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Pokemon moves that baffle you

No.55654722 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What the FUCK is Swift?
>Japanese name: Speed Star
>Star-shaped rays are shot at the opposing Pokémon. This attack never misses.
Star-shaped rays? What the HELL does that mean? What are the stars supposed to represent? Stuff like Flamethrower and Thunderbolt and Ice Beam make sense, because that's just natural elemental energy, but STARS? Why are the rays star-shaped? Why would it make sense for any Pokemon (other than maybe the Staryu line) to form their energy blasts in the shape of stars? Why not balls? Why not arrows? Why not triangles or squares or octagons? How does the star shape thematically fit with any of these mons? And why is it NORMAL TYPE? In what world is it considered NORMAL to shoot fucking stars at people?

I have never stopped thinking about this ever since I was 10 years old, NOTHING about this attack makes any sense whatsoever. Even Bulbapedo doesn't list any sort of possible origin for what show or manga or mythology this attack might be referencing.