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First for Rejuvenation is the best game!
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>55744270 KEK
That's not the fangame thread Discord's supposed to be spying on, Friv. Man you fuckers don't know how this site works
Anyway, Friv, if you do come to the right thread and see this, your game looks pretty good, hope the demo turns out aight
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>55744330 Oh lmao caught red-handed, I know It's not the right thread. But on the thread before this one someone mentioned people were talking about Divulgence characters, so I wanted to go and read what they were saying lol.
Anyway yeah, I like reading yalls stuff, entertaining and stuff.
And thanks, hope the demo turns out good too.
(fuck the captcha oh my god)
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>55744330 >Replying to Musk Either way, I'll mirror the sentiment. The game looks pretty good, hopefully the gameplay is fun
>>55744346 If you're doing a rebornlike can you not trap us in cutscene hell before we can catch pokemon.
>>55744340 Thats pretty good. Is it a new regional variant or just a goofy sprite?
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
oh no no no...
>>55744346 yeah, don't let the chuds (including us) get you down or anything. would be nice to have an actually good new rebornlike especially given...the state of empire, and azure being slow
especially don't listen to that guy whining about rebornlikes in the other thread nobody in this thread likes him either
>>55744374 just a messed up alolan exeggutor sprite placement, there's actually quite a few in this game
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>>55744346 Please make an actually good rebornlike I beg.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
remember when the blight grunts had to 'register' where they could teleport to? remember when their teleportation devices could run out of juice? i memeba...
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>>55744394 If they had to register a tp point, then the punji pit idea would actually have worked.
>>55744362 ty : )
>>55744372 I would need an example of this to know exactly of what you mean. But yea? I think? That seems doable.
>>55744385 Yeah I dont know who this Musk guy is, but yall seem to not like him much, didn't even know it was to him I was talking.
And don't worry, a few years ago I wouldve definitely cared more about the opinions, but now Im more in the 'ill just do what I want'
Though admitedly I was gonna come here to see what yall would think of the update (whenever it releases) to see if theres any feedback I could get.
Like I said, yeah I visit here like, once every two or three days, depends on my mood.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>55744346 if you're making a game please let the player win in the cutscene, it's fine if they lose once as a twist or something but when it's most or everytime it's terrible and demoralizing
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Another case of giving me the Mega stone before the Pokemon.
>>55744374 Sprite fuckup.
>>55744404 I only have planned one 'you lose' situation. I'll avoid it otherwise.
Saw someone mention in a past thread of the enemy having an abra with him or something and never using it in battle, just to be able to teleport out, and I found that to be a fun way to make the villain just leave.
Regardless, I'll try to avoid doing it. promise
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
This desert section has got to be one of the worst I ever had the displeasure of dealing with and it's still not over, the only reason it's not the worst is because Empire's exists and also because I didn't play through Deshret so I can't comment on how miserable that is.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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>>55744402 >Yeah I dont know who this Musk guy is, but yall seem to not like him much Put simply, he was the tripfag who started these threads, and probably most notably to reborncord, is the autist from here who went on to Jan's tumblr and started annoying him with questions about his waifus and whatever else before eventually calling him a nigger
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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Whiteouts: 9 Took some tries but wasn't that hard, funny that the mega ended up the only one that wasn't a problem
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
thank you for giving me a nurse joy, game, but you really did not need to do a giant fucking trainer gauntlet
>>55744418 Yeah, you can't really avoid making at least one especially for a longer game.
It's just when it happens in every single encounter to the point of absurdity like...a certain game we all know and love...that it gets extremely annoying
>>55744436 it's really fucking bad yeah
you just have to knock out one garchomp and one hippowdon in each area, there's three areas, the red desert where you enter, the area west of that, and then the area south of it. just beat up the trainers, go back and heal, then kill the fuckers. they're unfortunately really well hidden of course
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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i'm actually less annoyed by the fact the strength rocks are visually indistinct from normal rocks but that you have to re-activate using strength on each one, fucking why
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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what a horrible day to have eyes
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>55744405 I'm pretty sure this is a mistake on the dev's part. There's two metagrossites.
>>55744402 >Like I said, yeah I visit here like, once every two or three days, depends on my mood. I wrote a review for the game we're currently playing you might find interesting because a lot of its problems are very prolific across the entire "genre" of rebornlikes. >
>>55738901 Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
I am getting seriously fucking tired of how blatantly this game cheats.
>>55744486 It took me ages to reach them, especially with my framerate going at like 5 fps.
>>55744538 We can thank this game's WONDERFUL playtesters.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Whiteouts: 36>Gengar never misses Focus Blast, twice now it got a crit on my Drapion lead and 1 shot it >Chandelure keeps spamming Trick to give the opposing mon a choice scarf, SOMEHOW it still outspeeds all of my pokemon even with them being scarfed >Mimikyu has a fucking focus sash despite this being gen 8 and Disguise always taking 25% of it's health after it procs, doesn't matter because Mimikyu still outspeeds everything for no good reason SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH.......
>>55744571 >I am getting seriously fucking tired of how blatantly this game cheats. sorry I am a newfag, would you mind elaborating? I find this specific topic fascinating
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>55744594 >Mimikyu has a fucking focus sash despite this being gen 8 and Disguise always taking 25% of it's health after it procs You can tell the creator just copypasted old gen smogon sets with zero thought for the context that lead to their use.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
is there some reason why she didn't take victini, and didn't just flee the region?
might be explained, but expecting not
>>55744594 ah. yeah, forgot that fight probably was going to be a major kick in the dick for you kek.
i guess there's that indeedee egg? note the ace mega dusknoir is dark/ghost
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>55744594 >>55744610 No bros, you gotta be prepared for Mold Breaker obviously
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>>55744605 "Cheating in this context is the ai reading your input before making its move" i.e. if you use an electric type move they switch into a ground type
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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i mean, damn, if you're just going to SAY it
>>55744605 you're just watching orevald's shit luck in play
but also maxed out EV/IVs, strong advantage against his dualtype, and a lucky retard AI doesn't help
>>55744618 you can literally even catch excadrill in the desert nextdoor. literal genius move
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
I guess you can say he had [Scary monsters].
>>55744605 I think the game is blatantly using illegal EV spreads, mostly because Mimikyu's speed is 96 and I'm fairly certain it's an adamant nature one too, my mons are all EV invested and quite a few are faster than it, Delphox, Gengar and my Jolly Drapion, they should be outspeeding it, but for some reason that's not happening.
>>55744610 And of course they compensate via bullshit.
>>55744614 Indeedee got melted on my second attempt so I didn't use it on the third.
>>55744618 Okay, that's fucking genius if it's what the dev was going for.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >villains have been using all kinds of bullshit superpowers to avoid losing all game >disable their tech *once* >NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THAT'S BULLSHIT THAT'S UNFAIR THAT'S CHEATING REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE NOOOOO YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO DO THAT WAHHHHHHHHHHH
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>55744648 gg
but mimikyu's nature is jolly. i know, it is frustrating, but you can see all enemy stats from the PBS, it doesn't have illegal EVs and it doesn't cheat (outside of the multiple mega shit moeLester pulls)
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Here's the team I used, I am really confused how that Mimikyu was just outspeeding everything and doing so much damage, unironically that thing was a bigger problem than the Mega Dusknoir, I just put that to sleep with Venusaur and it was easy cake.
>>55744662 I guess it's just my shit luck and paranoia flaring up again.
>>55744665 Its not paranoia when the devs do fuck with you more often than not. Also i didnt see the mega Dusknoir, was it cool?
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
if you're going to try and make the villain be le communist bolshevik hero and make it so that he seems justified in some way, you kind of have to make it so that the world reflects his actions, i think there's literally just been one town so far that's tried the 'systemic inequality' stuff and the gym leader of that town was bending over through his own asshole to build free houses for the poor, outside of maybe a few NPCs saying "damn my house is kinda expensive"
>>55744687 The region went to shit ever since the geothermal power plants went out of business, due to an unnaturally rapid cooling of the regions magma.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>55744665 GG.
Given your dualtype, that should probably be the hardest gym in the game for you. All that's left is catching mons to make sure you have a consistent strategy for Venom and making sure you can scramble for double battles if needed.
>>55744687 The best part is that he doesn't really have an actual plan. He's always so concerned with telling you the why and not the how.
