>>55833605>specifically samefags his own threads, makes attention whoring bait threads, never makes a thread without avatarfagging, instigates wars between users and mods for no reason, shits up the board like a skizo faggot, can’t go more than minimum 48 hours without an icy troon thread>noooo it’s you guys that are rent free! You’re so mad hahaha!Kys you attention whoring faggot, you can’t even go one day when you had the mos replied thread her here you are again. The absolute state of attention whores, you know full well you’d get honest discussion if you stopped using the faggot ivysaur photos but you’re teenage girl ass can’t stand not getting those sweet (you)s so you’ll trip up and use them like a faggot
Pathetic. I can’t believe you’re in your 40s