>>55563184No, it's fucking stupid because it's several times bigger than a Pokeball and even from several feet away anyone with half a brain would be able to tell it's not a Pokeball (god forbid they know what a Voltorb is already, then it'd be from even further away that they can call the bluff). It's a design that literally only works in its role as an obstacle in a video game rather than as an actual creature in the world it resides in, which probably the worst criticism you can throw at a monster in a series that treats it's monsters like natural parts of the ecosystem in lieu of irl animals rather than as magic, supernatural, or otherwise foreign elements.
>b-but SHRINKINGThis doesn't work because shrinking has always been an INVOLUNTARY reaction to outside stimulus, even in that old guidebook of dubious canon. The only exception is when Pokemon us Minimize, which Voltorb doesn't even get. Fuck off with this shitty midwit excuse for an objectively lazy and poorly thought out design.