>>55836191>You're trying way too hard dude. OP is playing the video game, not IRL card tournaments.The same strats work in both, I've played both this game and the second game more times than I can count.
>Nope, Fighting types are the weakest in the game due to the number of cards that resist them,The Pokemon that are most often fighting resistant are almost always weak to lightning or grass so run an Electabuzz or Scyther. There's a reason beatdown decks were constructed the way they were.
>can't evolve so stuck at 70hp, also damages itself if you get tailsDoesn't need to evolve, it's better than most evolved Pokemon and 10 recoil damage is neglible, this thing will knock out a lot of basic Pokemon in just one or two hits.
>but the attacks on that card suckPoison and Smokescreen together are *incredibly* annoying.
>Same as HitmonchanMewtwo can do 40 damage on turn two with no downsides
>Requires full bench to be goodSo fucking easy if you run enough basic Pokemon
>Okay for a 1 stage mon but only 60hpNo, I said Ratatta not Raticate. It's a good utility monster. Ratatta is a free reusable Switch that can attack. Raticate actually is a big downgrade.
>50hp, garbage, you need AlakazamSuper Psy is insanely powerful at 50 damage, Alakazam is good but only in Damage Swap decks.
>Again, can't evolve so unable to upgrade, but is otherwise the best mon you mentionedDoesn't need to; 30 damage on turn 2, fighting resistance, 70 HP, can be used in literally any deck, no retreat. Basically Ratatta but much beefier.
>Therefore evolved mons are always betterLiterally not true because every evolution costs you a turn and many evolutions aren't worth the time. Nidoking and Beedrill both require you to sit through two painful stages that are complete garbage, Gyarados requires you to sit through Magikarp which is a sitting duck with zero good attacks. It's good but Dewgong and Articuno can do it better.