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Quoted By: >>55752295 >>55752298 >>55752303 >>55752331 >>55752795 >>55752832 >>55752850 >>55753674 >>55753677 >>55753725 >>55754000 >>55754351
>no sprite animations (a feature gen 2 crystal had)
>no ability to transfer old mons (a feature gen 2 had)
>No day/ night circle (a feature gen 2 had)
>introduced the dogshit soft reboot formula to mon design
>Introduced the dogshit team rocket knock-off hunts legendary story
>Introduced the dogshit natures aka you caught the wrong pokemon feature
>even more babies including a trans baby
>Dogshit map design
>Literal faggot homosexual characters
>Seagulls in every route
>Legendary bloat
>Ms paint edgy fursona tier designs
>degenerate pandering with the first ever intentional waifumon
>Degenerate pandering with the first ever fursuit jobmon starter
>Started the pikaclone thing
>no postgame after a gen that had a whole region as a postgame
Holy fuck these "games" suck ass
>B-but the third version had content that should've been there to begin with!
>no ability to transfer old mons (a feature gen 2 had)
>No day/ night circle (a feature gen 2 had)
>introduced the dogshit soft reboot formula to mon design
>Introduced the dogshit team rocket knock-off hunts legendary story
>Introduced the dogshit natures aka you caught the wrong pokemon feature
>even more babies including a trans baby
>Dogshit map design
>Literal faggot homosexual characters
>Seagulls in every route
>Legendary bloat
>Ms paint edgy fursona tier designs
>degenerate pandering with the first ever intentional waifumon
>Degenerate pandering with the first ever fursuit jobmon starter
>Started the pikaclone thing
>no postgame after a gen that had a whole region as a postgame
Holy fuck these "games" suck ass
>B-but the third version had content that should've been there to begin with!