>>55807815>>55808592>>55828448I invite you to expand your perception of the Pokemon world, which surely allows more diversity than you might at first think. It probably has a nickname, and lives a life with it's trainer. Perhaps this Alakazam's Special AT/DF IV and EVs are low because it was one of the dozens of Abra bred for a competitive trainer, but lost the lottery there so it was leftovers - but has high AT/DF IVs; not only that, but the local biodiversity of a remote area is small, so on the rare chance that it needs to battle (unlikely), then it probably only has a few species it would ever encounter, hence low EVs. Perhaps this one only just now turned "Level 16", and it already used all of it's "Power Points" today while levitating it's owners across the water to arrive at the only local piece of arable land. Maybe they only use it's special power for especially impossible tasks, but most of the time this Alakazam just lives a normal life.
Not every Ponyta is a racehorse just like your Japanese animes, nor every Jigglypuff a primadonna, etc. Not every Alakazam measures to the height of precisely Four Feet Three Inches, naturally some are shorter or taller. Some probably have smaller or larger ears, or darker or lighter features, or different colours entirely (aka Shiny, which we only see one variant of). Pokemon are not one-dimensional carbon copies of every member of the species, instead they are all different just like people are. The representations we see are just the average. AJ in the anime showed that not all Pokemon need to faint immediately when confronted with the Type they are weak to - you can train for that. Similarly, an in-game house is not a few sprite shoulder-widths wide, it's bigger on the inside. Every trainer would not begin in Pallet Town to follow a linear predefined gym route. Everything in-game is a distorted representation of how it would actually be.