>>55750247Most of it is either made up bullshit, or stems from circularity fallacy and poor understanding from other cultures. All sorts of social roles across tribes that libtards arbitrarily decided to call "genders" while having little to do with gender.
Take for example the fa'afafine in Samoa, the so called "third gender". By most accounts they're conventionally women, born male, assuming conventionally female roles. They aren't a third gender, socially they still move within the binary, they're just picking the opposite. In fact they dress and act more feminine than your angry murican girlboss will ever do. That's not even new, even in the West historically a very small percentage of males crosdressed and assumed female identities - but that's still within the binary logic. Males, choosing to live like females. Non binaries, they/thems and all that gender horoscope bullshit that appeared the last decade or so is made up.
I wouldn't be surprised if the only true trans were the minority of dysphoria folks that I mentioned above and have existed since forever, and the rest are just brainwashed by the sect. Maybe even "trans men" were never a thing and they're all mindbroken girls, who knows at this point.
And go figure, for hundreds of years the fa'afafine never felt the need to cut their genitals or stack themselves in hormones.