>native bluette sexo commences >rg clears through the first region, becoming le champion, then gets gangbanged by native terrorists >orevald wins the fucking jackpot at wonder trade >while bunken beats up faggots with his farmerfetch'd >meanwhile, ashime begins noticing certain....(((things))) about this region, while he's progressing through the soience reddit town >another anon experiences the masterpiece of polish that is v13.5 rejuv and ose heads to Floral Tempus's final battle >What is this? This is a thread where a bunch of autists come together and play shitty fangames. Join if you want.
This is Pokemon Opalo, or Opal. It has 16 gyms, a story about native Americans n shiet, and there's some regional variants and fakemon starters. It's also Spanish and has a shit English translation, but that just adds to the fun.
This game has been done in the past by a tripfag, but other tripfags haven't played it, so might as well revisit it for the lulz.
>Download link >Archive
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>55762744 And make Kyogre pay for it!
Feels like atleast half of the region is overwhelmingly based, while the other half is the opposite.
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>>55762763 basically like real life america
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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This is what I'm going to go to the pokemon league with. I'm overtaxing Tangrowth for a lot of switchins, but it'll be okay for an easier game I hope.
>>55762744 kek
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Oh nonononono bros, the game is jokingly referencing the stereotype that Spaniards and Latinos are lazy as fuck, how could this evil Spanish dev be so racist?!
>>55762763 That's a good summary for quite a a few things.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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Speaking of Urmumium.
>>55762776 uhhhmmm, that's self-internalized white supremacy, chuddy
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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You can get this fat fuck by entering the code 18-02-20 in a cave in Galerna city and for his neutral special, he wields a gun.
>>55762796 Kek.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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And here's the solution for people who don't want to bother
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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Nobody expects the Spanish inquisition!
>>55762870 >W-why is the Gardevoir so sticky? RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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Rate/10 So ez I forgot to screen the regional Lilligant kek
Posted it in the previous thread by mistake How would you rate Eric games from best to worst? I still have to play Pokemon Z, but it has been fun how Gamefreak released AZ after all. Also, Mundanez happened before Larry, and Pokemon Iberia before Scarlet and Violet
>>55762901 we've only played anil and opalo, or at least others in this thread have done anil
i think the consensus will be that opalo > anil by the time we're done.
what are the other eric games? i know there's titan but that said it wasn't in a 'playable' state on its DL page and pokemon iberia
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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>>The le evil laugh from soulstones oh no no no
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
So I guess this fag was the actual ""leader"" for this fragment
>>55762906 Pokemon Titan, Pokemon Iberia, Pokemon Añil, Pokemon Opalo and he is now working in Pokemon Z which is set in the French Revolution and makes AZ and the War happen there. There is a Rotom guillotine, a Cofragigus torture machine, a Sirfetch with a baguette, and a wine evolved form of Cherrim between other regional mons
For me, Opalo > Iberia > Añil > Titan. Iberia is very good but you have knowledge of spanish memes, politics and culture to enjoy it to its fullest
Pokemon Z is still in an early stage and won't be 100% completed until probably 2026, but has the potential to surpass Pokemon Opalo
Eric is also planning to start the Añil version of Johto
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>>55763024 It's really fun hoe Gamefreak announced Pokemon AZ just six months after Eric released the first version of Pokemon Z
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
And it's Owarida, kinda anti-climatic that he didn't have a full on meltdown like last time and that he kept the same team you had to defeat 4 times
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>55763024 Got it, all sounds pretty interesting. We'll have to check out Iberia at some point, the only thing I know is that trannies sperged over some of the regionals in that game because they didn't understand Spanish culture (like Jynx being a minstrel blackface performer or some retarded shit when it's clearly supposed to be a flamenco dancer)
>>55763041 gg bro. any last thoughts?
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>Carbink >Little (Pi)dove oh no...
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
Overall it was average to meh, the story had some retarded moments but nothing too retarded and the gameplay didn't have any major standout changes, difficulty on the first half was miles higher than in the second half and that is pretty much it, the main thing pulling towards meh was the lack of responce from the game if you beat certain fights against higher level stuff and how many areas made the game perform like Scarlet and Violet on a emulator
>>55763044 >>55763088 Thanks (remembered to say it this time)
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>55763094 >>There's also Diancie statues at the entrance OH NO...
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Wow, that sure isn't ominous or anything, also to say that the match against this fucker was close would be an understatement, why does every trainer have Ground leads? A fucking Mamoswine no less, I can't even use Sceptile to deal with it.
>>55762901 Anil was okay, pretty much just FireRed, a lot of the neat things from FireRed got removed and not much was done to really improve upon Kanto, which I think kinda defeats the game's reason for existing, like I said, not a bad game, but sorta lackluster, Opalo so far has been a pretty great experience, I'm enjoying the game for what it offers, I never heard of Titan though and I'm not familiar with Iberia either.
>>55763041 GG.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
This game seems to have quite a few special mon encounters.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
RG, how far after the league is the nature-swap service? My Dragapult is basically unusable with a -Atk nature.
