>>55268055>walking wakei sort of already explained it but walking imo is different enough from suicune that i can acceot it as a new pokemon. i can't help but think walking wake was designed first and then the rest of the past paradoxes were an afterthought and they forgot why walking wake was good. look at the sharp teeth for example. walking wake is a theropod, a group of animals that always have sharp teeth. most of the other past paradox mons have this too but instead of trying to make them into animals that would normally have those kind of teeth it just looks like a hasty change that was made for no reason other than that walking wake also has them. it makes them look half baked as a result
>iron bundlei like that the sack becomes a snow globe and the feet now look like snow skis. the changes made to it don't feel haphazard and random, they make sense for a pokemon that is based on santa. it's a cohesive design. the other future paradoxes don't really do anything differently other than making old mons into robots