1) How about something like
>'Grounded' or 'Earthed'even though it retains its Flying typing for its own STAB attacks, it takes neutral damage from Electric. But also from Ground, because it's on the ground duh. So instead of 2x and 0x respectively, it takes 1x and 1x from Electric and Ground.
Other type attacks stay the same. So still takes 2x from Ice and Rock, 0.5x from Grass, Bug, Fighting.
2) Or, similar to ^, but ALL moves taken have the Flying type ignored, like in Roost, but the Flying STAB for dishing out attacks stays? So like Roost, but it's an ability so it's not a move it's there the whole time and has nothing to do with healing HP.
3) Or, as something completely different, something to play with the fact that it has three heads. All 'pecking' style moves hit 3 times? That might be too overpowered, but still there aren't that many pecking style moves. It's really just Peck, Drill Peck and Beak Blast. If it's too overpowered, maybe 0.5x power. But 3 times, so in effect 1.5x total power, over 3 hits.
4) Or rather than multiple hits ^, how about chances to hit? So, because it has 3 heads, it gets 3 chances to hit a 'pecking' move. If it misses the first time, it gets two more tries until it succeeds. So if it hits second tme (the second head hits lol), ok it's done. But if the second head misses too, the third head has a third chance. If that misses too, ok, it's a total miss. But this would give Dodrio a unique skill, a 3x chance of hitting evasionfags (provided you give it a pecking move like Drill Peck or Beak Blast rather than a different Flying attack).