>>55366178>>55368051I don’t mean that. Sure. The characterization really is very good. But I mean it’s generally ‟well-written”. Like a book, you know an actual one, and not YA fiction.
OTT has close to no grammatical or typographical errors, as a start. But it’s not JUST that. Nothing feels like it overstays its welcome. No sentence runs on too long, scenes say what they need to then end. Paragraphs are all nice manageable sizes. Consistent enough to be nice but also have variety to keep it fresh. There’s very little ‟filler” content. A lot of things are said in entertaining ways (I don’t know how to explain this but even narration uses a lot of conversational-like structures, like Dickens or Tolkein).
This isn’t anything amazing by itself, but what sets it apart is the consistency to which it does all of these things. If you were to measure these structural microdecisions I think most pokémon fic authors get them right about 40-60% of the time. Our Treasure Trails feels closer to 85-90%. And that makes it super easy to read, especially if you’re also a writer or autistic about these things. Even otherwise. I can’t explain it apart from ‟It feels super smooth to read.”
A metaphor I just thought up is that most other fics here are like trail mix. They’re tasty and got so many different flavours but they’re ultimately inconsistent, sometimes you get the tart cherry one and nothing else. It is varied but it still feels ‘basic’ in its construction, and it’s got a lot of ‟dead air”. OTT is like the same trail mix was chopped up into smaller pieces and served within a premium quality ice cream. Even the ‟boring parts” feel rich and smooth because they’re so easy and fun to read and I feel like I can rest easy since the author isn’t going to introduce weird bullshit or drop the ball in writing.
Feels like I’m sucking the guy’s dick, I know. I’m just amazed since I thought good writing writing was only in books and female-written rapefics on wattpad.