>Step 1: Obtain godlike power >Step 2: Destroy the world >Step 3: ??? >Step 4: Tankie utopia At best case scenario he aims to use Meloetta to just control specific people and is hoping that'll be enough to shape the literal entire world's social development which is already a hell of a stretch for being feasible even looking past the immorality of it.
hey, can anyone help me activate debug for this? i've been trying but when I start the game after adding debug flag, it tries to compile PBS but takes too long townmaps.txt never gets made because it hangs
>>55744734 are you listening to yourself? pathetic
>>55744734 This is a let's play thread, not your personal help forum.
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>>55744734 >880 fakemon holy shit you sure you want to do this?
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
This game SURE WAS playtested huh? Also I fucking despise ocean routes, probably even more than puzzles.
>>55744683 I just have abysmal luck both irl and in games, which often just makes my mind tell me something or someone is fucking with me out of sheer paranoia.
>>55744706 Thanks bro, yeah, I had a few Dark types, but his Ghosts were just melting through my team, Venom will probably still be a pain in the ass that will make me rely on screens or Trick Room.
>>55744698 It seems all the Charizard worship in the region has attracted unwanted attention.
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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I don't think I have ever even heard of colors like these
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>55744698 Witnesses say a mysterious redhead was seen kissing another man on top of a CHARIZARD while a black haired girl with a shit cut was seen seething in the area before the regional economy tanked
>>55744706 Remember there's still a dark gym unfortunately
>he aims to use Meloetta to just control specific people and is hoping that'll be enough to shape the literal entire world's social development You would know better than me but I kind of assumed he'd become Dr. Manhattan or some kind of retarded powerscaling faggotry and could snap infinite resources into existence
Or maybe just good old Cultural Revolution genocide, less mouths to feed and house the better I suppose
>>55744734 Can you show your console? It might just need to compile once and then be fine on subsequent tries
I'll try it myself when I get back to my computer
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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>>55744734 >rgssad file The main problem is probably that you don't have the PBS files, unless you got those from somewhere
I can get debug running in a bit, and I'll catbox the data folder
>>55744781 The earth is flat confirmed! Sail off the edge and embrace sweet oblivion.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>55744793 >You would know better than me but I kind of assumed he'd become Dr. Manhattan or some kind of retarded powerscaling faggotry and could snap infinite resources into existence He goes on a big spergy rant about the human nature the problem while not actually dropping anything like
>But with all this power I can fix that, protagonist-kun! Ostensibly he realizes on some level that even if he resets the status quo the same societal feedback loops will begin unless some action is taken. Action that he was already in the position to take before the game even started
as Champion given the implied power the title holds for the region's policy and government .
Maybe I'm missing something here, but no matter how I look at it, his "plan" comes across more as a shittier woke Lysandre plot.
>Dark Gym Reigan's team is significantly more frail making it easier to muscle through with neutral hits. If Orevald can beat the ghost gym, I bet he'll be fine against him.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>55744734 Here you go: Remove the rgssad file from the game's directory and put the Data and Graphics folders in the game's directory, and merge when prompted and it should work
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>>55744835 absolute gigachad
>>55744747 >>55744749 lick my balls anon
>>55744826 At least Lysandre wanted everyone to look super model hot for eternity too. Thats a pretty solid side objective.
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
Well since she is going to be a double battle there is a little strategy I want to try out
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
>>55744872 Whiteouts:10
Didn't go as well I was expected because klefki
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>Desert was a complete shithole that ran at 5 fps >There's no fucking way this game can have an even laggier area r-right? >Reaches Lobelia insland and the game goes to 3 fps Amazing.
>>55744808 At this point I would just accept it.
>>55744841 That and rid Kalos of the undesirable while also pulling a coup de grace and tricking the kikes of the region into funding his project.
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
>>55744880 Whiteouts:11
The lack of options for SE damage really is bad, even worse that she has a bloody Togekiss those are always my bane
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
>>55744888 Whiteouts: 16
I am pretty sure the Togekiss has kings rock and it keeps triggering
I hate it
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>noooooo the city is in danger >but you have to battle me first :^) since it's a hot redhead with enormous tits and her theme is from undernight in birth, i'll take it
also wow this character is so much happier in her vs sprite than the game makes her out to be
>>55744826 >Action that he was already in the position to take before the game even started this really is the weirdest part to me, especially how in-game, it's shown that one saint of a gym leader, by just building some houses for niggers, makes them stop being niggers (doesn't really work in real life, but just working within in the framework of the game)
so i'm not really sure what the fuck he was doing, or why he needed to turn to human trafficking and was working with dr. avitstein, i guess to show he's really le major hypocrite, but it comes across as very confused and not very compelling
if i had to rewrite this game, i'd definitely make him more well intentioned with a more definite plan (maybe just not have the whole child trafficking shit to begin with), and have an unhinged lunatic like lester usurp him and become the main villain. not terribly original i know, though
>>55744937 it does, unfortunately. most enemies have max EV/IVs, so don't feel any shame in turning on debug to give yourself those if you're really hurting
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
>>55744937 Whiteouts: 18
I really need to get more knowledge of Galar mons, always thought hatterene was super frail
>>55744959 Oh max EV and IVs are already happening? Well then time to max them out
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>55744967 >t. Every fangame this thread has ever played Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
You can straight up get softlocked in the island's inn if you try to leave from upstairs in the door to the right, because of course it does.
>>55744967 SIIIIIIIIIIIGH......I can already feel the pain.
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
>>55744964 Well after IV and EV modifications won first try
Kinda shame that I probably won't be able to use this combo agiain for a while
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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I don't think that is safe
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>leena hates the pajeet too BASED
>>55744982 >>55744985 it wasn't really that long, was like 3 trainers
assuming there'll be a lot more inside the building
>>55744986 gg
but yeah, unfortunately there's not really that many doubles
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>all the gym leaders took a vow to not do anything about team blight and leave the problem to juno and ramona >ramona when you meet her has just been aimlessly walking around the region and said she just abandoned her duty because it was too much and the gym leaders weren't doing enough great 'plot'
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
I just noticed G.Weezing's heads look stoned out of their minds, on another neat note, following Pokemon that float follow you while you're swimming, which is pretty cool.
>>55745004 Noted.
>Game makes the nigger gym leader a complete and utter piece of shit who's not only extremely incompetent but also unbearable to be around This game continues to be very unintentionally redpilled.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>55745004 >>leena hates the pajeet too She's in S-tier for a reason bro.
>>55745014 Everything from here on out is complete spaghetti and only gets worse the more you think about it.
>>55745062 >This game continues to be very unintentionally redpilled. It's quite funny how often this happens.
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
Of course the potbelly lizard gets a statue, where are the Feraligatr and Incineroar statues? Those are the mons who are perfection they deserve it
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>>55745076 >The statue itself is screaming KANTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
>>55745076 He doesn't seem to like any reptile
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
what an absolutely garbage 'puzzle'>have to go to computers in a specific order across two floors >i legitimately have no fucking clue where the clue for the last one is supposed to be it's T3@M BL16H7 yes, i know the note on the below floor said 'use leetspeak' but i have no idea how you were supposed to know to specifically write "Team Blight" in leetspeak
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Game, you already gave me an oval charm before.
>>55745071 Yup, kek.
>>55745076 They screwed up Feraligatr in more ways than one, the other starters get cool Megas and then they just stuck a tire up Feraligatr's ass and made it even more DUMMY THICK.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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>>55745088 there was a device locked behind computer 3's gate that told you the password, but yeah, it's pretty dumb desu
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>>55745082 Nah, even your mons is sick of Cal's shit.
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
Just realized that changing costumes doesn't change the battle sprites, kinda mad
>>55745093 What in the nine hells is that, at that point just make it a joke sprite and copy paste a Godzilla sprite
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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>>55745099 This made me want to check what megagooze looks like and it seems the custom megas in general are shite in the looks department
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
if they're aware of the time loop, why do they continue to do the same shit?
also for the first one, i unironically thought the game was bugged and the eventing shat itself
>demice's shit bugtesting job unironically added to the game LUDOKINO
>>55745093 i don't want to post two images, but 4 words: gen 3 feraligatr backsprite
>>55745071 yeah, that does seem to be what happens when you throw timeniggers into the mix...