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
>>55763110 >>55763130 Thanks, just checked the Opalo savefile I had and I stopped right after the second gym when I played it last and since people are already way past it and I already play slowly I feel like it's better to sit this one out
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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If you catch or beat this mossy bastard you get a lucky charm, which you can exchange with this cowboy for an old amber, I never get to use the fossils and when I do they're stuck way too fucking late in the game, just amazing.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>55763170 It's 1/8 badges in, so not too long
Just be prepared to fork over the shekels kek
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>55763176 I have a mountain of shekels doing nothing but funding Lemonades right now, so that's fine. Is it 10k per mon per natureswap like the ability swap service?
Would you anons like me posting several pics of Pokemon Z info and regional Pokemon? Asking because I don't want to be in the way of anons posting their Pokemon Opalo experience BTW, there are 12 Gym Leaders in Z, called "Regents", the rulers of their lands
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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The quality screencaps just keep coming kek.
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>>55763202 go for it if you want, but we will probably do a Z playthrough at some point
>>55763171 it's okay, i think bunken is only past the third gym himself, and another anon also started up a playthrough just last thread, but if you want a break that's fine
>>55763186 kek
i think it's 100k unfortunately
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>>>>>He has a Scrafty
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Mundanez is well trained!
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>>55763202 >and regional Pokemon? Yes please.
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>>55763249 His uncle trained him well
The first batch of Pokemon Z regionals Kricketune is Bug/Fighting. By the way, in the game there is a new status condition named bleeding, caused by moves like Slash. A Pokemon with that status condition will receive critical hits easier Raichu was Electric/Poison or Electric/Dark, I don't remember now The wine thing is the evolution of Cherrim and is Grass/Poison
>>55763282 Two more ones. Lilligant is Grass/Fire
>>55763287 I forgot to add pic
>There was another pic with more regional forms Royaleon is Normal type
>>55763282 >>55763304 Someone needs to feed that pikachu.
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Some new regional forms after that pic: Wailord
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>>55762930 He has the same shitty posture as Falapin.
>>55763331 And the starters, which he's explaining this week
Chessnaught is Grass/Ground, with Super Luck ability and a grass attack that hits x2 against Flying types
Delphox is Fire/Electric with a Venoshock electric move with paralysis instead poison, and an ability that gives it 20% of chances to paralyse the opponent with contact moves
Greninja, we'll know tomorrow or in 2 days
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>>55763106 If you want to pick up a girl then step 1: Beat up her pets. Step 2: Brand her ass with your phone number.
Step 3: Your done.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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wew, Cefireon almost got me again, forgot it had Lightningrod kek
>>55763297 >>55763304 Lilligant's my favorite desu, PorygonZ is pretty good too
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>>55763342 >That Delphox >Fanart of feminine pokemon goes out of its way to make it masculine Every time. Why are they so scared of girly pokemon?
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>>55763310 Pikachu fell deep into the cocaine hole after his show with Ash ended and has lost a lot of weight. But atleast he didnt get aids like Ash did.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Rate>Rock team vs a half water team
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>>55763373 Non Tomboy Misty/10
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>55763024 You know that Eric is a racist chud right? Giving his games a platform is a bad thing.
>badges? No it's not. I'm pretty sure about 3 badges are unobtainable. Hell where is Damiens gym even?
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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>>55763342 I hate that chesnaught, why did he make it so slim? Don't soil baramons like that he should have been made even bulkier
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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Yay, can't wait to have to deal with this fag again
>>55763399 Were already playing his games, you dont have to try and sell us on them.
>>55763405 Isn't Damien's gym supposed to just be in the same place as Ryland/Adam's? Been a while
>>55763304 Spritework is definitely a lot better than Opalo or any of his other games, though not crazy about some of the designs
I like the iron maiden cofagrigus a lot though
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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>He actually did it Holy based
>>55763427 Maybe if you focused on being a better person instead of being a racist chud you would have better grammar.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>Dragon Darts isn't in the game and they gave Dragapult Dual Chop instead >King's Shield isn't in the game >Regileki is in the game but has only Volt Absorb as an ability I've been jewed by the wonder trade in ways I never thought possible.
>>55763399 Sounds like we should play more of his games then.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Rate the based Jobberchu killer So what shillmons are we missing now? Can't wait for Grenigger to get beheaded or some shit kek
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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Vera is following her liberal white woman urges to get beheaded in a third world country despite everyone telling her it's not safe there.
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>>55763464 She can use her hair as a fishing bobber/10
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Holy kek it actually fucking happened.
>>55763443 xister, how do we respond? This game is portraying third worlders accurately.
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>>55763478 they're just getting culturally enriched, what's the problem here?
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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New thread banner image?
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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I've been drugged and organ harvested. Truly the authentic third world experience.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Basedence city.
>>55763202 I'd love to see the stuff Z has to offer.
>>55763282 I like these, they feel pretty creative while still sticking to Pokemon's artstyle.
>>55763297 Waifufags are gonna love that Lilligant.
>>55763342 I do not like these, at all, Chesnaught looks terrible, Delphox looks really bad, I get not looking starters that look way too feminine, but this just sucks and Greninja just looks like ass as well, for as much as I dislike it, it's design is pretty solid, they just made it fat and stupid.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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>Dark leader >When Gala has a Hi-Jump Kick Mienshao Hariyama also secured some ko's with Vacuum Wave so Gala would target the higher HP darkmons
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>55763478 They are rising up against colonialism, no meaningful protest is ever peaceful.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Damn bros, I guess it's over kek Thou I think I'll stop for now anyways
>>55763510 >Waifufags are gonna love that Lilligant. Nah I hate Hisui Liligant, it looks like a butch lesbian.
