot, and more like an automaton or golem? It's described as being "made up of code", "manmade", "artificial", and a being that can enter "cyberspace". Now, with that in mind, what the hell IS cyberspace? Why is it good Porygon can enter it? And, if it can enter "cyberspace", I'm assuming that means it can transform its body between being physical and digital, so it's not made up of metal alloy or anything.
It's also described as being made specifically for space travel, which is strange. There are rockets in the Pokemon universe, and Pokemon that can freely enter and exit space at will. So, Porygon is like a rover of some kind?
With that, now I'm starting to wonder if the fucker is sentient. Porygon2 is likely sentient, as its Pokedex says "it may exhibit motions that were not programmed", which implies Porygon doesn't do that. So, is Porygon capable of its own thought? It can function fine in the wild, even in the distant past seen in PLA. So, is it sentient?
Then we have Porygon-Z, who was designed to "travel through alien dimensions". Fair enough, there's stuff like Ultra Space in Pokemon so makes sense. But the Pokedex also says "even academics can’t agree on whether Porygon-Z is really an evolution".
With all this in mind, what the hell is this thing? Can you consider it a Pokemon? Is it evolving when you install the Upgrade and Dubious Disk? Can further Porygon forms be developed by random people? Is it sentient? Is it a physical being, or a digital being making some kinda holographic physical body?
/vp/ help me, I'm not gonna be able to sleep if I keep thinking about this.