>>55611380Just a short list of how much better RS is even without emerald
>Better route design With plenty of interesting places to visit, and sections that can be revisited organically with the HM progression thanks to the great interconnectivity of the map
>Double battles all across the regionFrlg has like 3 double battles insolated into the sevii islands lol
>Big variety of new items from very earlyX items, new pokeballs, berry farming, the glass flutes, macho brace, all of them widely available instead of the awful scarcity of new items in frlg where many of them are locked post or lategame
>Better designed Gym leaders In kanto using type advantage = You win RS makes the leaders have counter strategies to their most common weaknesses using status moves oftently and taking advantage of new items and mechanics like white herb + Overheat + Sunny day Torkoal
>Better Ambiental storytellingBiomes transition from one to another in a organic way all around the volcanic and tropical themes of RS, always taking the surroundings in consideration. Arquitechture styles change constantly from town to town, as well as vegetation
>Ambitious soudtrackUnlike frlg, RS music tries to greater emulate musical instruments to improve the atmosphere, is not only trumpets what makes the sound that inmersive, is the usage of heavy drums and percussions really adding to the experience