>>55763510 Headbutt is not very effective against Rock/Metal types.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>55763539 kek.
>>55763529 So you believe violently removing the source of the corruption is justified in any case?
>>55763549 well unless there's a democrat president in office. yes.
>>55763529 That pink hair was legitimately a SJW trying to advocate for their rights.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>>55763557 Not only that, but the vehicle also had the leftie president of the region in it.
>>55763549 Corruption has its roots in human greed. The only way to get rid of greed is to completely purge it.
>>55763552 Joe Biden doesn't represent me, I voted Bernie.
>>55763557 She's a symptom of the problem. Who gave her the right to advocate for them?
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>>55763564 >She's a symptom of the problem. Who gave her the right to advocate for them? This kind of thinking is how you get shipped off to reservations desu.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>55763564 >The only way to get rid of greed is to completely purge it. I just read
>The holocaust didn't happen but it needs to You're a bit chuddier than you give yourself credit for. Are you sure we're not rubbing off on you?
>>55763572 You're wrong because I never said Jewish people ruled Germany and were greedy.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Not surprised a kike would mistreat a dog.
>>55763373 Alright outta 10.
>>55763478 Kek.
>>55763529 HAH, while I still living in hell ie Brazil, I constantly heard stories and even saw first hand the things these mutts do, they kill each-other on the regular for the title of cacique, constantly go out in what's essentially jihads against farmers from neighboring regions, they kill people who are actively trying to help them while crying "we waz victimz an shieeet", they have protected territories and even gain monetary support from the kike government and several health organizations and they STILL cry about things being unfair to them, it's fucking laughable.
>>55763544 I'm fairly certain it's just meant to look like a ballet dancer, but you do you.
>>55763547 Clearly you're not headbutting them hard enough.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>55763587 >Every billionaire is jewish or supported by jews >Blackrock and Vanguard, the largest hedgefunds in the world, are jewish >The real estate crisis is caused entirely by jewish corporations >The federal reserve is near entirely jewish Stick to your principles. Nearly every cause you champion has its roots in judiasm. You said
>The only way to get rid of greed is to completely purge it. You know what has to be done. Get the flammenwerfer and you may be accepted into the Fröhlichwaffen.
>>55763626 >while I still living in hell ie Brazil I'm so sorry bro. I'm glad you got out alive.
>>55763626 Ballet dancers are infamous lesbians, to be fair.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>He works the fields and already knows how to address me
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>>55763430 >Isn't Damien's gym supposed to just be in the same place as Ryland/Adam's? Been a while Dunno, I also don't know where Ryland and Adam hold gym battles since after a certain point this game seems allergic to having you fight gym battles at gyms.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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Fire starter gets a special-based intimidate when Mega Evolving. Given regular intimidate is its hidden ability, this makes it very easy to set up and sweep with.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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Nah, they have tiny hats and hooked noses.
>>55763632 Based and thanks.
>>55763634 Since when?
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Does this game have raised odds or did I get uncharacteristically astronomically lucky?
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>55763746 I think you've just been very lucky. I was blessed with the godly Heracross and Tyranitar in Floral Tempus; it looks like it's your turn for good shinies.
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>>55763539 Thats a pretty soulful ending.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
I knew coming to the third world was a mistake d e s u.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
>>55763547 Bullshit! I have been in a fair few moshpitts, and headbutting is very effective when rock or metal is playing.
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>>55763783 Fucking third worlders, cant even lynch me right!
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>>55763766 Sadly I can't use either, but it's neat I suppose.
>>55763783 >Got drugged >Got robbed >Get to be kidnapped, probably to be murdered Gala, if we get out of this, we can have OUR OWN normal family. Somewhere with a more positive social income.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Dr. Chud PhD.
>>55763815 They took my fucking kidney too.
>>55763823 He becomes a house nigga too. Anonymous
>>55763823 But your feeling are only valued at 3/5'ths of mine, so i dont care.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
I know RG posted her already, but she's cute enough to be posted again.
>>55763840 kek
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
I hope there's a lot of quality japanese movies here.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>55763858 >waiting at a bus stop next to a snorlax FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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Nigger this is Pokemon not Made in Abyss.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
>Hmmm, suppose there exists others with enough sensibility to hear Astrem's words >But this means nothing! >>55763835 KEK, I guess his dreams came true.
>>55763840 Lmao.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Wait.....the MC, Derringer, Gala, Gala's dad and the MC's mom.....that's five.....NIBIRU NOOOOOOO!
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Whiteouts: 6 I think? Fucking Ground types......and on top of everything his Gliscor is EV'd to outspeed everything and live through Ice moves, oh joy.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>55763860 picrel
>>55763879 The rest of the game is just the quest for the monster effect negate to keep comboing.
>>55763887 no enemy pokemon have any evs
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>>>>>>There are Hypnos inside the spooky abandoned chapel
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
Never fucking mind, whiteouts: 5.
