>>55326230>The elemental punches aren't easy to get.And Shadow Ball sucks on Gengar. Its best physical move is Explosion. Gengar is a trade evolution in the first place so I'm kind of pissed you even brought up this specific Mon. You would have a better point if you had sad Banette.
>Literally nothing in the game is hampered by the lack of split because everything in the game has no split. There's a reason why Gengar is one of the best Pokemon in the game in Gen 3 despite you bitching and moaning that you can't effortlessly click the STAB button.All it does is make raw stats more important, you absolute troglodyte. Everything has to use non-stab moves that are generically good or coverage that targets their answers. It's not fucking difficult, but what it does is severely punish anything that has a high attacking stat in a type that isn't one of its STABs. It's compounded by pretty lackluster movepools, even in the context of the Gen. Again, the mons are retroactively much worse, and therefore can be said to be hampered by the lack of a split that made them better. How fucking ignorant are you that you can't or won't understand this? I understand no mon has access to the split in Gen 3, but that doesn't mean they all operate well within those parameters. Most, in fact, are quite awful and I'm not willing to waste my time using them. Conversely, I will use a lot of shitmons in later gens because they actually function. It's not a matter of not having brain capacity or patience, why the fuck would you try to hit a nail with a busted hammer?
>Sneasel is even worse in Gen 4 thanks to the retarded power creep.Ah yes, because physical Pursuit, Ice Shard, Ice Punch, and Night Slash surely made this mon worse. So what if it's worse than Weavile, it objectively has more function than the Gen 3 version using SD with Ghost and Fighting coverage as its only option.