>>55761009Too easy.
Terrible pacing with shit like Pokestar Studios and the roadblocks that don’t even let you breed or catch basic Unova Pokemon until the postgame.
Worst implementation of difficulty modes I’ve seen in any game ever, the number of different ways they fucked it up is pretty hilarious.
Worse story than BW1 and Ghetsis becomes even more of a clown.
Battle facilities are massive downgrades of the BF; Treehollow is just a casualized Battle Pyramid and the PWT is just a worse Battle Dome with nostalgia pandering thrown in to cover the shallow easy gameplay.
Legendaries thrown into your face during the story for no real reason. Seemed extremely lazy.
Very noticeable reused dialogue if you play it right after BW1. It kills the immersion that it’s supposed to be a sequel and it makes the game come off as another 3rd version they only put 5% more effort into.
Overall worth one playthrough but it’s still not very good.