>>55431096Lame corny joke. 3/10.
>>55431102Preachy but with a little joke. 3/10.
>>55431162Subversive, but simple. 4/10.
>>55432528Too simple. 2/10.
>>55432682Adult joke. 5/10.
>>55432724Forced. 3/10.
>>55432817Weeb reference. 3/10.
>>55433594Weird vore joke that makes no sense. 1/10.
>>55433600Sex joke. 3/10.
>>55433624No human would actually say this. 2/10.
>>55433673Kinda funny. 4/10.
>>55433677Only funny to pedophiles. 1/10.
>>55433684Guessing this is a coomer joke. 1/10.
>>55433757Not that funny, but one of the few clever uses of this meme. 7/10.
>>55433760Meh. 2/10.
>>55433767Old pedo joke. 3/10.
>>55433902More unnatural dialogue. 2/10.
>>55433911Fake. 1/10.
>>55435581Naming yourself Bateman is cringe. 1/10.
>>55435593Cute. 6/10.
>>55435673Only funny to pokephiles. 2/10.
>>55436072Dumb non-pun. 3/10.