>>55539781>You mean do battlesagainst equal level trainers while being restricted to rentals making it harder, yes. Kalos doesn't have this.
>catch water monsNo, dive. It fleshes out the world and provide more content including a dungeon, yet Kalos is lacking.
>walk through the routesI did Kalos routes don't have seasonal changes.
>place to catch monsNo, Entralink, missions, etc. Kalos lacks this.
>shopsNo, making your own mall and maintaining its popularity. Kalos lacks this.
>Terminus caveOnly the normal gem. I asked for typed games, which actually make a difference in battle.
>Pokestar doesn't count as content.It mogs whatever other mini game in Kalos by actually requiring you to think and use the battle system for another purpose than defeating the opponent, unlike inflatable shit in Kalos that could be an arcade game isolated from the main games on its own.
>MusicalsFunny how bonding with your pokemon doesn't count when it's a game you hate like BW. These were actually fun and didn't fuck me over with muh affection bullshit.