>>55446516That's the movie star, right? Honestly, kind of hot to picture being stuck in her kneesocks for an entire shoot with frequent line flub ups and misspoken segments. Glancing up at her underbutt any time she squeezes her cheeks knowing she'll have to do another take. It makes a toxic, foul-smelling, gilded city like Virbank worth enduring if it means lighting a cigarette for her in an alley somewhere, only to get Crush Gripped in return or stepped on as 'practice' for an upcoming shoot. Teeter dancing after a few shots of tequila. Falling asleep somewhere intimately out of sight...yeah, that's the life. Here's to hoping her bugzapper of a Blitzle is kind to my partners though. Or me, for that matter. I'm the Ring Target for HER stomps.
>>55446877Klara...if only Bug types were still weak to and strong against Poison, like Gen I. Cute to picture her "melting me down to size", just to get nibble tormented and lose her cool after a series of lovebites too small to pin down and identify or localize, but just big enough to tantalize her. I like failgirls who are given a disproportionate amount of control thanks to the fantasy of being bigger. And I'll admit, being her hatesink in the DLC would've been a lot of fun -- I just wasn't invested enough to buy it. Her painted face and cucumber-slice-covered eyes are probably so artificial too. She strikes me as the type of woman who would sooner suffer a bullet wound than be caught farting in public. A very 'girls don't stink!' sort. Has its perks and drawbacks. Acting as a living toe-divider is hot, and having to paint her nails, lips, and face is cute. I just know it'd be a struggle any time the lightest bit of a belch or gurgle leaves her talkative lips or ass there would be a swear to secrecy. I can certainly see it.
Didn't expect to get so many sincere responses. You guys are really generous. Maybe I was shy for nothing. Will continue in another post. (1/2)