>>55497110What help do I need, exactly? Oh right, I don't - at all. You're probably a nigger, yourself. That would explain why instead of even attempting to come up with a rational retort to my extremely simple-to-debate setup, you have to fall back on baby-like pejoratives, such as: "get help," "you're mentally ill," or "meds." Almost like your argumentative potential is limited by not only your genetics, but your inability to breach a veil of "safe" conversation instilled in you throughout your life by (((people))) who want you to speak and think a certain way. But you'll definitely reply to this with an equally lazy and mind-numbingly repetitive fascimile argument, with maybe a "you're schizo" tacked on somewhere. Potentially even loosely suggested, but not directly said, so you can walk away feeling comfortable your half-assedly "owned" me on 4chinz but also so you can share a screenshot of the conversation with your tranny friends in some groupchat, elsewhere, and partially convince them you weren't saying or suggesting anything inappropriate to your work safe and politically sound group of vapid brainless zombies. Useless waste of flesh and electricity, you are.