>>55708112>ditto, don't have any comfy stuff of it easily accessible right this minute, but I suppose you could claim any pokemon is one in disguise if you can't see it's face to know it's not.>I'm stuck. tl;dr: Jobs don't pay enough.Living with my mom, no rent but helping with bills and groceries, trying to save up. We moved here just before covid, the jobs we thought we'd be good with ceased to exist with no recourse. My skills have no value in this area and remote jobs are a hard sell to employers because the internet is not reliable enough here, got one a while ago and was let go in less than a month because of it. Can't afford to go back to school, trying to learn from the internet and build projects I can use for a portfolio at least. Trying to find a better job but job hunting these days is a full time job in itself, I can't put in the time/effort it requires while still making ends meet. Car's on its last legs, getting to work will be an issue soon if something doesn't change. I have 5 friends who'd be down to rent/buy a house together but bigger house means higher rent/mortgage and we've all burned through our savings just trying to stay afloat the past couple months as several emergencies popped up one after another. I found one potentially really good job: video interview went well despite the call dropping twice, it pays more than double what I make now, and there's actually room for growth/advancement unlike my shit retail job! But it's in a state where I don't know anybody, I can't afford to rent a room somewhere until money starts rolling in as just traveling there would pretty much wipe me out (obviously I didn't mention that on the interview), and as much as the hiring manager said they think I'd be a great match and they do intend to get back to me yes or no (how many times have I heard that, though?) the company doesn't offer relocation assistance so even if I got it I don't know what I'd do. I'm trying my best but it's not enough right now.