I'm in awe at how long this game has been so far
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
how would jirachi not be the strongest mythical
you'd think that being able to grant pretty much any wish would be stronger than some time control
oh well, let's finish this shit up
>>55745117 yeah, 12 gyms and there's quite a bit of content between each one + a lot of storyshit
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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>two memories on the same level of a mountain Kinda weird
>>55745127 Or Victini*s Deus ex machina power to always win.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>55745127 >how would jirachi not be the strongest mythical He is. To the degree that their autism plot gadget destroys itself when using jirachi's wishes to do anything remotely useful. Even the writer knows they cannot possibly lose with that.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>Del: We could battle here in this city, but naaaaah, you need to find me in one of the shittiest and laggiest places in any Pokemon fangame ever >>55745099 People never do the concept of a Mega Feraligatr justice sadly.
>>55745106 Oh, I'm aware and that image has been burned into the back of my mind for all eternity, why Gamefreak?! Why?!
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>even lester's own grunts think he's already eaten shit hahahahahahahaha
>>55745133 to be fair, i think he already kind of operates from the assumption that he'll always win as he's (supposed to be) the strongest trainer in the region, and victini wouldn't let him warp spacetime or whatever
though definitely will make a certain scene later funnier
>>55745140 rebornGODs...we've won again
>>55745172 i don't remember deso's being too bad, other than it's typing being pretty retarded desu
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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bro you used the exact same fucking team as last time, what the hell did you expect>first time i beat him first try reminds me of genichiro in sekiro, first time he beat my ass badly and was probably the hardest fight in the game, now he's just an appetizer for the actual final boss
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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yeah, again i'm really surprised they didn't go down the "lester is a dark mirror of the MC" route and have him properly take over from venom as the final boss
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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Now he decides to help outta nowhere, wow, what an amazing story with gripping characters and motivations.
>>55745177 It is kinda neat, I just don't get why the fuck it's Poison type.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
describes my entire experience playing pokemon fangames succinctly
>>55745216 oh shit you are not going to enjoy this part
uh, i guess, try and focus on hyde's team and hope del doesn't fuck shit up
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>>55745222 oh wrong image, whatever
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>get the tm for fucking mega kick bro i'm at the end of the game
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
FUCK. YOU. DEL. You useless sack of shit, the only reason I even managed this first try was due to extreme luck of one of their Pokemon killing itself via life orb recoil and the Mega Zoroark clicking Focus Blast and missing, which changed it's type to Fighting and then it got destroyed by my Bronzong's Psychic on accident.
>>55745222 He kept clicking First Impression on his Golisopod and pretty much nothing else, he even switched his Intimidate Salamence on Hyde's Malamar, truly the most useful double's partner ever.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
i genuinely had to rack my brains here for like 30 seconds to remember who this character was, amazing
game really does not feel suited for a cast this large, even despite its length
>>55745239 did he even bother to click first impression on the actual first turn
he sure as shit didn't do that for me. using aqua jet on hyde's goodra when it was at full HP was far more important
>>55745247 mandatory that every leader of a vaguely asian place MUST die in a pokemon fangame. reborn, rejuvenation, empyrean, now this game
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>>55745259 Despite being a japanese franchise they really hate the asians
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>marshall correctly points out there were other ways the professor could have saved his daughter than killing boxfuls of children >10 seconds later >u-um, i'm sowwy i said all those mean things about your professor, pwease forgive me :((( fuck off
>>55745262 Killing a ton of children might not have been the most efficient method. But it was the most cost-efficient way, just think of the resale value on all those spare organs from the kids.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>Venom tells us to not to kill people and yet he kills people as he damn well pleases This is the only sensible thing MoeLester has said all game.
>>55745259 No, he went straight for Liquidation on the first turn, then he kept clicking First Impression over and over until the Golisopod went down, I also find it lovely how Emergency Escape never triggers on his Golisopod when we face it, which implies it has an unique ability, but when he's your doubles partner, oh THEN it works, he did a small amount of damage to MoeLester's Mega Hydreigon, that was the most useful thing he did all fight.
Pretty much and it's always in a dojo like setting, funnily enough Desolation also sorta does that I think with Kuiki.
>>55745262 Avitstein like any self-respecting Jew did a very good job at corrupting the minds of children.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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wonder how badly the eventing breaks if you release zeraora before doing all that shit
>>55745268 well he did give them the fauci ouchie unfortunately, i'm not really sure it can be salvaged. unless idk, maybe the black market really likes black carbon worms in their sold kidneys
>>55745270 also in desolation, we're apparently going to some convent of monks next, i fully expect their leader to get killed in some fashion when whenever village they live in gets burned to the ground by the nigger foxes
>Avitstein like any self-respecting Jew did a very good job at corrupting the minds of children even better, marshal wasn't even one of the kids he groomed, and yet somehow he managed to manipulate him into giving him an apology (and shekels)
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
how does he even have any of his gadgets anymore without zeraora or the ability to charge them? also why doesn't he immediately use the mind control right now to take all of us, since apparently he no longer has the issue of powering his gadgets?
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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It's funny how Amelia doesn't kill the old town leader in route 4 anymore after chapter 6, which pretty much confirms she'll go through some correctio-I mean redemption arc. Kek, he truly is an example for le happy merchants everywhere.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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when he started gaining busted abilities like the antagonists did apparently, and even still he couldn't have just used that to help skip all the shit puzzles here? fuck you del
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>Some people don't even go through these routes because they're so big IF YOU KNOW IT'S A FUCKING PROBLEM ADDRESS IT YOU FUCKING HACKS.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
And now random fuckers in routes have Megas too.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Arguably one of the only good looking Megas.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
i'm so sad i couldn't have used george floyd in this playthrough
i guess i'll have to settle for trayvon martin (rillaboom). we'll fuck up cops some other time old friend
>the faggot waited a turn to mega evolve ampharos, probably because i had whimsicott out very weird, didn't think the AI was capable of that
>>55745290 haha...isn't it 'fun'?
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
i feel like this is supposed to be the end of some bigger arc and marshall/the police were supposed to be a lot more important early on, especially with how you can name marshall, you can really tell once he decided to go full reborn these fags just all kind of dropped out of the plot
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>juno teleports in >juno then teleports out, with the 2 police officers they just established like 3 hours ago, that she could not teleport other people with her, fucking hell let's just end this
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>55745307 I wonder if anything happens if you name him marshall
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
this is a letter written by lester kek
>>55745314 doesn't look like, just looking at some of the events
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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please tell me he goes "OH MY GOD...PEOPLE WERE SUFFERING THIS WHOLE TIME...BECAUSE..OF ME..." at some point
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>55745262 >>55745284 >>55745307 >>55745312 I told you the plot repeatedly goes full retard toward the end. For all intents and purposes, this is the final boss and everything afterwards is a very prolonged playable epilogue.
>>55745297 I'm okay with the Dusknoir, Toxicroak, and Hydreigon as well.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>55745302 YEAH, I love traversing massive laggy routes with a billion trainers, no good rewards and confusing layouts, IT'S GREAT!
>>55745305 That shrimp is exercising it's second amendment rights to full effect.
>>55745314 Nope, I did it and nothing happened.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
As if my LOATHING for this game couldn't get any more glaring.
>>55745343 Mega Hydreigon is an objective upgrade, I like Mega Dusknoir, not very fond of this game's Mega Toxicroak, looks very tacky, especially compared to Desolation's Mega Toxicroak.
>>55745292 I kind of like the fuck-off huge star tail, but admittedly I'm not a Luxray fan normally.
>>55745297 Okay that thing is sick.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>55745363 Better late than never?
>Desolation's Mega Toxicroak Fair. I don't have it as a point of reference as I haven't played Desulation.
>>55745346 >Who runs Shedinja? This fucker obviously never been in Hoenn's Battle Frontier. Battle Arena to be precise.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>55745378 I don't like Luxray all that much myself either, it's not terrible but it's kinda underwhelming.
I love that Shrimp too, shame I can't use it.
>>55745382 It's pretty cool, kinda takes some inspiration from Baraka.
>>55745388 I still have nightmares of trying to get the golden badges from some of the battle facilities, I think I only beat the battle factory and spire and it took me so much effort that I eventually just gave up trying to get the rest.
>>55745403 Blade spark signature move when
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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Considering this is the Reborn shiny, this implies that Steven Stone went to Reborn. Also thanks Steven.
>>55745425 Kek, I guess the closest you can get to that is Gunk Shot.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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I thought this was postgame locked, well shit, I'm getting Mega choice paralysis.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>They locked Swift behind Surf in an engame area What kind of clownworld bullshit is this?