I thought there was no way Blazicken and Golurk would pull through against the Gliscor, but Blazicken survived with 3 HP and KO'd it back, due to Speed Boost it managed to clean most of his team up until Grimmsnarl came along, then Golurk took it from there and destroy it alongside his Durant, that was clutch.
>>55763889 >POV I had a Dragon's Mirror in my hand all along >>55763893 That's strange considering the only Pokemon it wasn't outspeeding was Nagadel and Nagadel was also barely doing any damage to Gliscor too.
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>>55763885 Are those rules for before or after they have been branded?
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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Taking a break for now, anyone's seen either the apples for Applin or the appliances for Rotom?
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
>ebola-chan, I choose you!
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
so when RG beat shit like madame moto and virtualization he powered his house for 3 days?
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
So there's a whole second set of 8 """badges"""? Interesting.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
legitimately got some tears from me, gut punch outta nowhere
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>55763953 >Implying MM and Virtualization's battles were exciting rather than anywhere between annoying as fuck and retarded Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>55763966 I meant when you completed them, the feeling of freedom released that poke essence
I have enough points for Renegade assuming everyone hates me.Life or death for Karen the schizo wizard?
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>55763979 Keeping the schizo wizard alive while fucking everyone else over as much as possible sounds like the renegade thing to do.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>55763979 she took the mega ring, fuck that bitch
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Quoted By:
>>55763971 kek, if the general feeling of 'thank god I will never have to suffer this shit again' can power my house, my power would never go out again after I finished Virtualization
Though more seriously, by the end of games like that, I'm mostly just tired and want the shitty ride to end kek
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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>>55763879 Should have summoned Baronn- Oh wait the whore is dead
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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>>55764108 I always try to find a cow or pig with my name. Makes it more fun.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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So do all the (cute girl) gym leaders have quests? I noticed one with the Steely redhead back in East Cefira
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>>55763979 NTA, but everytime I see this choice, I'm like "fuck them both"
>But muh Life Orb Just inject it, fuck you Jan.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Why is there almost always one instance of electrorape kek Has it always been there, and Siggy just made us take note of it?
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>>55763464 >Draw a Xatu >Call it Dugtrio Why is this allowed?
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>>55764153 Dr Sigmund's "discoveries" have been a great "argument" against resistances.
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>>55764153 I think it's just an easy way to make a torture scene for a despicable villain without actually killing anyone. All you have to do is get some kind of stock electricity effect and you're good, instead of maybe disfiguring the character's sprite or something and then having to make a new spritesheet. Though I guess Reborn ended up doing that later when they had a much bigger team
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Well bros...I know what I'm doing kek It's pretty cool having a 50/50 on doubling your coins
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
>>55764175 they really ruined the alliteration they had going, should've had a palkia
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Quoted By:
Yeah, that was really quick kek
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
The fire starter is pretty nuts after you get its mega evolution. It has clowned on both of the major fights in this section of the game singlehandedly.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
weird the regional abonmasnow had the poison heal gimmick but wasn't a poison type, they usually are I think.
>>55764211 If they were poison type they wouldn't be able to get poisoned
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
>>55764226 my brain don't work
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
>almost get sweeped by munadez's snow leopard persian he's gonna beat the shit out of his old coworkers
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
The schizo delusions are evolving
Quoted By:
>>55764276 aww you’re holding hands
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>55764289 This drains Necrozma's light to watch.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>55764295 Maybe if I can get my hands on some of his toys, we can purge the region together, after getting anyone bearable out, of course
Quoted By:
>>55764307 i'm not sure there's any light in this region for necrozma to absorb
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Whiteouts: 13 Had no outs for a +2 Scizor kek>Uses the Regional Flygon twice
Quoted By:
>>55764329 he even says his defeat quote twice, he's probably just going senile
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Quoted By:
I can't get enough of the cringe laughing sound effect kek It was probably the funniest thing to come out of soulstones, and it's even better knowing it came from here
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
I like that old red looks like professor oak, also fuck vera
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
is that just the american flag pokemon
Quoted By:
>>55762823 LOOK AT HIS BALD HEAD!!
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
oh boy yeah a lot of them are wrong
Quoted By:
>>55764446 >Filename Top kek
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Quoted By:
>>55764505 kek
Quoted By:
>>55764505 Missed oportunity to put an NPC saying "would you mind? I'm fixing this."
Quoted By:
>>55764505 if you pay jan 100$ on patreon he'll send you a link to the actually functioning rejuv copy after a few months, no bullshit
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Yeah...gonna go with 'no way, fag'
>>55764532 make sure you do the film studio sidequest in this city, it's kind of funny and it'll make a later event make more sense
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Quoted By:
>>55764545 No, definitely not
>>55764564 Assuming I'm not already locked out of it, noted
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Quoted By:
I know we had a Sarafag at one point
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
>>55764712 man my estimation of opalo/placement on my tier list really was tainted by troon seethe over it and it being a long time since i played it, i really forgot about all the SOVLFVL little touches it had
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
I think I'll stop for the night
>>55764712 The engine truly is great if it can have these types of cutscenes. It doesn't look much, but it's great.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Quoted By:
>>55764807 It's just a set of images at the end of the day, but the effort put in makes it really sovlful
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
proud to be an american, where at least I know I'm free~
Quoted By:
>>55764900 >Union bird Yuck
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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your son was soul snatched by a sentient tree, and you're not even gonna go and see him?
