>>55455871Literally fucking nobody who chills in /RPG/ was bothering you. All they wanted was ONE thread to enjoy the old games, not the entire board, the world doesn't revolve around you, contrarianism isn't a personality, and when you hang yourself from being mindbroken by that inevitable realization, I will then skin your lifeless corpse, dye it the same color as Gold's outfit and wear it for the next time I revisit Johto. Kill yourself! Every minute you breathe, both the real world and the Pokemon world suffers because you're a multiversal level of insufferable. All of the children you groomed into your pointless trolling will never find real friends because you morphed them into having your unlikeable friendless personality. As a result, normal people suffer because of you, children suffer because of you, and the fact that you're actually somebodies child is sickening. I wouldn't wish you to be the child of any poor parent, and yet here you are. Even boomerfag is a more valid creature here then you'll ever be, because at least his bullshit cynicism comes from a genuinely dark place full of disappointed idealism. Kill yourself, take your filthy, dusty ghetto rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck and kick your manchild little tykes chair, you pathetic worthless worm of a faggot. And even if the mods ban me for speaking the truth, the truth will still remain. You objectively have no human value, and we will yawn at your death. Kill yourself, I speak for every normal human being with a personality when I say this, we want you gone. Fuck off!