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Wait, the road to Alstroemeria is closed, where the fuck am I supposed to go?
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>55745475 Paeonia Forest. Get ready for a big fight if you want to flex on the dev.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
fuck that was rough whatever, not the worst 6v12 i've done. honestly wasn't even that bad, just the first time the game demanded me to actually come up with a semblance of strategy (i chose rain and swift swim ludicolo spamming surf, here)
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>55745483 If it's not that, talk to the reception lady at the inn near the desert again. I don't remember which of these esoteric triggers this is offhand.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>55745484 I honestly think that's the hardest mandatory fight in the game.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>55745484 gg, hope your team can consistently win vs venom, haha...
>>55745490 6v12s tend to do that desu
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
you really kind of wonder why they didn't try and make more, given how actually much of a help the anti-bullshit device has been
>venom starts screaming about cole lol?
this side character i've literally forgotten about already is le actually super important, i see
>>55745490 yeah, i don't really see how you're going to top a straight 6v12 against high level and EV trained mons unless you do the curie thing with 5 megas and an uber legendary with no weaknesses, and yes i know what's about to happen here
>>55745498 thanks
>>55745475 >>55745486 it is indeed the lady at the inn, then the forest temple in paeonia. there will be a sign in the temple that directs you where to go.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>he literally just lets you go to prepare kek, time to prepare you know, as i'm just thinking here, whatever happened to moeLester's vanguard device? or did that fall under the anti-bullshit machine's jurisdiction too
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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People brought it up, but it's fucking embarrassing that a mandatory puzzle is partially broken.
>>55745483 >>55745486 Noted.
>>55745500 This game's progression and sense of direction are so retarded.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
mindbreak = successful>first trounced his ass with ludicolo >then galvantula and whimsicott beat him up >trounced his ass again with ludicolo >then ferrothorn solo'd nearly his entire damn team not only beaten, but nearly beaten in 4 different ways. this guy has a shit team honestly, this is probably one of the better uses of time niggery in fangames, if only because the melty is very funny
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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Oh no, Venigger is electroraping Melia's mom.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
roll credits>the mythicals knew all of this would go down >meaning the mythicals allowed for this region's child population to get 9/11'd >meaning the mythicals- no, no, i'm not going to go any further, i praised this game for its timeshittery and of course disappoints me in the next 10 seconds
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>55745558 Don't worry, they walk all this back immediately upon arriving at the pokemon league. Even the author had second thoughts about this level of mental retardation.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Whiteouts: 38
So, light clay is bugged and is not working and screens are lasting only from 3 to 4 turns for some retarded reason, I don't understand why fangame devs have to SUCH SPITEFUL PIECES OF SHIT.
>>55745558 Pretty much GG since there's not much from here on out.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
whimsicott absolutely shitstomped her entire team, especially thanks to a retarded switch midfight to dragonite for some reason so it could lose multiscale. probably could have made it last through the mega sceptile too, but meh. i guess it at least makes sense that if you can defeat a trainer stronger than this bitch 30 times in a row, you should be able to beat her ass with just one pokemon
heading to bed though, really tired and don't want to go through more trainerspam in victory road + del/faye's final battles
>>55745568 kek, good to know
>>55745586 thanks
>So, light clay is bugged that's odd, it's definitely been 7-8 turns for me in the past
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>55745590 if you're trying to beat venom, don't even bother, the game straight up does not acknowledge your win, it's not like empire/reborn where you might get a gift or some shit changes, the game just pretends like you lost
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>55745586 >screens are lasting only from 3 to 4 turns for some retarded reason Is there some niggermon with the Stall ability when it happens?
>>55745602 >del/faye's final battles Completely optional if you don't care.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>55745613 i wonder if it's the dracovish using psychic fangs breaking them early or something, would make sense as orevald has poisonmons
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>>55745619 That makes a lot of sense given where he is. I only thought Stall because it seemed strange it was lasting half the time it should've.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Whiteouts: 49
Fuck this fight, just fuck this fight, I'm going to bed before I become so stressed I won't be able to sleep at all.
>>55745602 It just doesn't work, I set it up with Meowtism, a turn passes, Meowtism sets Trick Room, another turn, Meotism sets up another screen before going down, another turn passes, that's 3, switch in Medicham and take down Heliolisk, that's 4 turns, immediately after screens go away.
>>55745612 That's dogshit, but I'll try anyhow.
>>55745613 Nope.
>>55745619 Nope, it just keeps spamming choice banded Outrage and Cruch, I never saw it use Psychic Fangs.
Proud Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
Had to backtrack a bit to join these niggas, but who the fuck are they kidding? All they do is jump on ten-year-olds who are just trying to get through a fucking route kek
>>55745642 Were you two ever able to get a GWeezing? Sounds like it'd be really useful there. If not, hmm, what was your other type besides Poison
Proud Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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Holy shit, a follower dude who isn't cancer! The dude just walks behind your follower mon like a good boy. Compare this to certain games that make your follower mon go poof and force you into doubles faggotry, then sending out, say, a useless ass Blissey.
vanGODS how do we keep winning?
Proud Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
Quoted By:
Oh, and are you really supposed to just leave that first city? The rival girl just bitched at me for trying to ditch her. I guess the team golems said they'd try to get her, but how would you even know where she is? I actually backtracked and went to that building she said she'd been waiting at, but there was nothing there lol. It's not like there's anything else to do in the city, so do you really just wander off and beat the fuck out of her when she bitches at you? Also, I'll admit I kinda miss those nurses from Eon Guardians you had to smack the fuck out of until they do their fucking jobs.
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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It seems Zacian and Zamazenta are bloody dead
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
Whiteouts: 19 Jumpscare bosses really are common in this game
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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>>55746695 Whiteouts: 21
I am pretty sure that Toxtricity was choice scarfed, it really was the biggest threat to my team with choice boomburst
not gonna start an LP but>starting village name
>>55746751 i wasn't expecting this to be a lol xd meme so random hack. damn
>>55746751 >>55746765 OH FUCK THIS. the creator of this recorded anime-esque cries for LITERALLY every fucking pokemon in the game and they say it if you go into their summary or send them out in battle. I'm just done instantly and will never touch this game again
here's a webm with audio FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>55746786 Play it but only with the Regi trio.
>>55746796 they're not the funny anime cries...
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
First try, surprised that it was doubles
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
>>55746800 Why would the dev even bother with this then?
>>55746807 Rika status: Corrected
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
I will never understand why fly is always at like the half or later of the game
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>>55746812 my favorite is when there's no fly at all and it's just some bullshit taxi you gotta pay for every time
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
Fangames try to not fear the karp challenge: Impossible Also went and checked every place with margikarp as an encounter has it at 3% too
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
>>55746866 Sorry chuddy, bulky mons with intimidate are le bad. Now take your pre-gym 2 Blissey and Clefable and enjoy the well balanced game, bigot!
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
Quoted By:
I have fused with the vigilante
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>55745743 Again, I hope the update is at least better
Also christ alfuckingmighty. Which one of you niggers was this? Though I doubt anyone here is genuinely braindamaged enough to talk about how they love Genshin Impact on the Vanguard shitcord
>>55746812 Main games do it, therefore we must follow what main games do.
Same shit with how fossil revivals also get placed retardedly late (and often require you to still walk out of the room and back in).
>>55746866 The funny thing is that if the game had never even mentioned it I don't think I would've noticed it
You get the super rod to catch Cuckrados once you get to the desert town, which I think is...after the 7th badge? Not absurdly late, but still
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>>55746965 I meant to post an image there, but I'll spare everyone's eyeballs of discord degeneracy
anyway, time for trainerspam deluxe
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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Another gym already? That was fast
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
ok it's actually really funny how many trainers in this game move around normally and allow you to actually sneak past them, i don't know if that was intended but it's very welcome
>>55747018 gg, pay the game back for all the retard flinches
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
...why? you live in a rich fucking family, in fact i think the island she comes from isn't even really considered to be part of the rest of the region i really don't get why this game has pivoted towards to "OH GOD OH LAWD IT'S SO HARD TO LIVE IN THIS REGION" i'd rather live here than telius or half the regions of the fangames we've played
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
go fly out to aevium, that region's pretty nice to live and you can go borrow some of the resident mary sue's copium
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
well this is pretty retarded but not as retarded as the fact that two of these guys are literally just niggafied/crackerfied versions of each other also, isn't 'aiden' already one of the police officers' names?
