>>55757004Pokemon games all say right on the box that basic reading ability is needed to enjoy these games, and most people at least skim the manual for the basics before jumping into new games. It's part of the experience. If you just tossed it aside that's on you. The only other thing they could have done here is put the chart somewhere in the game itself, however at the time not only did games come with printed manuals as the norm so they did exactly what players would have expected, but how shit the gba's screen was meant the chart would have been a lot harder to read in game AND having it in the manual made it more accessible. Having to interact with the wall to read the message, exit it to open the menu and open up the braille guide, write down a letter or two, close the guide to get back to controlling your character, then repeat until you got it would be far clunkier than just pulling up the message and leaving the manual open to the chart while you transcribe the message all at once.
Don't tell me your parents never picked you up after school and surprised you with a new game and you spent the ride home reading over the manual? Or gotten stuck on something and looked through it to see if there's something you're missing? Or at least really wanted to keep playing but it's time for bed/school/whatever so you'd take the manual with you to read and look at the artwork so you could enjoy that game's world just a little longer?