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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seems like a great spot to stop for the night
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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RIP Psyduck. That sidequest was actually sad.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
On top of everything else, she's a fucking fujo.
>>55765022 not to mention the black dude is definitely bigger and stronger than her husband, that's fucked up
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>55765049 Ebano is going to become the wife's boyfriend very quickly at this rate.
>>55765054 oh shit, i should mention for one of you guys, when you eventually get to the papa loto rematch (or for anyone who hasn't reached his first fight), make sure to lose to him, the cutscene is definitely....something
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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Both Mundanez and Massa have their pelvis' shattered that night.
>>55765061 Noted.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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I'm sure this standard will be applied uniformly and consistently.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
This game's custom animations in cutscenes are pure sovl.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>>55765217 Salamence supports the LGBTQIA2S+, he's not a chud like you.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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Despite this narratively having every business being a win the battle, lose in the cutscene scenario, Mosh insists on giving up his advantage out of a sense of sport.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
This chud game won't let me go into the woman's bathroom. Xisters, how do we respond?
>>55765366 You have to transition before you can go into the female bathroom chud.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
It's time to savescum the casino by backing up my save file.
>>55765386 I'll never be a woman no matter how big my tiddies get or how butchered my penis is and neither will you.
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>>55765424 Don't be frustrated, there's still hope for you to change and become the women you've always wanted to be. I suggest talking to your therapist before taking the next steps. That's what I did.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>I would vote in my own interests if I weren't owned by gibs Dangerously based.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>California inspired town >Has a man who will make your pokemon troon out kek
>>55764802 By natives is he talking about the local pokemon?...
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>>55765209 I honestly really dig the amount of effort put into this game, the creator really went out of their way to make it their own game and not just a patreonfarm.
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>>55765577 Does 41% of them also learn Self-Destruct?
no overlap type + no overlap generation scizor is such a great design truly one of the best pokémon ever
>>55765577 I think that town is supposed to be Vegas to be fair
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Oh you ladies have quite the "measures" alright.
>>55764276 Awww.
>>55764289 Welp, if Insurgence taught us anything, is that this is not gonna end well.
>>55764505 Undertale and it's effects on the internet have been disastrous.
>>55766215 >Welp, if Insurgence taught us anything, is that this is not gonna end well. What happened in insurgence? Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>55764900 I'm genuinely curious how you get the Dixie variant, I know it's in the files and I even tried evolving Farfetch'd to see if I could get it, but no dice, I don't want an Union turkey.
>>55765577 Frankfurt school at it's finest.
>>55766221 Oh you know.....a little boy fucking his Kirlia ended up spawning a psychic antichrist that would transform the whole world into furries.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>55766237 that's empyrean not insurgence
>>55766237 >Oh you know.....a little boy fucking his Kirlia ended up spawning a psychic antichrist that would transform the whole world into furries. How does that happen? Kirila isn't even a legendary like mew or mewtwo so I can't even believe that something like that is possible. >>55766243 >that's empyrean not insurgence What's with these fangames and being super edgey? Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
I wasted 32 ultra balls to catch this bastard and he beat the shit out of nearly all my team while I was trying to catch him, thankfully his IVs are top notch so I think the hustle was worth it.
>>55766243 Shit you're right, I just got back from work and didn't have my morning coffee yet, brain is all kinds of fumbled.
>>55766255 Empyrean's lore is fucking bizarre and it all starts after an ancient queen gets way too personal with her Pokemon, considering there's the whole people fusing with Pokemon thing, which isn't even treated like a grotesque thing, I'm pretty sure the dev is a furry.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>55766295 I was more worried you were gonna come back and say "they both do it"
>>55766255 I attribute that to "Gamefreak would never do THIS kind of story" and the general levels of degenerate of fanfic writers
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>>55766314 Considering the whole Deoxys thing in Insurgence......maybe.
>>55766255 There's a race of chessnigger super aliens that wiped themselves out, one of them managed to get into psychic contact with Bill from KANTOOO and Bill then brainwashed some kid into fusing with his Kirlia, somehow the act of fusing with a Pokemon lets the chessnigger gods take you over and makes you become extremely powerful, then this somehow also gave birth to an even more powerful psychic god thing that lets them summon the ultimate chessnigger god that can oppose Arceus
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Pokemon fangames and stealth sections, what a couple.
>>55766314 I think it's also Essentials being a relatively easy engine to work with so people can make their stories as needlessly "epic" or "dramatic" as they want
Though I guess romhacks aren't much better than Essentials in that department
>>55766356 I don't think that's a stealth section?
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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Wouldn't the force of the explosion risk destabilizing the the walls of this cave and put our lives at risk? This is a terrible idea, but sure thing game.
>>55766374 Nope, it isn't, but you can technically sneak up on one NPC.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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I'm not sure what's more depressing, not being able to use Aggron or realizing the dev nerfed the absolute shit outta Nagadel, no more Beast Boost, special attack got nerfed slightly, it's good coverage like Flamethrower is gone, I might as well just use Dragalge by this point.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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Y-you mean that Bruno of the KANTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Elite 4 trained here?