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
god here we fucking go so...venom got teleported to the past because of my encounter, began fucking shit up, the elite four was sent to stop him, however they were teleported into the past a long time ago from the current day perspective, so the elite four wouldn't have present for when venom was assembling all of his bullshit technology, all of time is also somehow about to be destroyed because venom was teleported into the past, yet despite the fact he has been 'in the past' for a year, time obviously was not destroyed in the present day and i was able to come back to the past in the first place to stop him what a shitshow. remember kids, don't interject time travel into your stories
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
Quoted By:
First try as well Didn't even need to spend all that time training some undeleved stuff Got Specs from the ranger points and after the sunlight ended I just needed to click Hyper Voice to delete some mons with my Primarina
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
i beat him 30+n fucking times in a row, why do i need to do this to 'prove' myself to them, also they acknowledge i beat him, and none of them can beat him, so why the fuck are we wasting time? whatever faggot
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
pretty easy all first tries i'm lazy so i just decided to sticky web my way through, want to be done with this. even the one battle they actually managed to stop sticky web (the monk) i still won pretty easily
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>55747094 >also, isn't 'aiden' already one of the police officers' names? I was waiting for the bit where the cop was an Elite 4 member the whole game and it never happened.
>>55747126 >>55747141 I told you it goes full retard at the end.
>>55747205 Preemptive GG because your victory over his final fight is all but foregone at this point.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
and there it is kinda shit villain desu. well, at least the '30 losses' scene was pretty funny
I really hate the trope a lot of fangames do when they go to the past and it's gen 1/2 graphics
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
>mask off in the vs portrait >mask back on in the battle ok
yeah that was really easy, and his team does not change at all, that's really fucking lame. i didn't even bother using webs to see if it would be challenging and nope
i also have no idea how this guy is apparently so strong that just no one could ever beat him. do niggers just not know how to play around a fucking scarf dracovish or something? this time he decided to use play rough instead of rain boosted fishious rend on my ferrothorn, so i doubt venom himself knows how to use scarf vish
>>55747217 at least for the most part, the story tried to be coherent until this point (ignoring the villains being absolutely retarded with their superpowers), so...uh, good for that, i guess.
i have no idea why they couldn't justify him getting some kind of boost with something like 'venom used his ultimate time powers to pull legendaries from across spacetime'
>>55747263 i think it's meant to represent time breaking down or something, but who knows
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
pretty good team overall. galv (who replaced rillaboom) so i could just sticky web cheese the league, rotom was for annoying steel/grassniggers, ludicolo for just having a good moveset and typing, whimsicott for prankster sleep and being a strong fairy type, magnezone for screens and if i just needed a sturdy mon, ferro because 99% of teams in this game cannot handle a ferrothorn spamming curse
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
aw, you're supposed to roll all the credits and then go "...and thank YOU for playing Floral Tempus">you start postgame in front of the alosterperastepicia mansion the fuck was i doing there? having wild celebratory sex with all the women inside + scarlett/leena while garrison was crying outside? anyway, it's over
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>55747301 Good team. GG once again.
>>>>You brought the oven to do the needful for the region Proud Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
>>55747301 >>55747321 lol gj! How do you apply to become one of these
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
review this game...was better than I thought, but not great.>Presentation The game looks...good for the most part, in terms of tilesets and character sprite art. There's also a lot of gaping flaws. Performance is usually pretty fucking bad, the mega spriting is definitely subpar, and there's a lot of miscellaneous weird bugs that were just too hard to ignore. Music choice wasn't bad, but not great. A lot of just normal boring Pokemon remixes, with a lot of Undertale or KH music that clashed pretty weirdly, and the battle themes were even pulling from Furi, Advent Children and Undernight in Birth. Ideally, you should be a lot more consistent with your music choices, but whatever.>Gameplay This was serviceable, for the most part. Outside of some really horrible fucking areas (the desert and swamp) I don't remember a lot of particular maps getting on my nerves, and it was actually kind of weird how often the game would talk about a ton of trainers when there weren't that many. There were also a lot of really retarded puzzles. Some I didn't mind, but some were truly fucking shitty like the steel leader's factory or the desk drawer ID card thing that felt very much like padding. Combat was also...okay. This game does suffer from a hard reverse difficulty curve, in part because it starts throwing max EV/IV retardation and megas at you very quickly and thus the player adjusts to it a lot quicker and it becomes a fucking joke when the player can EV/IV boost themselves, but at least tries to make certain climactic parts more difficult. This doesn't extend to the final boss unfortunately. Side content was not...great, but mostly inoffensive at worst. You can tell this is something he got a lot better with as he went along. At the beginning there was multiple times where I had no fucking clue where to go or how to progress, but by the end it became a lot more focused.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>Story This was actually quite a bit better than I thought it'd be. Even though it has a realllly slow opening, and the ending is very retarded, AND there's a lot of win the battle lose anyway, AND the bad guys have a bunch of retarded superpowers that they could use to logically end the plot instantly, AND the game tries to make me feel bad for a mass child's at the very least coherent for most of playtime, there's some genuinely entertaining scenes, and there's some characters I like.
Sure, the plot doesn't really make any sense when you really think about it, and you can definitely tell there was a bunch of shit the creator just forgot about (remember when Jirachi saves you from Venom's spores? the fuck was that about?) but it wasn't pointlessly confusing and full of le epic plot TWEESTS, at least until the end.
>Last Thoughts This game's biggest problem, as I said before, is that it doesn't have much of a hook.
Outside of its completed status, length, being edgy at points, and custom megas, there's not much here that's really...enticing. No major shakeups to gameplay or the formula. This could work if your game absolutely excelled in other categories, like presentation (Realidea being a good example of this, ignoring the newmons in that) or story, but this obviously doesn't.
It took a decent while to get invested in this game, and I don't like having to say 'it gets good 10 hours in' when recommending something to someone.
It's okay, and I think it's worth a playthrough if you want to just play a Pokemon fangame and don't mind edge. Other than I'd give this a 4 or 5 out of 10, and I'd put it below Unbound but above Empyrean on my list. I think, judging from some comments I've seen on Discord, that there might be a sequel (or it could just be generic sequelbait). If there is, hopefully the lessons learned here and this game getting more interesting as it went on means that's a lot better.
>>55747390 >>55747394 thanks bros
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>55747609 thanks
also, some wonderful things going on in paradise KEK
Quoted By:
>>55747622 I hope they ban this racist chud.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>55747497 >it's at the very least coherent it's almost depressing that a fangame's story, even if it is some shit, being coherent and digestible is some legitimate praise
and i'm one of the kind of people who legitimately likes reborn and rejuv
honestly, as a layperson who's been lurking about the thread i can't help but respect the dev (devs?) for making a complete project like this that even you fangame-weary anons can compliment on
i hope any future projects made by the folk behind this one will just get better and better, there's something there, it just needs some polishing
looking forward to lurking about and seeing what you fuckers do next, this is one of the few good threads on this shithole of a board these days
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>>55745720 I got G.Weezing via debug because the devs are a bunch of incompetent fuckers who forgot to give you a method to obtain it, the issue is it just doesn't do enough, the only good tolerable match-up it has is against Tyranitar and Tyranitar barely takes damage from it so it isn't worth it.
>>55745743 I'm not impressed, graphics were not a problem with this game to begin with, everything else was.
>>55746965 >Someone was jacking off to G*nshin Impact in the Cuckguard shitcord Sometimes I look upon humanity and I just get sad.
>>55747301 GG.
>>55747622 Someone is starting to notice things.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
Whiteouts: 53 CRIT, I MISS, CRIT, I MISS, CRIT, FLINCH, I MISS, CRIT, FLINCH, I MISS.......siiiiiiiigh....... Also I panicked when I tried to post my last post, for some bizarre reason I received a notice I had gotten banned because of some "off-topic" post about how shitty /vp/ had gotten that I didn't even make, and said ban expired last month? What even?
