>>55698510Ditto is named Metamon, not metamorph. Metamorphosis refers to the extreme biological transformation at certain stages of life in some animals. Classically the archetypal metamorphosis everyone is familiar and you learn at basic school are the caterpillar -> cocoon -> butterfly and tadpole -> froglet -> frog.
Morphon is the perfect name for Caterpie and Metapod's final evo.
The name Rafflesia is not just a scientific genus, it's literally also the plant's common name(even if in english it's also known as corpse flower) and they are extremely popular in east asia having been featured before Pokemon in media like Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy.
Now Morpho is not a common name, it's specific to tropical south american butterflies. Morpho are far from the most popular butterflies.
To clarify, I do think Venomoth and Butterfree were swapped, now whether it was accidental or a deliberate decision it's hard to say for sure. Now I don't think the name Morphon comes from the morpho genus but from morphing/metamorphosis(which the morpho genus derives its name from, lol) so it should be the name of the Caterpie's evo, a pokemon that's in the game to serve as the player's introduction to the concept of Pokemon "evolution" at the start of the game with a real life example everyone knows that works in a similar way(a drastic sudden mutation as you grow).
Either way, the name Morphon doesn't work for "Venomoth" as its presented in the final version with it being Venonat's evolution because it's unequivocally a swallowtail not a morpho and it doesn't showcase the classical larva -> pupa -> nymph metamorphosis typical of insects.