>>55765737 Haha...yeah, let's go with that
>>55765812 Based Scizorchad
even if I personally prefer Scyther Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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There's a death sentence......and then there's this.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Why is that spanish fangames are always the ones with the best sexo?
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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Neat>Fairy/Fighting >Skill Link >Rock Blast, Arm Thrust, and a Fairy multi hit move Shame I can't use it
Why do these games cram politics in? Are they even fun?
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>55766078 Vegas is one town back with the casino. This one has a big Hollywood sign, movie industry and everything in it. Unfortunately that also means picrelated exists.
>>55766459 Spanish fangame devs mog everyone else across the board if Eric and Elena are a big enough sample size to go by.
>>55766482 This game is actually fun as a game at least.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Are you aware that Dragalge's poison is able to melt through the thick steel sheets of ships and submarines Mr.President, would you like a demonstration of what happens when said poison comes into contact with human flesh?
>>55766459 Because they're made by people who aren't stuck up retards.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>Fighting leader Trivially ez, though mega Blazichuck could definitely be scary had it not suicided with Flare Blitz
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>The game actively comments on the (((degradation))) of culture in entertainment.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>55766530 >>55766532 >He knows about the demoralization social engineering ops Anonymous
>>55766506 I'm talking about the sex, not just the quality. Althought it's also surprising how many light years ahead spanish fangames are too
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Oh yeah, I got to head out of the country for a business trip next week and I doubt I'll have any wifi (or time), you guys will probably all finish Opalo by then so don't hesitate to start another multi LP or anything
>>55766506 Reminds me of how even the German Eon Guardians even though it was a very mediocre game, did increase the tit size for every model it took from the main games kek
American fangame makers are just built worse
>>55766518 GG, everything after this is pretty much going to be high speed plot until the end of the game iirc
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
He's right, dying by the fangs of my dragons is a much more fitting fate.
>>55766530 >>55766532 >>55766535 Fucking based!
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>55766338 Ok after digesting all of that all that I can say is. Why is it always "I can kill god" Why not just something less highstakes like I can and will be the new pokemon champion or at least something more down to earth.
>>55766295 >Empyrean's lore is fucking bizarre and it all starts after an ancient queen gets way too personal with her Pokemon, considering there's the whole people fusing with Pokemon thing, which isn't even treated like a grotesque thing, I'm pretty sure the dev is a furry. Yeah I'm pretty sure that would be pretty odd for most people
>Dev is a furry It suddenly makes sense he must have a transformation fetish.
>>55766314 >I attribute that to "Gamefreak would never do THIS kind of story" and the general levels of degenerate of fanfic writers Yeah I agree sadly shock value for no reason does not mean that the story is good.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>55766545 >Movie script wants to whitewash a villain as misunderstood This game is so on-point sometimes.
>>55766544 Enjoy your trip wagebro. Don't fly Boeing if you can help it.
>>55766536 >I'm talking about the sex They're not afraid to let their women be beautiful and to let their men be heroic and masculine embracing the ideals of their gender which is, in turn, attractive.
In this game Mundanez' arc is one of the best male examples of this; he starts as a doormat stuck in his wage cage and goes on a journey of self-mastery over the course of the story.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>>55766571 Bad writers think that the more scope there is, the higher the stakes get. Bad guy blowing up universe = high tension even though that's not really the case in a lot of stories, and they can't write tense low scale conflict
>>55766574 >Don't fly Boeing Kek, will do
But thanks bro. Thankfully this huge buff black guy I know from the gym who spots for me has agreed to help look after the house with my white girlfriend, so at least that's sorted out
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>The natives started to take note >Something terrible was noted in the air and in the Pokemon, afraid, it looked like they were fleeing from something >The catastrophe that Astrem had prophesize was about to unfold and it shake the whole planet >>55766544 Good luck on your trip bro.
>Eon Guardians engorged ladies One of the few based things Detergent made was altering the female spriters to make them much more gifted, funnily enough a similarly crappy game.
>>55766571 I would not be shocked in the slightest, he made an RPG on steam as well after he finished Empyrean, one of the main characters is a scaly OC, so yeah, the game definitely has some fetishes.
>>55766574 I mean, there are plenty of retards (and kikes) who still openly pretend (((Stalin))) and his lot genociding millions of Slavs by starvation is not a big deal, art imitates reality as usual.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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Oh shit, I think I found Octavius.
>>55766610 and it would shake the whole planet* fucking typos.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>55766544 Thanks, good luck on the trip
>>55766571 Because just being the champion is le boring
>>55766610 /pol/ is wondering where you ran off to. You’re far from home.
>>55766574 >>55766516 >>55766459 The thing is that spain is one of the most feminist countries in the world but on the same note is one of the most pro-LGTB ones, so you get both male and female devs openly making attractive characters without fear because everyone will enjoy the result, they won't face critics for unrealistic depictions of x body or anything like that because it's made from and for people who like then all.