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>55747880 It didnt jump high enough.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
I think I'm done with this game, normally I wouldn't even have cared, I played far worse, but it has just been screwing me over again and again and again and my patience is just fucking gone, it doesn't even have anything interesting to keep me engaged, the difficulty is just bullshit and I know it won't get better, it gets even worse because my dualtype is so shit at dealing with the cancer that are Dark and Ghost types and the few options I have for dealing with those are terrible or mediocre because of terrible movepools. The story is terrible, even with the unintentional and funny redpills. Spritework ranges from mediocre to pretty good. Route design though, oh boy, that is some dogshit and the devs know it's shit but did nothing about it, this game feels extremely unpolished and I came across multiple gamebreaking bugs throughout the course of the story, I know I'm really harsh with these but I can't bring myself to recommend this game, supposedly it's getting an update soon and hopefully it's problems get addressed. It's bizarre to me that this game has clearly taken inspiration from rebornlikes, but it didn't take note of any of the things that make those games good, not the first time that has happened, but still, why couldn't we choose from a range of all starters instead of just the gen 8 shitters? This game is clearly trying to mimic those games with the 12 badge system, the problem is that the game struggles so hard to keep you engaged for that long. The game has several awful puzzles that just serve to waste your time and it's also terrible with giving you directions, I haven't completed the game but like I said earlier, I can't bring myself to recommend this game, it's really mediocre, 2 outta 10.
>>55747981 Clearly.
>>55747997 >Restricts himself to dual type >Complains about difficulty Maybe you should just admit you aren't capable of doing a dual type run and switch back.
>>55747997 Would the game be a 3 outta 10 if HJK RNG didnt fuck you over constantly?
So I'm not seeing many of the last strands, Is the game good? I'm kinda busy playing rejuv and I have nothing to play later
I just started Pokemon Empyrean, what I am in for?
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>55748006 I'm way too stubborn for that.
>>55748014 It wasn't just that, every little thing, constant flinches, opponents always having bullshit crit rates, the AI being pure RNG shit, HJK constantly missing non-stop, the weird light clay+screens bug, low encounter rates and so much more, if it was just one thing I wouldn't have minded, but it just kept on stacking and my frustration just kept on getting higher, it doesn't help this game has several locations that run at 3 to 5 fps, it's just painful.
>>55748031 It really isn't, it's nowhere near as bad as Empire, Shitstones or as dull as shit as Eon Guardians, but it still isn't a good game.
>>55748172 A woman fucked a Pokemon and gave birth to the "antichrist".
>>55748180 >A woman fucked a Pokemon and gave birth to the "antichrist". You serious?
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Quoted By:
>>55748172 Starts out pretty okay, then the autism goes off the deep end about halfway through, then gets even more autistic about 80% through the main game
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>Think that Lucario is running a special set because it used Aura Sphere in a cutscene>Spend turns having KINGloom use Eerie Impulse after sporing it >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks, Jan.
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
Whiteouts: 22 Lost once to hyde then got the win but I accidentally pressed F12 instead of print and now I want to die
Quoted By:
>>55748216 >die to Yveltal, eventhough I beat it before. lollmaorofleven President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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>>55748357 Well good thing i didn't spend those ranger points on a scarf
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
Well you look cooler but you are still a retard for using Giga Drain on my flying type while you have protean
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>55747723 >being coherent and digestible is some legitimate praise You'd think otherwise, but there is a lot of media, not just Pokemon fangames, where the dumbfucks who write cannot structure even a basic story past their initial premise and also suck at writing in the postmodern style their shit often devolves into as well.
And yeah, same. I'm not eagerly optimistic, but definitely interested in what the dev plans to do in the future, though I understand this game took around 5 years to make. Definitely have to respect the effort of making a fully completed project of this size, that also had a surprising amount of charm to it, even if wasn't mindblowing
>looking forward to lurking about and seeing what you fuckers do next Well, we're not running out of fangames, yet, kek, at least it looks like.
Maybe could try Project Re: union or that Spanish game that was recc'd a few threads back.
>>55747997 Shame you didn't like it as much man, but it happens.
Honestly in the future, when you come across one of those retard battles, just hold down CTRL on Debug and have it skip the battle for you if you want to see what the victory outcome looks like. Not worth getting worked up over.
>>55747925 >still no e11 no, octavius
>>55748031 Just read one of the reviews above and make your decision. I didn't think it was bad, and it has some good elements to it, but it's not really that good or anything.
The plot at the very least is nowhere near as retarded as Rejuv.
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
Lmao, the devs browse vp?
>>55748611 this is my weakness
also i hope there's no problem if im talking about another fangame than what you guys are currently playing, if so i'll just stop
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>>55748625 the only people who it seriously annoys are somehow even more autistic than we are, don't worry
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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>finish leveling up the Togetic so I can evolve it >talk to it to see if it has an item >game crashes Truly a spawn of darkness
>>55748625 Nah there is no issue this thread really is more of a playing through fangames general at the end of things, it's just usually advised to not spam other games to not confuse people who are playing/watching
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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Well this is a good screenshot
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
Well that is totally not traumatazing at all for the MC
>>55748725 Cant the Togetic line feel the emotion of those around it? Must be quite the culture shock for it too.
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
>>55748727 Maybe other toges but this one...
>>55748725 >29 boxes >probably more than one child per box given their size >plus around 5 or 6 given their latest shipment of children >probably even more elsewhere in parts of the lab you don't see, and maybe a lot more buried to the point where they had to resort to storage rooms full of boxes since they had too many bodies to bury at least 63 or 64 children dead, would make him at least the 10th most prolific serial killer in history, and almost certainly far higher
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>55748763 In a prior cutscene they allude to the boxes coming and going in waves. This is an extremely lowball estimate of the total casualties.
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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>>55748763 And from what I have seen so far it's all to either save his daughter or to cure a virus that we literally have not heard a single time about before
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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>WHY DONT YOU UNDERSTAND Because you quite literally have not explained a single thing instead kept saying you don't have the time to explain
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>>55748739 Did it pick something to eat from out of those crates?
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>>55748763 >>55748774 Its like those Chinese underground child organ farms. Didnt think i would see those in a pokemon game.
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
Lets see the reaction Togekiss has to the professor losing the daughter he killed so many to try to save and to standing right next to a small child's corpse
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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>>55748831 Im pretty Evil got a taste for kid flesh, thanks to the "snack" it ate down in the basement.
>>55748625 I would actually love to catch it and play with one on a run but no luck I guess
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>>55748838 it's actually really funny considering how OP the villains get, all that was ever needed was to just shoot them
guns truly are OP
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why did i get a monokuma
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>>55748611 hope you find it funny because you're going to be see it repeated a lot
>>55748464 Fair enough I suppose, I get stressed pretty easily, like I said before, if it was just one problem, I wouldn't have minded, but this game was painful for me due to the bullshit RNG, bad optimization, padding and the constant puzzles, this fight was the straw that broke the camel's back for me.
>>55748853 You can get a few legendaries like Diancie and Magearna, the former can be obtained pretty early too, weird that the player can't get Celestela during the course of the game.
It's spreading...
They have a whole list of games archived from Relic Castle, might be worth a look later
>>55749080 That's fair.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>55749600 >5th badge That's the darknigger's badge, right? I don't remember anything particularly torturous around there, unless they're talking about right before the 6th gym, in which case very fair
>>>>>>>>Anyhow, I'll be concentrating on V14.1 since I just started last week. Oh no
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>55749600 >instantly blames people's attention spans before admitting they haven't even played it themselves every time it makes me angry
>>55749622 Yeah, that was the 'Dark Refugee' gym leader, who was also black
I really don't know what to make of either of these 'playthroughs' that I found. One is just a fangame boss fight uploader I recognize, Pikaclone God.
Check this out The other, HYDE, is a guy who appears to speak 4channarian (as in people were dropping multiple greentexts, 'faggot's, and 'autism's in his chat), I wouldn't be surprised if he's been in these threads once or twice, and described the game as CBT kek (unironically an extremely gentle metaphor for the Virtualization experience). It also looks like Vince and Scaldburner left over a 100 comments on a video of his stream, not even angry, just commenting weird shit
>>55749639 I think they just default hate Youtubers tbf
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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>>55749639 And for his sake, I hope he doesn't ever play it
I wouldn't wish that thing upon even the most autistic of reborncord
>>55749737 >Garbage Games >Only Virtualization is in kek
I don't even remember that """""""""puzzle"""""""""
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>>55749639 I mean are they really wrong?
it's not called the zoomer era for no reason
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>55749600 Considering Vrains sorta has an epilogue in Duel Links, I'm going to guess that's what that moron is going to base it around, though it's still ongoing and funnily enough it touches on topics of parallel dimensions and multiverses, BECAUSE THAT'S REALLY WHAT VIRTUALIZATION NEEDED RIGHT?!
