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Eternal reminder

No.55303505 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>grew up poor as fuck in a Bumblefuck rural town in Kitakami
>Sister is a abusive bitch
>father was alcoholic
>was begging for food at his local Pokemart
>was scouted by Blueberry when he was 10 years old, had to spend 4 years evolving and adapting his skills

Self-made. Nothing was easy for kieran.

Meanwhile you:
>Your father made sure his autistic midget son/daughter will go to a academy from an early age
>the academy payed for everything including growth hormones
>Legendary pokemon instantly likes you, even though you didn't caught it
>Champion keeps tabs on you
>didn't need to adapt and evolve at all, entire system remained the same, everyone else had to adapt to your game

A product created by Jews. Everything was given to you by others since a young age.
No debate here, any self respecting man/woman admires Kieran and spits on the your grave.