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183KiB, 1264x632, pokegirls_in_formal_outfits_by_serenashowcase_ddkned3-pre.jpg
Quoted By: >>55805789 >>55805790 >>55805813 >>55805843 >>55805850 >>55806545 >>55806607 >>55806784 >>55807419 >>55807816 >>55809036 >>55810692 >>55812152
This is especially true within the Pokeani fandom. It was always debates like Misty vs Dawn vs Serena being best girl, especially if you look at places like TheTopTens where if you type "Serena" in the search bar it's nothing but constant hate against her.
Is it just a ship thing? Nostalgia? Why don't we fight about Pokeguys the same way? Do we just like pinning women against each other like how we do in real life?
Is it just a ship thing? Nostalgia? Why don't we fight about Pokeguys the same way? Do we just like pinning women against each other like how we do in real life?