>>55749964 They mention some guy called Blaster in the final black screen text dump in Virtualization, don't know if that sounds familiar or if that sounds like it could be a reference to another YGO character (then again this is the same game that made Soulburner into 'Whippersnapper')
IMO, I think he'll try and incorporate Ash somehow
>>55749964 Sounds like jealousy since you could never make a game as good as Rejuvenation.
>>55750049 Orevald and the rest were going to make a better game than Rejuvenation, unfortunately it got tanked by a lazy retard called Musk who had a massive spergout
>>55750055 It was just a mod.
Besides, I'm planning my own thing now.
>>55744310 Empire update has been out for a while, you guys gonna play it?
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>>55750058 Stop procrasting then faggot
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>>55750060 we did, it was really fucking bad, and a niggerfaggot here had to make a mod to skip past all the shitty parts and it still sucked nigger dick RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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>>55750058 Good luck bro, hope it turns out well
>>55750060 Already did, it was still shit
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>55750045 The only Blaster that's worth noting in Yugioh is the Dragonruler that just recently got unbanned after a decade because he and his buddies were very close to bending the meta on it's ass. He could just be creating some retarded fanfic bullshit, Idk.
>>55750049 Lol, lmao even.
>>55750060 We did and despite Wagie and RG making several mods to try and make the game playable, it was still utter dogshit and embarrassingly cringe inducing, the only reason Empire isn't loathed more is because Shitstones and Virtualization exist.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
If we're out of things to play, is there anything worth replaying while we wait for elena to finish the reminiscia dlc?
>>55750097 >The only Blaster that's worth noting in Yugioh is the Dragonruler that just recently got unbanned after a decade because he and his buddies were very close to bending the meta on it's ass. It says a lot when all the DRulers could come to 3 in the modern game and nothing bad would happen.
t. competitive yugitard
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>55750179 I think opalo is an option, if not you guys could try eternal order or project revival
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>55750179 >>55750196 Opalo's probably not a bad pick. Also gives me time for a break kek. Same for you, Bunken, if we do Eternal Order
There was also this game: from some threads back, I can't tell if it's done, I don't believe it is though.
Either way, Ose (and Eeveefag I think) are still playing this one, could just wait until they finish unless they wouldn't mind the rest of bread moving on
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>>55750219 wouldn't mind waiting
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>>55750219 I'm fine with waiting and hearing their thoughts on the late and endgame stuff. I just like spitballing ideas for afterwards in the meantime.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>55750179 As a Dragon Link player, I'm not sure if I should be super excited for DRulers being back or extremely depressed Savage Dragon got banned and Nibiru fucks the deck even harder than before.
>>55750196 >>55750219 I'd fine giving Opalo a go.
>Last chance The game does look interesting and supposedly according to the very obnoxious jewtuber that they used to shill the game, it's very similar to Reborn and Rejuvenation, though he barely elaborated on why beyond you being able to make choices.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>55750345 desu the only time I've personally been actually somewhat invested in yugioh compfagging was in DL when Ice Barriers were an actually somewhat viable rogue deck kek
Love those fuckers, even when they were absolute fucking dogshit
>>55750390 Did you ever use Exodia?
>>55750393 I prefer pure Ice Barriers with generic support cards desu, I want to win with my synchrobros
>>55750406 But if you assemble Exodia it's unstoppable.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>55750390 >A fellow Ice Barrier enthusiast Based, I haven't touched DL in a while due to how dogshit the game became because of bloated and broken skills.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>55750437 True, but then I wouldn't be winning with my bros
>>55750441 Yeah, it's pretty shit apparently, I don't really keep up with the pvp side, but it's nice going in every now and then and banishing npc's boards woth Trishula kek
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>>55750450 Is Exodia not your bro?
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
What's Opalo? I've never heard of it.
>>55750345 >As a Dragon Link player, I'm not sure if I should be super excited for DRulers being back or extremely depressed Savage Dragon got banned and Nibiru fucks the deck even harder than before. Nibiru fucks almost everyone really hard right now. I think the best thing DLink players can do right now is pivot into Tenpai DLink while they wait for the inevitable next wave of Rokket support (it's an anime deck, it'll eventually get something).
>>55750390 Ice Barrier got one of the silliest boss monsters printed in recent years with Lancea. It's not entirely enough to salvage them as they struggle extremely hard going second since their starters don't float like a lot of modern decks do, but they can steal some wins now at least. Check it out if you haven't already seen it.
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>>55750545 >What's Opalo? I've never heard of it. One of the good fangames. Also, it has porn in the folder, so the dev is 100% in on porn of his characters.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>55750545 Game I did a while back. Basically, 16 gym Spanish game (though it feels about the same length as Floral Tempus) where you go through not!America with a cute native chick. Overall has a nice vibe even if the story is pretty boring during the first region, and when the story does pick up in the second region it's pretty alright.
Hilariously, the game got violently shit on by the reborncord and other troglodyte servers, for a few reasons
>there are (actually pretty okay) regional forms in the game, which are apparently racist depictions of native people because of the overuse of feathers (?????????) which as far as I can track started from some schizo on the Empire server trying to deflect shade against his game >a South Park joke that also existed in another fangame from the creator where the black MC option starts the game with no money (keep in mind there are leftist game journo outlets who actually praised the South Park joke and actually said it didn't go far enough in showing racial inequality) The whole theme I guess of Opalo is that le oppression is...le BAD in the context of native Americans, a take I'm using to freeze my cookie dough, and somehow the retards gaslit themselves into thinking it was a hyper-chuddy game that's even worse than Clover.
There is one complaint that I could see as legitimate, that there's photos of Hitler and hentai of the characters in the game files, but the former is for an Arceus cutscene and the latter is for some shitposty postgame museum gallery.
I got offtrack, but yeah the worst thing you could say about it is that it's kind of boring at points and the story has its cringekino, but that's just longer fangames in general for you
>>55750670 pretty sure the racist regional form accusation can be chalked up almost entirely to the makuhita line, which comes off as a stereotype when combined with the implication of "yeah dude you're capturing this pokemon that looks like a native american man"
the rest of the regional forms are fine, though the bird regionals are ridiculously on the nose on top of being ugly as fuck
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>55750670 That sounds overall enjoyable. Does it come with an english translation?
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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>>55750219 I don't mind everyone else moving on, specially since I already played Opalo last year
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
I have noticed some trees have these statues on them, do they mean anything is it some post game thing or are they just decoration?
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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Whiteouts: 25 Her mons did a shit ton of damage even without sun up
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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And then the Sandstorm guy decided to set up dragon dance on two different mons while my primarina who was specd into Moonblast was out It's really weird how the AI is either retarded or does the perfect thing to counter your every move with no in between
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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Oh neat he is using the name I gave him all that time ago But this is kinda retarded>just because we are all living in poverty we don't care that some guy is joining a child traficking group that also wants to destroy everything in the region
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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>a petty thief is no different than the CHILD TRAFICKERS Please game let this retard lose his battle
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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Shit I wanted him to lose
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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First try, good thing I caught a Helioptile all the way back, I still don't get what makes this line part normal but I am not complaining
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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>>>>>>>>>>>>the retard actually forgot his own password
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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Two megas, still not good enough
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
>>55751778 Even if he had another Hydreigon I still had more than one mon game why
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>55750450 Fair enough, ranked is a giant pain in the ass.
>>55750545 I need to read up on Tenpai, though I mostly play a control variant of D-Link with the tax dragons, that or D-Link Odd-Eye. I wished Konami would stop being so stuck up and released some D-Link support in DL, the deck only got one wave of support when they were released and then they never got anything else, they don't even have Striker there, just a miserable skill that does nothing but fuck the deck by preventing you from using non-dark extenders but you have to use it because it's the only thing that lets you access Boot Sector easily, because they think D-Link is a problem but nearly full power Orcust, Shaddoll with a skill that lets then have Winda and Baronne being in the game via a skill as well is perfectly fine.
>>55750670 I really hope the game doesn't become a whiny shitfest about "muh oppression", I don't want to wake up my inner chud.
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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>>55751783 Oh nevermind his whole team was apperantly healed
Why didn't he do it in the tower instead of crying?