Funny how the official spanish Pokemon game ended up similar but with romantic characters instead (cuz children can't get sex obviously) and there are a ton of sensible and personal relationships with both men and women that fans ended up loving
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>55766610 >and his lot genociding millions of Slavs by starvation is not a big deal Last I checked their current rhetoric was
>Holodomor didn't happen but if it did they deserved it >>55766623 Would ask out for a date in the elevator/10
>>55766633 >Noooooo s-stop noticing goyim >>55766654 >cuz children can't get sex obviously It doesn't stop Nemona from trying her damndest to groom the protag in S/V anyway kek.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>>>>> He knows. Shut it down.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
It's hilarious how little sense this question makes linguistically with no context of the pokemon setting yet makes so much sense within the context of pokemon.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>55766696 Does the game's political elements even work in the context of the series? Most of these games forget about the Pokemon despite being the driving force of the franchise.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>55766623 She can uphold my law any day outta 10.
>>55766633 I haven't browsed /pol/ in nearly a decade, last I've been there the board was a fucking joke full of retards who wanted to pretend they're National Socialists but they don't have any standards or values, sure they're race aware, but most of them are a bunch of loonies with confirmation biases who are just riding the wave to try and push for their own agendas instead of actually standing up for what they claim to believe.
>>55766654 Oh I'm all too aware of how Jewed Spain is, sure the place and it's descendant nations are much more lose when it comes to stuff like politics and gender, but they're also very degenerated.
>>55766671 Every. Single. Time.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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Bugfags being the whiny liberals of the Pokemon world feels rather accurate.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
I can't believe I've fought like ~3 6v6s in this entire game so far
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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Wait, it's been actual in game weeks since the whole government shitfit, how hasn't Derringer reached Astrem's shrine by now?
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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Edgekino is back on the menu bros
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>The people who control hollywood use it to whitewash their misdeeds and portray themselves as saints >>55766703 Superficially it works a bit better than most of the games that hamfist politics into their script, but it still leaves a lot of unanswered questions and dangling threads when you think about it for longer than a few seconds
>Game makes a big push for human-pokemon equivalency in sentience and rights >Native American-standins acting entitled to the land when pokemon were the first settlers When you realize that key detail, they no longer have any moral justification for basically anything that goes on in the story, and the galarian colonizers are completely in the right as their civilization works in tandem with the pokemon and improves the quality of life for everyone involved.
I'm holding out to see if Gala throws this at Snake Granny or her bro as the big rhetorical gotcha later on or not.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>55766734 Haha..
When the game tells you to head to the mountain, make sure to prepare your team (don't bother with healing items, focus on stats or natures). It leads to the one area in the game that could be considered rough and there's a point of no return
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>55766715 >degenerated You mean based. Bisexuality is the sexuality of the gods.
>>55766772 I don't think there's a single woman in the entire world that actually would like to be with a man they know has taken it up the ass by another man
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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Do Ii even want to know what this schizo was talking about kek
>>55766756 Noted
I probably need to replace Hariyama and Lanturn desu, maybe I'll go look for Gallade's mega stone and use him, especially now that I have the Drain Punch TM
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Ooh, maybe I'll use this thing, I just got it's mega stone too
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>>55766571 >>55766623 I mean outside of Gen 8 and 9 dogshit a pokemon league champion is powerless, why would an evil team member care about getting ceremonial title?
>>55766784 You really have to get to know more women then
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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>>55766801 >>Sheer Force Steam Eruption Haha...
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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They actually change the advertisement after Apollo gets elected, SOUL.
>>55766764 Hahahahaha.
>>55766772 The purpose of life is continuing our legacy and following a path free of self-destructive tendencies so that we can improve upon the foundation nature set out for us, if you want to wallow in the mud of degeneration like the shit skinned parasite you are, you do you.
>>55766814 I have, and all of them loved LGBT shit but didn't actually like interacting with it personally
>>55766830 Try non hypocrites
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
How does this redditshit exist in this setting when he's seen "magic" firsthand?
>>55766703 >>55766754 And right on queue after I type this
Apolo has gone off the deep end and tried to automate pokemon warfare. .
>>55766814 >>55766845 "You're going to make someone so happy someday!" is probably a common phrase you hear, no?
>>55766833 Opalo has an ingame r34 gallery that unlocks when you beat the game apparently.
>>55766571 Well let's look at the villains in all the pokemon games:
>Gens 1 and 2 >Want to be the mafia Nothing big here.
>Gen 3 >Want to destroy the land/sea I mean, this is huge stakes here.
>Gen 4 and LA >Want to use Satan/God to reshape the universe in their image This is where all these fangames are getting their stakes from.
>Gen 5 >Wants to conquer the world A big wind back but still pretty high.
>Gen 6 >Wants to use a genocide weapon to kill everyone who doesn't meet his ideals Okay and now we're back to crazy high stakes. And also edginess, if we're not playing it down like GF does.
>Gen 7 >Wants to unleash a plague of reality bending alien pokemon, wakes up an alien that would consume all light and leave everything in eternal darkness Bit more of a fantasy plot, but still high stakes and edgy.
>Gen 8 >Absolute fucking retard is worried about an energy crisis so unleashes an evil space skeleton that turns pokemon into kaiju Much lower stakes now, to be fair.
>Gen 9 >Closest thing to a villain is a professor who wants to fill the present up with pokemon from the past/future A problem, but not as high stakes as gens 3-7, so it's clear they're winding back.
