>>55393640>What’s some good Gen 2 mons to use?Best mons available before defeating 7 gyms, Roughly in order of when you can get them (not counting swarm encounters, legendries, or trade mons)
>Ampharos>Wooper>Crobat >Heracross>Jumpluff (Powders+ leech seed on a fast mon is amazing) >Togetic (seriously, normal type is that good, and you get it early enough for it to pull its weight)>Umbreon >Espeon >Miltank >Stantler>Girafarig >Mantine >Lanturn >Donphan (Early in crystal only) >Ursaring (Early in crystal only) >Elekid (only in Crystal odd egg) >Magby (only in Crystal odd egg) >Smoochum (only in Crystal odd egg) > Don’t know what starter to pick either I don’t have a favorite between them.All are good, Totodile is the best (Water is overpowered broken as a type, encounters almost no weaknesses early Rage is very good, earliest to reach final stage, gets Ice Punch, Cyndaquil is a close second, Fire is good particularly in Johto, evolves into second stage the soonest, has the highest offenses and speed, Charcoal can be obtained early game in Azalea, Thunder Punch). Chikorita is the hardest bt still solid (good support moves like screens And poison powder, Miracle seed is very early jsut after Falkner, most of the gyms it should be weak against in practice don't have strong super effective moves against it). but you can just do what
>>55393804 said
Also Headbutt Dig, Rollout, Return and the Punches are probably the best general use early game TMs.