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>55751466 either of these should work >>55751507 does not look like there's any event associated with them
>>55750806 Nah, it's most of them, in fact in one of the earliest discussions where Opalo first really was cracked down hard for racism, Hariyama was seen as cool. Note this is from the Empire server at the same time the game was getting perma-kicked off everywhere for stealing and splicing sprites and Opalo was considered the hottest shit at the time, and this same faggot, who's kind of some weird fucking dev/PR agent for Empire copied this very take with the super long winded essay (which doesn't even make any sense if you read it, it has nothing to do with Opalo) to multiple other servers where I saw Empire getting bashed, I've no doubt this was done very deliberately and maliciously
You have to remember a lot of them are very stupid, and just sort of...blindly believe who sounds kind of smart or seems like some kind of authority if it gets repeated often enough. Though, the Hitler porn and the 'niggers have no money' joke definitely didn't help kek
Hariyama is...odd for me, but it'd fall into the same category as something like Ludicolo and Medicham, where yes it could be considered an offensive stereotype, but...come on
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>55751830 I know a similar outrage was happening when mario odyssey came out and you could get the marachi outfit with a sombrero. most of the outrage was from white people on twitter, most of the people who were actually mexican loved the representation. I feel like for something to be offensive it has to be way worse, like if the makuhita was weak to poison because of the pox blankets or something, or was really red and had a move called "head scalp"
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>55751778 He would just bullshit his way to victory, because this game copied Rejuvenation's homework of not letting the player have anything.
>>55751830 This is really retarded and seems to be another case of faggots whining about "muh racism" to act offended and gain brownie points in their echo chambers, though I wouldn't be surprised if this faggot was pushing this shit with the intent to deface Opalo, which makes me furious, I wouldn't fucking doubt it either, considering everyone involved with Empire seems to be a massive piece of shit.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>55751778 haha..
>>55751856 It's even weirder than that, because you'll see some of them talk about actually very offensive stereotypes in Clover and favorably compare it to Opalo, which has 'subtle racism that could seriously influence the player' (it doesn't and if your political views change because of a Pokemon fangame you were a gigantic fucking moron to begin with). It's not even white liberal outrage here, it's just...very unintelligent people with very shitty and poor takes.
>>55751883 It's not even like Opalo is some amazing game, or barely has flaws either. You can say the game is shit because of those, I suppose it's just easier to cry racism.
Ironically it's very reminiscent of criticism towards Empire itself, where people who have never played the game get offended by right-wing caricatures spouting diarrhea or still think Cheyenne got raped to death by TAVROS, and don't at least some of it, and talk about why the game is actually bad.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
also kek people are talking about us again in the reborncord, prepare the 'cados
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>55751883 >of not letting the player have anything. At the very end, when it finally does stop cockteasing the player, Lester and especially Venom's final melties are among the best I've seen in any fangame.
>>55751788 >I need to read up on Tenpai DLink Tenpai has a unique niche of actually being able to do things if forced to go first unlike pure/handtrap spam Tenpai without relying on drawing something like Heat Wave. It's a big of a different playstyle than classic midrange DLink, but it's probably the best direction for it to go right now judging by the DLink niggas I playtest new stuff with.
>I don't want to wake up my inner chud. My inner chud is already awoken and I'll be naming my character, rivals, and mons the chuddiest things I can think of.
>>55751910 They cannot stop themselves reading these threads if they wanted to.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>55751910 >ScaldBurner getting called a Virtualization shill alt KEK
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>>55751905 >That conversation Gods, it feels like college all over again and it's painful.
Honestly the political bullshit is just the surface of why Empire is shit, if it was a deterrent to keep faggots away, that would be based, but the game is dogshit on so many levels that it's painful, we know that and I think anyone with a brain that gave that game a try will agree.
>>55751917 The problem is that's way too late into the game, it's fucking demoralizing to play through a game that constantly shits up on everything you try to accomplish.
I know Tenpai is about OTKing the fuck outta people with my old beloved Trident Dragion, I saw some videos, but I didn't sit down to read their effects yet and figure out the combos by myself.
My inner chud makes me recite historical facts and statistics that debunk the retarded rhetoric of kikes and faggots, it's like a natural reflex by this point and I have to control myself to not let it run rampant.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>55751941 HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I didn't even see that. Holy fuck. You, me and Vince really are the only people who have actually completed that 'game'
I also really love the concept of the fucking Vanguard dev of all people trying to help the Virtualization dev try to make a better game
>Hey I must say, for the wide variety of fangame folks this place draws in, I gotta give it credit where it's due, this is probably the most healthy and active fangame channel I have seen that isn't 80% of folks discussing the same fangames and romhacks. oh no no no
at least on some level they are aware that's retarded
>>55751917 >They cannot stop themselves reading these threads if they wanted to One of them actually brings that up, surprisingly. Though it's not going to stop them
They seem to hate that fat nigga SacredAlmighty more than they hate us, weirdly, though it looks like he goes out of his way to harass them
>>55751905 I remember a couple in Telekino city talking about how their old neighborhood had no problems besides a lack of diversity so they worked to fix that. But then suddenly the neighborhood had a bunch of problems so they moved out to their current one which has no problems besides a lack of diversity.
That seems pretty unironically racist unless you assume everything in the game is a joke.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>55751984 Well there's also Polony City, which is probably the worst city in the game because it lacks any jokes whatsoever and is just very flatly "Trump and conservatism are based". Regardless of what you think of Trump, he is the racist anti Christ to these people there's no way they could've missed or interpreted it any differently
The issue here is not even really whether Clover or Opalo are more racist or subtly racist or whatever the fuck, it's dumb people coming up with bad reasons to dislike games that they often only dislike because more popular people dislike them - and also you frequently have it going vice versa, people coming up with bad reasons to like games they often only like because more popular people like them
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>>55752048 *missed the commentary
I mean maybe it's possible they just never played postgame and/or never went to Polony, but that's still being ignorant
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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>>55750545 I remember seeing Lancea a while ago kek, what a card
>It's not entirely enough to salvage them as they struggle extremely hard going second since their starters don't float like a lot of modern decks do Yeah, it's a shame, but I don't mind them staying a meme deck desu, it'd certainly be a lot worse for them if they started being competitive and get their ridiculous archetype cards like Medallion limited kek
>>55751976 Yeah, going after Vince of all people and telling him to make a better game is probably the lowest hanging fruit there is kek
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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My rabbit deleted 4 of his mons with scarfed earthquakes I knew investing in rabbit stocks was a good idea
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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Well it appears the game did not like me getting more pots
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Opalo's controller support seems broken. Has anyone else gotten it to work without a middleman program like Joy to Key? Additionally, the screenshots don't output to the normal Essentials location(s). I hear a noise when I press F8 but I'm not sure what the directory it's placing them is at.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>55752785 no, I have to use j2k as well
>>55752953 >>55752785 you guys just want to make new bread now
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>>55752994 I'll be be busy with work for at least another hour, we are playing Opalo right?
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BBNDbros... not even the romhack and fangame developers like us anymore...
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
I don't remember is this shiny color the same as reborns? Either way good job for whoever decided to use these colors
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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>>55753083 That was Reborn E18's shiny Garde iirc
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>55753112 Yeah, he found his way into that Divulgence thread instead of our threads and got scared off my Musk's autism kek
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>>55753141 well, not just that
reminder to everyone to protect your account here, the evil hacker 4chan might steal your credit card info
>>55753141 How did they even end up in an archived thread before this one?
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>>55753228 tried looking it up on google kek
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
Can someone explain why even in an area you can't even get to until you are around level 60 there are trainers with NFE mons?
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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It's funny that in the story you get the chance to capture Garchomps and Trapinch is still a 3% encounter on the same place
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>>55753284 The trainer just prefers Wartortle to Blastoise.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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i'll make new opalo multi LP loaf i guess
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>55753141 Well I actually had been here first lol, I enjoy reading your threads.
But in a previous thread here someone mentioned that people were talking about the Divulgence character bios, I got curious so I went there to check what they were saying.
Thats about it.
>>55753228 Same thing as above, I just didn't have any reason to talk here before lol. Mostly cause the captcha annoys me and I am way too lazy to add something to automatically do it for me.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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>>55753465 desu I was talking about CrystalStar, who wandered in to the divulgence thread today
I saw you say at one point that you said/implied you lurked these threads a while ago, so I wasn't particularly surprised to see you post