But yeah I think people's problem is that what they expect out of pokemon villains is Gen 1-2 with Giovanni and Team Rocket, but Gamefreak themselves abandoned that scale all the way back in Gen 3 with Team Aqua and Magma, so it's a bit dumb to expect fangames to do 'jerk is cheating to win the Pokemon League' or something else no stakes. The real problem with fan material is all the sex/murder/torture shit, not the villains wanting to conquer/destroy the world.
>>55766869 >has an ingame r34 gallery that unlocks when you beat the game spaniards... I kneel
Also post it FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>>55766869 Pick one nigger.
>>55766895 If the art quality is decent, perhaps. Still got to beat the game first and do any other postgame stuff I want to show before risking a tempban.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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Anunakki Deoxys theory lets go!
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>>55766869 You can stop projecting mate, we are having fun and I'm giving you real advice
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>55766833 Another cute girl lost because of liberalism.
>>55766895 You can just download the game and check the art files, it's that simple, the download link is in the OP link.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>55766887 >The real problem with fan material is all the sex/murder/torture shit, not the villains wanting to conquer/destroy the world. Honestly I'd say even that doesn't really matter as much, obviously a Pokemon story becomes more distasteful if it does any of those, but the real biggest problem is that so many of these faggots just flat out suck at writing
Lack of coherence, no idea how to write tension and conflict, stuffing the plot with a bunch of random bullshit, god awful pacing, cast bloat with uninteresting and unlikable retards, pointless and annoying drama for the sake of drama, etc. are all way bigger sins and are committed much more frequently
>>55766895 It'll probably get catboxed once tripfags reach postgame, but the mega link is in the OP and you should be able to see all the images in the graphics folder
>>55766869 Just make a gallery in imgur and post it later bro
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Was doing a bit of wonder trading to see if I could get another Dragon or some interesting Fire type, came across this, looks different from the one RG showed earlier, so I'm guessing there's multiple Lilligant forms.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>55766959 Mardi Gras Liligant looks decently good but is obtained a bit late ingame. That's a good thing to get out of the wonder trade earlier on.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
This just makes me sad.
>>55766966 I get that this game has to accommodate for a lot of Pokemon and such, but yeah a lot of mediocre or just alright ones got stuck way too late into the game because of it.
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>>55766869 Bisexual paldean here. In almost a decade I can only remember one girl who hit on me without knowing I was bi (and boys who hit on me clearly expect me not to be straight)
Maybe it's because we are that pro lgtb but the idea of chicks defending queer rights and feeling turned off by bi men is completely alien for me, in my experience it's literally the opposite
Again, could be a spain thing, I've barely been in other countries
>>55766939 >so many of these faggots just flat out suck at writing Well yeah, I'm just talking about in the context of 'feeling' like Pokemon.
>>55766936 Thanks anon I will tr-what the fuck
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>>55767008 Hey, it's the birthday boy. Happy Birthday!
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>>55767008 Arceus Sinjoh Ruins event but with historical moments. Probably.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>>55767008 all right that's it I'm gonna play it now
I must know where does hitler come into play
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>Accidentally PokeApophis >It will eventually eat all creation >Do nothing about it >Creator race dies out >Few of the created species even know it exists let alone how dangerous it is Anuniggers I kneel.>>55766987 >I get that this game has to accommodate for a lot of Pokemon and such, but yeah a lot of mediocre or just alright ones got stuck way too late into the game because of it For what it's worth, many of the later regional forms have really good movepools and abilities even if their statlines are low for that point in the game. I'm considering raising the regional Flygon variant myself but I'd have to shuffle a bunch of things around on my team.
>>55767008 Didn't Hitler being in the game's files make discord dilate furiously?
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>>55766993 I get you. At this point I guess I'm so desensitized to fangames not feeling similar at all in tone to the main series, so things like a character getting killed barely registers anymore. Rejuv definitely has lessened my tolerance considerably for just absolutely dogshit writing and it doesn't help that so many new games like Vanguard or SS2 seem to be following suit
>>55767008 Yeah, that's the other thing that trannies sperged over that wasn't le porn
It's used for an Arceus cutscene in the postgame, just supposed to be a trippy slideshow of images
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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>Image limit I can bake
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>>55767023 That description reminds me of Warhammer Fantasy's plot and that thing looks like a discount Giratina.
Eh fair enough, I just really wished they made fossils available earlier, I'm still searching all over for the jaw fossil so I can get a Tyrantrum.
>ingame r34 gallery, Hitler and discord seething wtf I didn't know spain was this based
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>>55767023 They did, and continued to dilate after learning the context
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>55767067 It wasn't even the Hitler or rule34 that did the game in. It was the fact that the game has a joke where if you start the game as a black character you have no money. They had a nuclear level melty over that one
>>55767085 HAHAHAHAHAHA okay I really have to play this game now
fucking based kek
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>>55767088 The funniest thing, is that the game is not even racist, unless you were just completely retarded and were illiterate you'd see the game was not racist despite some crude jokes and humor. Trannies had this nuclear level melty over someone who would probably be considered a leftist to anyone halfway normal
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>>55766941 Is he shocked by the branding mark on her ass?
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i