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A Ruckus At The Undella Seaport

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The rumors were true. Cynthia was coming into Undella Town. Champion Cynthia. The
Sinnoh native with a Garchomp feared worldwide, whose subtle love for dramatic flair and
bustling piano solos only underscored her extremely flattering presentation, making lads and
lasses around the globe swoon for her. She was coming to a modest little seaport, a vacation
town for an amount of people you could count on a set of hands and a native population you
could count on one. The rumblings about were almost historic, as people were sending their
Rotoms and Gengars and such to track her position, making sure they could be on her tail as
quick as a whip. If she could be found, maybe, just maybe, they would be able to shake a hand.
Maybe they could even exchange a moment of conversation? But that remained to be seen.
News and the general media only fed into this typhoon. Headlines and notifications
galore, the fact that Cynthia was coming in — and they all knew about it — was promulgated
heavily. Anchors and grunts alike littered the littoral zones of Undella, hoping beyond hope to
catch an early glimpse of the boat Cynthia chose herself to arrive in on. Goodness knows it
would be something that would put them on the map! To be the earliest document of her
not-so-public-but-extremely-public-nonetheless appearance…that would be something that
would put them on the map. Not even on the map — if anything, they’d be the ones MAKING
the map! Photographers turned cartographers, the victors by which history was written…all they
had to do now was wait.