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Non-Autistic Romhacks

No.55382573 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I realise that this question probably comes up a lot, and I also realise that the question itself may be akin to asking for vegan-friendly steak, but I am tired of reading and researching and being let down time and time again.

The only Pokemon romhacks I played and enjoyed truly were: Crystal Clear (it's basically just open world G/S/C) and Ultra Violet (it's just Fire Red with full 151 and QoL changes).

I don't want any of this kaizo bullshit. I don't want any of your DeviantArt fanfiction writing. The only thing I really want, if I am honest with myself, is "directors cut" quality of life improvements and convenience features, or free roaming open world catchin', battlin' and tradin'. If any of you are familiar with the STALKER series and mods- I want a mod that does what the old AMK/OL/Autumn Aurora mods did for that. No bullshit new story, just polishing and fixing the vanilla game with features it really should have had since the start.

TL;DR Is there a Crystal Clear equivalent for Gen III and beyond?

Pic probably unrelated.