>>55744474I particularly like the possibility of using the Mississippi as a central regional feature/avenue of travel, which makes me want to include its entire length and not just the Southern portion. That said, almost any region COULD be awesome, if Gamefreak bothered to give it a respectful or a least fun treatment (unlike what GB and Spain got.)
>>55744496Anon, I hate to tell you this, but NC and Georgia are in the top ten for state population (both well over ten million), the fastest growing states economically, near the top in regards to population growth, and a large number of your Hollywood movies and TV shows etc are now partially or entirely filmed in NC or Georgia. I can talk all day about whether any of this is GOOD or not, but those two states at least are NOT unknown or unimportant anymore, it's not 1920 anymore. NC in fact recently got a state visit from the Japanese Prime Minister who toured the entire state and its industry, which massively increased awareness of the state in Japan. And if Gamefreak is going to make make a region based on NC and Georgia, there's no way they won't include Virginia and SC at least for region shape/size, if not more. Also calling Louisiana (via New Orleans) unknown is silly, New Orleans is one of those internationally famous cities despite how bad it is in reality, so it is also a possibility as somewhere Gamefreak might want to explore (and this, again, invites the possibility of the surrounding states for region size/shape/variety.)
tl;dr you're salty that it's possible California won't be the next US region, get over it, we're just spitballing.