>>55334455>No there isn'tGladion and his actions says otherwise.
>proof to (You), the playerIf we're going with the 4th way break, then it happens earlier in Gen 7. You cannot dispute this, you see Lillie get attacked and just do not discover the full extent until later. Likewise, you don't get to discover Team Plasma's giant fucking castle until way later.
>If anyone has accessHere's the big issue with this argument.
I can access Yellowstone National Park.
Does that mean it's not a good place to shoot someone?
No, because despite being about 3 minutes away from Gardiner, it's still a remote location.
The only witnesses will be distant tourists who are probably half a mile away and only hearing the gunshot, or maybe a park ranger who will also be that distance.
Like Yellowstone, DY is a remote location, and they are hidden behind a wall.
>No you haven't.Yes, it was a slight risk.
You could have brought in the entire military force instead, and eliminated all risk. We see a division very shortly prior to this, which means they had the manpower.
Despite that, they didn't. You know why? Because two people could've gotten the job done for WAY cheaper than that, and they almost did. If they didn't feel the need to deal with the kid, their job would've actually been accomplished.
The big retardation here is that they stopped at all to try to stop you.
>The player doesn't change anything.Yes, he does. He brings down Team Plasma, just like how he brings down Team Rocket twice, Team Galactic, Team Magma and Aqua, and Team Flare. Single-handedly.
He is the avatar of change, the force which rectifies the balance. You cannot account for him in your plans, because he defies any accounting you could do. That's how the games write their stories.
>Abuse vs "control"Yes. Especially since A)commands from the trainer are optional to Pokemon(the gym badge system alone proves this,) and B)they only needed a very specific resource from said Pokemon.